You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!He suddenly turned his head and fixed his eyes on a soul sage of his own.

The latter had a numb scalp and shivered, "Wang...Master, you...what's wrong with you?"


The answer to him was that a tiger descended from the mountain, and Dai Yin attacked like a bloodthirsty demon.

How a soul sage is an opponent of a soul sage, let alone a bloodthirsty and violent state, his fighting power is more powerful, just a few strokes directly smashed this soul sage's head.

After killing this person, he still felt that it was not enough, and immediately rushed to the next person.

The people in the Star Luo Empire were all frightened and evaded one after another, but where did they run away?


Another person was under the tiger's mouth, his bones were all crushed, and he screamed to death.

Not only did she wear silver, but the other affected enemies also had red eyes and frantically attacked her.

Originally dominated by the enemy, but because some people were crazy, they instantly became confused and fell into internal fighting.

Although the people of the Heaven Dou Empire were also at a loss and didn't know what had happened, they would still grasp the opportunity if they were not fools to beat the dog.

They seized the opportunity, took the opportunity to counterattack, and immediately made the enemy die faster.

The earth is red with blood, and crazy people are even more crazy.

The people who entangled Poison Douluo were shocked and looked at the chaotic scene with some uncertainty.

"You still have mysterious powerhouses!"

He was a little bit angry and turned into anger. He thought he had made perfect preparations, but they still suffered.

Poison Douluo turned into a big green snake, vomiting snake letters from time to time.

He glanced around suspiciously, and glanced at the carriage.

"It's such a powerful mental power, comparable to Title Douluo. I haven't noticed who this person is before."

In fact, he was also very puzzled and didn't know who shot it.

He didn't think much, at least there was this mysterious powerhouse, he didn't need to worry that something happened to Luochuan, he could solve this guy with peace of mind.

"You are here to die, you probably have to explain here today!"

Poison Douluo sneered, without any worries, he directly increased his attack.

No matter how powerful the fusion spirit abilities are, there is no real master that lasts. This time they are increasingly at a disadvantage, being beaten back and forth, and it will be sooner or later that they will lose.

When they retreat, let alone the completion of their tasks, without the assistance of others, it is even more difficult to retreat safely.

Qian Renxue was also surprised.

He was the only person present who knew who the shot was.

"Spiritual spirit abilities are so evil, how could he have them?"

Qian Renxue couldn't help but look at the carriage, and once again found that she didn't understand this man at all.

I thought I knew the details of this guy, but suddenly realized that all she knew was the tip of the iceberg.

"What kind of freak are you, is it possible that this is also the power passed down to you by the gods?"

Qian Renxue was puzzled.

In the distance, the two men secretly observing the situation looked at each other.

"It seems that it is a bit difficult to make the Heaven Dou Empire suffer heavy losses."

"Well, I can't kill this prince. It seems that he is really not easy. There are still guardians by his side."

"The guardian this time is different from the previous one. I heard that the speed is very fast, and this should be a rare Spirit Contra."

"It's not easy, it seems it's right not to smash with him."

"Go back and report to the Pope."

The two discussed it, instead of disturbing the development of the situation, they turned and left.

As they left, Luo Chuan's eyes flashed in the carriage.

"Finally left, let alone keep your hands." 118 novels

He muttered, and flames appeared on his legs, and the right leg bones of the flames were spurred by the spirit ability and the flames swiftly moved. At the same time, the mind power increased, and the left arm bone of the earth was equipped with the spirit ability gravity control to reduce the gravity of the whole body.

Then he turned into a shadow and left the carriage suddenly.

His speed reached an incredible level, and it was completely a shadow walking through the night.

Due to the high speed and the cover of the night, the enemy master was killed by Dai Yin controlled by Luochuan. The others were busy beating the water dog and did not notice that anyone was moving quickly between the dead bodies.

Luochuan did this, of course, not running to play, but to touch the corpse.

To be precise, it is to harvest energy.

The Star Luo Empire sent more than two thousand people, among them there were more than two hundred soul masters. To him, this was simply a lot of energy.

For him, who is currently struggling to make ends meet and is lacking in energy, this is simply a gift, so he has no hesitation in killing these people, and even wants to massacre.

In particular, there are high-level soul masters, like the soul sage and even the soul emperor, he is very interested.

It is difficult for him to have a high-level spirit beast in the Star Dou Great Forest, but there is a high-level soul master here, which is enough to bring a large amount of energy.

Thinking of this is a little excited.

He quickly wiped his hand on the corpse, collecting several light balls in an instant.

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Broadsword Martial Soul."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Centennial Spirit Ring*3."

"Ding, congratulations for collecting 1000 energy."

This is just a soul deity, if the martial soul is decomposed, it can bring tens of thousands of energy.

But here, there are hundreds of soul-sovereign-level goals, and this level alone can collect nearly tens of millions of energy.

Luo Chuan's eyes fell on the corpse of the Soul Sage killed by Dai Yin, who was under his control, swished over, and raised his hand.

"Ding, congratulations on collecting You Leopard Martial Soul."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Centennial Spirit Ring*2."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Millennium Spirit Ring*2."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting Ten Thousand Years Spirit Ring*5."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting 10 million energy."

Luochuan's eyes were bright, it was a good harvest.


For him, who is currently struggling to make ends meet and is lacking in energy, this is simply a gift, so he has no hesitation in killing these people, and even wants to massacre.

In particular, there are high-level soul masters, like the soul sage and even the soul emperor, he is very interested.

It is difficult for him to have a high-level spirit beast in the Star Dou Great Forest, but there is a high-level soul master here, which is enough to bring a large amount of energy.

Thinking of this is a little excited.

He quickly wiped his hand on the corpse, collecting several light balls in an instant.

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Broadsword Martial Soul."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Centennial Spirit Ring*3."

"Ding, congratulations for collecting 1000 energy."

This is just a soul deity, if the martial soul is decomposed, it can bring tens of thousands of energy.

But here, there are hundreds of soul-sovereign-level goals, and this level alone can collect nearly tens of millions of energy.

Luo Chuan's eyes fell on the corpse of the Soul Sage killed by Dai Yin, who was under his control, swished over, and raised his hand.

"Ding, congratulations on collecting You Leopard Martial Soul."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Centennial Spirit Ring*2."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting the Millennium Spirit Ring*2."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting Ten Thousand Years Spirit Ring*5."

"Ding, congratulations on collecting 10 million energy."

Luochuan's eyes were bright, it was a good harvest.

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