Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 209 The Person Who Uses Poison The Most

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Seeing Yu Xiaogang doing this, Bibi Dong felt even more disappointed.

Does this person dare not even look at her?

How could I fall in love with this kind of person back then?

It seems that it is not a bad thing to let her daughter be with a more talented and stronger man.

She re-examined Luo Chuan, this time from the perspective of her spouse.

The first is the appearance, this kid is considered handsome, and the second is the temperament. As a prince, he is rich and superior, and few people can match.

As for talent, being able to be favored by the gods and descended to the throne of inheritance will inevitably surpass ordinary people, and the future achievements will be limitless.

In terms of status, as the prince of the Tiandou Empire, the future will be the lord of a country, enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with her.

The more she thought about it, she saw Luo Chuan gradually pleasing to her eyes, and she no longer objected too much.

At this moment, many people on the court suddenly fell, and Bibi Dong showed an unexpected look.

Doesn't this Star Luo Academy have the martial arts fusion skill? Why did it fall down before it was used.

Seeing the face of the fallen man, she frowned and said, "Poison, is it so powerful?"

She couldn't help but glanced at Dugu Yan, this woman has something to do with Poison Douluo, is she already so powerful?

"Oh my God, is it over?"

"I also want to see how they face the Netherworld White Tiger."

"It's boring."

There was boos in the audience.

Duguyan glanced at Luochuan: "Captain, you..."

"This is your credit."

Luo Chuan smiled.

That's right, he used poison to knock down his opponent, but except for the lone geese, no one else could detect it.

Very simple, he used the poison that was forced out of the Dugu Goose.

This kind of poison is more violent than the poison released by the Dugu Goose with its soul skills, but it is from the same source.

After he secretly used the poison, the poison that several members of Xingluo Academy suffered suddenly more than doubled, and easily reached the point where it was poisonous enough, how could he withstand it?

Dugu Goose is keenly aware that the concentration of poison gas is abnormal, and then he said that just now.

In the eyes of other people, it was naturally her poison that poisoned the Star Luo Academy and others who were fighting.

The Captain of the Star Luo Academy, who has not yet used the martial soul fusion skill, admired physically, and pointed to Luo Chuan and others unwillingly: "You!"

"What about us? Isn't poison a means?"

Yu Tianheng smiled triumphantly, his girlfriend behaved well, he was very proud.

Dugu Goose was slightly embarrassed. She only used a part of the poison, which was far from putting a few people down.

But since Luo Chuan asked her to accept it, she naturally wouldn't pierce it.

"Since you can't bear it, don't break your teeth and give up, otherwise it will be even more embarrassing to fall down."

Luo Chuan spoke calmly before he said that the latter could not bear to fall to the ground.

"If you win, you can't win!"

The latter gritted his teeth.

"There is so much nonsense, since he does not admit defeat, Tian Heng, knock out his teeth!"

Luo Chuan's face became cold, he was not interested in fighting these people at all, and he was still talking nonsense with him here.

"Okay, I've long seen this guy displeased!"

Yu Tianheng took a step, banged and fisted him up, and his teeth suddenly fell with blood.

From beginning to end, this person had no resistance at all.Find a book www.xunshu8.com

There was an uproar off the court, and the soul masters of the Star Dou Empire were filled with righteous indignation, and they accused Luo Chuan and others to take advantage of the danger.

"Since they think it's wrong, let's scrap a few more and continue!"

Luo Chuan coldly glanced at the people in the Xingluo Empire. The relationship between Tian Dou and Xingluo had become ill, so there was no need to be polite.

"Stop, we Xingluo Academy surrender!"

A voice that endured anger sounded from the leading teacher of Xingluo Academy.

"The deputy team of Tiandou Academy wins!"

The referee opened his mouth and glanced suspiciously at the people from the Xingluo Academy who were all poisoned on the ground, and said: "You can't make heavy moves in the game. Give them an antidote, or you will die.

Dugu Goose took out the antidote, thinking that the poison in these people had ingredients that could not be solved by itself, so he took out a liquid medicine, mixed it with his own antidote, and threw it to the seven people.

The teacher of Xingluo College turned gloomy and hurriedly drank the antidote to the students. He was relieved to see that the students' complexion recovered.

He glanced at Dugu Yan coldly, did not say anything, and left with the students dingy.

In this battle, because of the failure of the Star Luo Academy, everyone in the entire Star Luo Empire became depressed and didn't want to watch the game anymore.

Bibi Dong looked at the result and said to the students behind him: "Hu Liena, fight with them quickly, otherwise you will not have a chance."

"Teacher, is their poison so terrible?"

Hu Liena looked surprised. This was the first time the teacher reminded them.

"Once you are hit, even the Soul King can't bear it, let alone you."

Bibi Dong said lightly.

"is teacher."

Hu Liena's expression shrank and she couldn't help but glance at Dugu Goose.

At first she thought she was outstanding.

But now I understand that there is another woman who is even better than her, who is so poisonous that the teacher is also paying attention.

In the audience, Yu Tianheng said excitedly to Dugu Goose: "Goose Goose, I didn't expect you to have reservations. This one poisoned them so quickly."

"Ha ha."

Dugu Yan smiled, wondering if he should admit it.

"Just treat it as your hidden strength. Next time you will use it against the Wuhun Palace team. There is no need to say that it was my poison."

Luochuan secretly transmitted the sound.

Since there is a control spirit master who is good at using poison, he doesn't need to show anything.

Once recognized again, Dugu Goose was not ashamed anymore, acquiescing that this was his hidden hand.

The two did not tell the others, so that the two teachers mistakenly believed that Dugu Yan had retained the means, and they did not think it would be related to Luochuan.

In fact, the person who used poison the most was not Dugu Goose at all, nor Poison Douluo, but Luochuan.

He controlled the poison that Poison Douluo couldn't solve. Before, he had integrated tens of thousands of various poisons. Even Poison Douluo didn't dare to say that there was Luochuan Poison.

If Luochuan is willing, after he becomes a Title Douluo, he can also come with a poisonous title.

It's a pity that Luo Chuan doesn't care about this method, no matter how powerful the poison is, it is still a bit unsuitable, and as a means of hiding, there is no need to show off.

This finals ended, Xingluo Academy was defeated in shame, and the deputy team of Tiandou Academy won easily.

The reputation of Dugu Goose was so great that the people in Wuhun Palace knew about the existence of this girl, and they loved and feared her.

What I love is that it is beautiful and sexy, and what I fear is its terrible poison. This is a real beauty snake, which makes people only dare to watch from a distance and not to play with it, except for Yu Tianheng.

"Hey, these guys, don't know who put the poison on it."

Among the crowd, a man with a cloak appeared playfully.

His eyes are green, and his pupils are actually upright, looking like snakes.

This person was the poison Douluo who followed secretly.

Regarding the poison on stage, he was the third person who knew what was going on.

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