You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"It's really not a fool to sit on the prince."

Bibi Dong showed satisfaction. Since she couldn't prevent her daughter from marrying this person, she also had to let her understand that people in Wuhun Palace were not so easy to marry.

"Your Majesty, shall we monitor him next?"

Ghost Douluo asked.

"I don't care about him for the time being. Go and put some pressure on certain people. I want more than just gossip, but also practical benefits."

Bibi Dong's expression was cold.


Here, Luo Chuan and Qian Renxue who ate the forbidden fruit again experienced some subtle changes in their emotions.

They also didn't notice this kind of change, but felt that after the relationship between them went further, they became less and less resistant to each other.

The game continues.

Their team is invincible, and it is estimated that no one will be their opponent before encountering the Wuhun Palace team.

However, Luo Chuan was not in the game anymore.

He began to think about how to deal with the martial arts of Wuhun Palace this time.

After thinking about it for a day, he called the guard over.

Looking at Shen Jinming, Luo Chuan thought for a while and said, "Now I want you to do something very important, but it must be kept secret. Are you interested?"

"Willing to work for Your Highness!"

Luo Chuan clasped his fists, and the other three guards also nodded seriously.


Luo Chuan nodded: "I have given you the ghost steps and capture hands. Now I teach you a very important method. It is the key to the use of hidden weapons. I call it hidden weapons."

Upon hearing this, Shen Jinming, Zhang Wei and others showed solemnity.

Concealed weapons are an important matter related to the country, and the method of using hidden weapons has always been a secret. Now only Luochuan knows, and has not officially taught anyone.

Luo Chuan is willing to pass it on to them, which shows how much attention is paid to them.

"Time is urgent. Let's start now. I ask you to learn within a week. In the future, you will be responsible for teaching secret guards, and then from secret guards to the Royal Knights and gradually promote them in the army."

Luo Chuan got up and first taught the more basic methods of using hidden weapons. As for the more complicated ones, he would teach them according to each person's situation.

To become a royal secret guard, several people are very talented. They are the elites selected by the royal family. It is not difficult to learn.

Since there were no problems there, Luochuan had been teaching a few hidden weapon techniques. A week later, all the basic and commonly used techniques were mastered by the four major guards.

In addition to the basics, Luo Chuan also taught everyone an advanced hidden weapon technique to adapt to the hidden weapons he planned to promote.

After doing this, he called the four people together again and took out four medicinal plants.

These are not immortal medicines, but they are also top medicinal materials, which help improve cultivation.

"Eating them will improve your cultivation more or less, and then I have arrangements."

"Can improve cultivation?"

Helen looked at the medicinal materials with a faint fragrance of medicine in surprise.

"Well, it can indeed improve soul power. As my guards, your cultivation base is still somewhat low. These can help you improve more."

Luo Chuan faintly, in the past few years, several guards have also improved their cultivation bases, but for him, it is not enough.

But there are not many people available under him, so he can only spend some cultivation of medicinal materials to improve quickly.Xuanxuan Book Bar

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

The four of them were surprised to hear that the medicinal materials were so effective.

"Eat, there are still arrangements afterwards."

Luochuan waved his hand.

The four of them did not hesitate, and immediately ate them, digesting their power.

When the four became Luochuan guards, Shen Jinming was at level 76, Hailun was at level 46, Zhang Wei was at level 47, and Zhao Gang was at level 44.

After nearly four years of practice, the four people have reached level 79, 55, 56 and 52 respectively.

The Soul Sage’s Shen Jinming only improved to one level in about a year and a half, but he was actually quite fast.

Many people will not be able to break through the Great Soul Master in their entire lives, and being able to cultivate into a Soul Sage in middle age, their talent is even better than the two corners of the Golden Triangle.

As for why these geniuses become guards, it is very simple. Due to the limitation of birth, Shen Jinming and others are selected from civilians without any background. Only by working for the royal family can they come to this point.

And only the three major guards of the Soul Sect were about two levels a year, which was considered relatively good, but their strength was not much superior to those of Yu Tianheng and others today.

Therefore, Luo Chuan can only use precious medicinal materials to cultivate, except for his teammates, he can't find anyone to cultivate.

As for the medicinal materials are very precious, for him, good steel is only valuable when used on the blade, otherwise these medicinal materials are not much different from the weeds that grow in the ground.

After eating the medicinal materials, the four of them improved more or less after one day.

Among them, Shen Jinming successfully upgraded to level 1. After consolidating his cultivation base, he could absorb the eighth spirit ring and become a Contra.

And the other three guards, each of which has been upgraded to 3 levels, have not been able to break through the current level for the time being.

Such a rapid improvement, even if it was Shen Jinming, was a little dazed, and the three of Zhang Wei were even more excited.

Luo Chuan walked into the house when he realized that it had been absorbed.

The four of them saluted respectfully, and their attitude was more sincere than before.

Selling their lives to the royal family is something they shouldn't deserve when they become guards, but they can feel whether the master treats them well or not.

With this medicinal material, they were enough to willingly work for Luochuan.

"not bad."

Luo Chuan nodded and glanced at Shen Jinming: "Your martial arts spirit is an insect. It is more troublesome to find a spirit ring. I will arrange for you. When you are almost ready, I will find a suitable spirit ring for you."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

"No more nonsense, now you have nothing to improve for now. Now you are giving me a secret to return to the Yunwu Mountains and teach these methods to the secret guards there. I hope you can teach almost the same in the past."

Shen Jinming showed hesitation, "But, your highness is in danger..."

"If the Spirit Hall can't guarantee my safety, they don't need to be the holy land in the hearts of the world's spirit masters. Go ahead, take this letter to Su Gu, and let him do things for me."

Luo Chuan said solemnly.

He asked the forging of hidden weapons to speed up. Now that the situation has changed, it is impossible to hide in the mountains and old forests as slowly as before.

The equipment of hidden weapons must be accelerated so that the military can use hidden weapons as soon as possible. Therefore, the production of hidden weapons at the source must be increased as soon as possible.

"Yes, Your Highness, we will go back immediately."

Shen Jinming realized that this matter was very important and did not say anything.

"Pretend to be when you leave. It is not excluded that some people do not want you to go back safely."

Luo Chuan reminded him that now the situation in the mainland has changed, he estimated that the people of the Star Luo Empire would not be able to sit still, and would more or less stare at his people.

Shen Jinming and others are secret guards who are very good at hiding, and they leave silently before long.

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