You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Luo Chuan wanted to get drunk, but his physique was too strong to get drunk. He drank a lot and was only slightly drunk.

Lying on the sofa, watching the happy appearance of his teammates and teachers, Luo Chuan smiled and was in a good mood.

In this world, he is relatively close to these people. As for Qian Renxue, that is an enemy, not very defined.

"Boss, thank you for leading us to victory." Yu Tianheng walked up swayingly, belching a wine burp.

"This is what we got together. Thank you, thank you teacher."

Luo Chuan pushed this guy away, otherwise the wine would be too strong.

"Just thanked, I'm going to thank other people, hey, this time I go back, I want to go home and show off."

Yu Tianheng was indeed drunk and ran over and bowed to each other with Oslo.

Dugu Goose blushed and walked over, making her even more charming and sexy when she was drunk.

"Captain, I know, the key point of the last two games lies with you, Tianheng did not thank the wrong person."

"I always get a little bit of strength. This way, it's mainly because you are fighting hard."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly. This is true. From the qualifiers to the finals, the proportion of his participation is the lowest in the team.

"Understood, but I still have to thank you, so let's give you a big beauty to hold."

Dugu Goose turned and pulled, and a soft body fell into Luo Chuan's arms.

Ye Lingling, who was wearing a purple dress, gave a loud cry. She didn't know that Dugu Yan would push her into Luochuan's arms.

The face that had been red from drinking, suddenly became even more red, and even his neck was dyed red.

"Lingling, seize the opportunity, don't leave any regrets."

Dugu Goose smiled meaningfully and turned to leave.

The two looked at each other, Luo Chuan was relatively calm, but Ye Lingling was a little flustered.

She gasped slightly, trying to get up, but because she was drunk, she didn't succeed, and instead fell on Luochuan's chest.

"Lie down first when you are drunk."

Luo Chuan smiled and stepped aside, letting Ye Lingling lie on the sofa next to him.

Looking at Ye Lingling, who was already developing well, Luo Chuan remembered that when she first saw this girl, it was four years ago. At that time, this girl was indifferent.

Ye Lingling sighed in relief and lay on the sofa, her blue pupils looking at the man in front of her, her heart beating faster.

When she thought of Dugu Goose's words, she suddenly had courage, and her red lips lightly said: "You...Do you like me?"

Seeing the embarrassment and shyness in Ye Lingling's eyes, Luo Chuan smiled and said: "I like it, why don't you like it, it's a pity..."

He wanted to say that he had a woman, although he was not as cute as Ye Lingling.


Ye Lingling bit her lip, her eyes a little unwilling, if she took the initiative, it wouldn't be like this.


Luo Chuan nodded and laughed at himself: "But I still said that I like you. This means that I am a more caring person, the big carrot in your women's mouth."

Ye Lingling's eyes widened: "Ah, you actually admitted..."

"Why don't you admit it, you have expressed your feelings, and I have to show my heart."

Luo Chuan shrugged and said, "I am possessive towards you. I honestly say that I want to own you. Even if I have other women, I am so bad. Do you still follow me?"

He said things thoroughly, and didn't want Ye Lingling to be too painful because of this incident. If the other party gave up on him, even if he didn't give up, Luo Chuan would not entangle him.

"I know." First Literature Network

Ye Lingling nodded: "Sister Yan Yan told me that all of you men are bothersome, and you are the prince, there will be more women in the future, and even if you become an emperor in the future, there will be 3,000 beauties in the harem, and I followed you. It is destined to be one of those three thousandths, and will not get all of you.

Luo Chuan was stunned for a moment: "No, I'm not a stallion, I shouldn't be able to marry 3000."

Ye Lingling was very serious at first, and she couldn't help but smile when she heard this: "You always have strange ideas. I actually don't mind how many women you have, as long as you have me in your heart."

Luo Chuan stayed again: "Really?"

As a woman in another world, he was influenced by monogamy. Even if he was a prince, he knew that there might be many women in the future, but he was surprised when he saw his own woman actually accept him.

"What can I do, I can't forget you anymore."

Ye Lingling looked at Luochuan deeply: "Actually, I paid attention to you since you deliberately started talking to me. Later, I found that you were not that annoying, so I had a good impression of you, and then you taught me seriously. The grappling hand and the ghost fan are walking around, encouraging me every day, and having physical touch, I am the only one in my heart."

Luo Chuan was moved when he heard it, and then felt a little guilty: "You only have me in your heart, but I am not only you in my heart, don't you feel unfair?"

"If you can say this, I know you are a different man, and I am willing to bear this injustice."

Ye Lingling smiled silly, "Moreover, you are so outstanding and your status is so high, how can I be worthy of you."

"Silly girl."

Luo Chuan smiled bitterly, this girl deserves to have grown up under the influence of feudal thoughts at this time, so understanding.

The more so, the more he felt owed to Ye Lingling, and he stretched out his hand to hug it tightly: "Don't say it, I promise that I will be good to you in this life."

"I believe you."

Ye Lingling smiled lightly. In this generation, she finally mustered up the courage to grasp her own man.

"You are so good, I can't help but want to kiss you."

Luo Chuan said and kissed directly.

On the other side, Dugu Goose smiled triumphantly, this girl finally took this step, not in vain to enlighten herself so many times.

"Goose, I want to kiss too."

Yu Tianheng ran over and hugged the lone geese.

The master drinking at the door coughed and turned awkwardly and walked out of the room.

The single dogs like Yufeng couldn't stand it and turned around.

Luo Chuan heard it and found that the place was wrong, so he simply hugged Ye Lingling, who was already soft, and went back to the room to continue.

Yu Tianheng did what he learned, and left with the lone geese.

"Boss and Yu Tianheng both have women, why I am so handsome, but I don't have them."

Oslo looked up to the sky and sighed, very angry.

"The teacher is not there yet, why are you in a hurry."

Xiong Zhenglin muttered.

"What are you talking about, brat!"

Qin Ming's ears were so clever, he couldn't help turning his head and staring.

"Teacher, don't be angry, the master is older than you, isn't there no wife."

Chris smiled, and what he said made Oslo and the others more comfortable.

There are still two old bachelors here, what are they worried about.

Hearing this, the master outside the door shook his head helplessly, and looked at Wuhun Hall subconsciously.

In the dark night, towering on the mountainside, in that high spirit hall, there is his former love, but it is a pity that he did not grasp it.

If he had Luochuan half initiative and courage, he wouldn't be single until this year.

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