Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 213: We Won

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Luo Chuan was a little on the ground and flew directly, causing the two of them to rush into the air.

They jumped up to fight, but still couldn't touch it.

"Sorry, you can't hit me."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly, the flying martial arts soul is so special, especially he is still a swan, and can be regarded as a higher flying martial arts soul.

"Hmph, don't care about him, I'll deal with it, you should clean up the others first, I see how long he can stay in the sky!"

Although Tong Jisheng's face was ugly, he did not lose his mind and allowed his teammates to attack others.

"Stop, I haven't completely fallen down yet!"

A voice suddenly sounded, and Chris stood up with bruises on his face, the hot flames burning violently on his body, and the fourth spirit ring lit up.

The fourth spirit ability, volcanic lava!

A circle of magma-like power was directly released on him, and it rushed to the two of them like a wave.

In the face of this scorching energy, the two dared not ignore them, and had to release their spirit skills to collide with Chris.


Two hits one, even the magma was shattered, and Chris was beaten out again.

However, he also consumed a lot of the spirit power of these two people and panted violently.

"This dead pig can be beaten quite well."

One of them cursed secretly, making sure that Chris could not stand up this time, so he turned to act.

Luo Chuan was disturbed by Tong Jisheng's spitting out of energy balls and couldn't leave at will.

But Yu Tianheng and the Soul King with the stick had beaten each other to vomit blood, and neither of them got much benefit.

Graphite's defense was broken open by the two martial souls fusion, and his body was bruised, and Oslo was also covered in scars.

In contrast, Dugu Goose is better, her poison prevents opponents from approaching randomly.

However, the two who had freed their hands at the moment chose to besiege the Dugu Goose for the first time.

They have to solve this problem first.

"Haha, is it comfortable to see your teammates fall down one by one?"

Tong Jisheng smiled grimly, trying to see despair, anger and other negative emotions on Luochuan's face, but he was disappointed and didn't see it.

Luo Chuan still looked calm, and Feng Qingyun calmly avoided his attack.

"They do their best. It's normal to fall down."

Luo Chuan said indifferently that in this game, the teammates falling down does not mean they will lose.

The outcome depends on him, and his teammates just have to play one game as much as possible.

"Hmph, you still have a hard mouth at this time, wait for you to cry!"

Tong Jisheng's eyes were gloomy, and he determined that this person was pretending to just keep his teammates from losing confidence.

"Sorry, I don't cry."

Luo Chuan shrugged.

On the stage, Bibi Dong looked a little better as he watched the Tiandou Academy deputy team fall down one after another.

Ju Douluo on one side smiled and said, "It seems that the power gap is still too big, and poison is not enough to come back."

"That may be true."

Dudouluo retorted, joking in his eyes.

"Why, Poison Douluo thinks they can hold on until the poison is on?"

Ju Douluo was a little unhappy.

"It's time for the poison to erupt."

Poison Douluo gave a strange smile,

Both Ju Douluo and Bibi Dong had their pupils shrunk slightly, looking at the superior student, they faintly noticed something was wrong.

On the court, the Dugu Goose was under a pinch attack, did not hold on for too long, and eventually fell down as hard as he could.


With a violent collision, Yu Tianheng and his opponent were both injured and fell to the ground at the same time, unable to get up for a while.

After all, Oslo and Graphite were not Hu Liena's opponents after the fusion of martial souls, and fell to the ground unwillingly.

Suddenly, Luochuan was still standing there.

"Now, do you still think you can win?"

Tong Ji panted out of anger and stared at Luochuan disdainfully.

Some spirit masters in the audience cheered, congratulating the people in the spirit hall in advance for winning the championship.Worry-free Chinese Network www.5uzw.net

They have soul masters from the Spirit Hall, and there are soul masters from the Star Luo Empire. They are all people who don't want to see Tiandou Academy win the championship.

"of course."

Ignoring the voices in the audience, Luo Chuan nodded confidently and smiled meaningfully at the other's face.

"You talk a lot and absorb a lot of poisonous gas. How long do you think you can stand?"

Tong Jisheng's complexion changed and he hurriedly held his breath, but this time he held his breath and felt that his eyes were staring at Venus, his body shook violently, and he fell on the spot.

His spirit abilities could no longer be released, and his martial spirit quickly dimmed.

"No, I'm deeply poisoned!"

He showed anxious expression and said to the others: "Quickly, take him down, don't let him stand!"

But when he spoke, the teammates in front of him were like dominoes, puffing and falling down one by one.

"Do not!"

He screamed, the world became dark, and he fell to the ground.


Pointing to Luo Chuan's hand, he fell heavily on the ground because of lack of strength.

The people in the audience who cheered for the Wuhun Hall, and the duck that was pinched by others, suddenly couldn't call out.

Bibi Dong stood up suddenly from his seat, his face gloomy.

Ju Douluo could not speak, only Ghost Douluo smiled triumphantly.

The whole scene was suddenly quiet, and the needle drop could be heard.

A pair of eyes widened and looked at the stage like a ghost.

In just one breath, the people in the Spirit Hall who were holding the winning ticket just now all fell down like Jiao Maizi.

At this moment, there is only the only normal person left.

He has the wings of a swan, white and beautiful, with a handsome appearance, a tall and slender figure, and a jade-like temperament, just so quietly flying in the air, overlooking the fallen opponent.

This person is from the Royal Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire!

The one who fell was the Wuhun Palace players they had cheered for.


The supporters of the Heaven Dou Empire cheered.

They were so surprised that they had no idea that at the last moment, even at the moment when they felt that they were bound to lose, all the Wuhun Palace players were poisoned and fell to the ground.

What a familiar scene happened to the people of the Star Luo Empire yesterday.

However, this time, it took a lot longer, but it was even more shocking.

People in Xingluo Academy looked ugly.

They didn't expect that the people in the Spirit Hall had also fallen on the poison.

The master and Qin Ming looked at each other, and both saw the ecstasy in each other's eyes. Their students, when they were about to be disappointed, directly reversed the situation and stood to the end!


Ye Lingling, Xiong Zhenglin and Graphite jumped up happily.

"Did we win?"

Dugu Yan looked at the empty ring and asked weakly.

"we won!"

Luo Chuan nodded, "You have worked hard."

"Haha, we won!"

The bruised Oslo laughed.

Yu Feng, who had passed out, was awakened by the noise. He heard someone crying next to him and found it was Chris.

"Why are you crying? It's terrible, isn't it just a loss? We will come again next time."

He subconsciously comforted.

"Who said that the next one, we won!"

Christina crossed, correcting this guy's wrong statement.


Yu Feng was stunned for a moment, and then he saw that he was still on the stage, while all the guys in the Spirit Hall were lying on the ground.His face turned green.

This is a sign of poisoning.

It seems that they really won.

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