Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 211: The God of Hidden Weapon?

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"This uncle asked everyone how heavy it is."

Luo Chuan still smiled, looking very relaxed.

This team leader is called the uncle by them, but it makes sense, because this guy is nearly ten years older than them, so he can be an uncle.

"Uncle, it's not as heavy as you, I'm only one hundred and fifty catties now, haha."

Yu Tianheng was still the first to run out to taunt the enemy.

"Don't ask about the girl's weight, you are very rude."

Dugu Yan said with a smile.


Tong Jisheng couldn't stand it anymore, and he cursed directly. After the referee announced the start of the game, he was the first to rush towards Luochuan.

Compared to Yu Tianheng, who has a cheap mouth, he hates this guy who has always been innocent and wants to smash Luo Chuan's calm face.

His martial spirit is a kind of crocodile, attacking the soul king, and rushing to Luochuan in a rush of smoke.

"I attract one of the greatest firepower, and I will leave the rest to you temporarily."

Luo Chuan was a little on the ground and flew up into the air, stepping directly on the latter's crocodile head and foot.


Tong Ji was so angry that he turned to bite Luochuan, but he was a little bit close.

"Captain, don't get excited, this is their strategy, deliberately irritating us, keep calm and be careful of their poison."

Gu Yuena reminded that the furious Tong Jisheng recovered and hurriedly closed her mouth.

Not only him, other people also closed their mouths and spread their spirit power all over the body to form a protective layer, which can best isolate toxins.

This is how they went back to discuss how to deal with it after seeing the poison yesterday.

They are sure that the poison is spread through the air and contact. If you don't breathe the poisonous gas or let the lone goose touch them, you will not be invaded by the toxin.

In this way, with their stronger strength, they can completely quickly win Luo Chuan and others.

"How long can you last without breathing?"

Luo Chuan teased and guessed that the opponent was going to win the game with thunder.

Unfortunately, even if you do this, you can be poisoned without breathing.

"Everyone should separate and avoid fighting as much as possible. Let's test how long they can hold their breath."

He jokingly smiled, waved his wings, and walked away from the crowd.

This guy has the highest strength. Pulling out to fight can avoid affecting other people.

"Haha, boss, I bet this uncle can't hold it back first."

Yu Tianheng continued to attack Tong Jisheng, and his words made the latter tickled with anger.

He was obviously only twenty-five, and he was called uncle, how could he tolerate it?

"Damn it, where is such a nonsense!"

Yu Tianheng's opponent, the second soul king couldn't stand it anymore, and he beat Yu Tianheng with a stick.

His martial spirit is an iron rod with great power, and belongs to a well-regulated spirit master.

"It is not forbidden to speak during the competition. Would you like to change the rules in the Wuhun Palace next time?" Xiaoxiaoshuwu www.xxs163.com

Yu Tianheng's skin was thick and thick, and he was not injured.

He meant that he was addicted. He was not such a person originally, but Da Ren is really addicted, and he can't help being like Da Ren.

"I slap your mouth and watch you still say it!"

The latter's face was blue and black, and as the first spirit ring lighted up, the iron rod in his hand directly became larger, and he smashed Yu Tianheng fiercely.

"Thunder Dragon Claw!"

Yu Tianheng didn't keep it either. The first spirit ability was released, and while blocking the iron rod, he stepped back and unloaded part of his strength.

Before he knew it, he moved his opponent farther away.

The latter didn't care, waving the long stick, airtight, and constantly smashing Yu Tianheng.

Yu Tianheng was covered with electric lights. Although he was only level 43, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex was the top beast spirit with very powerful combat power. With the increase in spirit bones, even the soul king could fight.

Of course, he was definitely at a disadvantage under the Soul King, and he also learned Luochuan's method to pull people away, and at the same time constantly used skills to dodge or remove part of the attack when colliding, saving a lot of effort.

In this way, the other teammates are facing the soul sect, even if the level is a little worse, the gap will not be much.

In particular, everyone has mastered the ghost trail and is very strong in dodgeability. Even if they are crushed and beaten, Yu Tianheng and others have a lot of room for operation.

The best way is definitely to dodge the attack, which is the most labor-saving. If they can’t dodge, they will try their best to adjust their power with ghosts and lose some of their attacks.

Unknowingly, it seemed to be pressed and beaten, but in fact it became a fight, and what was supposed to be a team battle was turned into a personal battle.

Of course, there must be cooperation in the fight, but under the influence of Luochuan, the team battle did not form. Every time he approached, he would be separated by Luochuan.

Before long, the seven people in the Martial Soul Palace who were holding their breath and fighting were a little bit uncomfortable, and finally had to take a breath. This breath took in the poison gas released by the Dugu Goose.

The poison gas made them dizzy for a while, and they could only continue to hold their breath in order to reduce the inhalation of poison gas as much as possible, and increase the attack force as much as possible, in order to win the opponent.

But hitting, they have the urge to vomit blood,

These people's actual combat methods are very strange. They feel that they are fighting the slippery fish, always failing to hit the key points, and they are so depressed that they vomit blood.

They are depressed, but the audience is very excited. In most eyes, the battle on the stage is very fierce and looks dazzling.

And some strong ones can see a lot of special features.

"Hey, the evasion method of this group of people is a routine."

Bibi Dong's eyes moved, and he said to Ju Douluo next to him: "What is going on, have you investigated?"

"They will be here very early, and they didn't care about it before. Now it seems that there is something in this body."

Ju Douluo frowned and looked at the seven people with weird steps. He had a bad feeling in his heart. Shouldn't he be dragged to death by such steps?

"There is more than something, this method is definitely not simple, please pay more attention to it in the future."

Bibi Dong solemnly said, staring at Luo Chuan who is leisurely facing the enemy, his eyes flickered, and he thought to himself: "This body style is mostly related to this kid, and he is the most proficient in the presence."

She thoughtfully: "He also made the hidden weapon, and there is such a strange body technique. Heaven Dou Empire definitely didn't have these things before. It seems to have something to do with his inheritance of the god status. I don't know which god is good at these things. Never heard of it."

Different gods are good at something different. Like the Raksha god she accepted, they are good at hiding, devouring, and the power of darkness.

The Thousand Dao Clan that she hates is related to the Angel God. That God is good at light and flame. Is it possible that the god inherited by this kid is good at hidden weapons?

It's not impossible.

Bibi Dong's expression changed for a while, and he felt that he had some in-depth understanding of this god.

"For the time being, call you the god of hidden weapons, the god of foreign objects will not be too powerful if you want to come."

She thought firmly in her heart, but she didn't know that the god she thought didn't exist at all, at least in this world.

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