Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 226 Crazy Krypton Gold

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Luo Chuan stood up with some excitement and walked towards the Royal Knights.

"Your Highness."

Seeing Luochuan coming, the Knights hurriedly came to salute.

"In order for everyone to have a good rest, you should clear the nearby beasts and soul beasts."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The knights acted again, clearing the danger centered on the camp.

Soon, Luo Chuan saw the light group again, and he thought about collecting it easily.

These light clusters have very little energy, if he hadn't seen it before.

However, after the energy can be collected in the air, this kind of energy can be collected without too much trouble. It is also very good if the accumulation is small.

After a while, Luo Chuan finished the experiment again.

"Sure enough, I can collect the energy of the dead creatures within my spiritual range. It's much more convenient now!"

Luochuan smiled.

He has always felt that touching the corpse to gather energy is troublesome and easy to attract attention.

Now that it can be collected from the air, this problem is perfectly solved.

Moreover, the new collection method allows him to collect small energy that he looked down upon before.

The amount of these energies is large, and after being gathered, it is still very considerable, and even enough to surpass the energy of those strong.

In short, it is much more convenient and faster to gather energy with your mind than touching a corpse.

He likes this upgraded change more than concrete.

Returning contentedly, Luo Chuan did not hesitate to choose to improve his mental power.

Now, whether it is to concretize the spirit of the martial arts or gather energy with the mind, he needs spiritual power.

Therefore, the mental power must be strong enough.

Each point of mental power requires one hundred thousand energy, and Luo Chuan is not polite, and directly raises his mental power to ten thousand points, spending more than 300 million energy.

He had to improve his mental strength by more than 30%, and he didn't feel too uncomfortable, and quickly became familiar with it.

"Ten thousand points of mental power are equivalent to a titled Douluo of the Spirit Element, but it's not enough, continue to improve!"

Luo Chuan thought to himself, glanced around, worried that if the improvement was too much, it would affect other people uncontrollably, and the shadow of others flashed and disappeared out of thin air.

Even Ghost Douluo didn't notice his departure.

This is the effect of combining the two spirit bone skills when the ghost trail is used to superbly transform.

Leaving the camp, he left a long way this time, and he stopped because he was sure he would not let Du Douluo pay attention.

"Did you spend 100 million energy to improve 10,000 spiritual attributes?"


He muttered to himself, spending one billion energy again, and continued to add 10,000 attributes on the original basis.

The next moment, the mental power instantly reached 20,000 points, which doubled directly.

The invisible mental power spread, making the surrounding vegetation and even the stones unbearable, shattered with a chuckle, and turned into powder.

Luo Chuan felt the changes in the world again, and he had experienced many such changes, but it was nothing more than a sharper perception and improved insight into the whole world.

Twenty thousand mental powers, no less than the 96-level Spirit Super Douluo, if it were not from the spirit system, he would naturally have an advantage.


Luo Chuan didn't reluctant. The spiritual and physical attributes are fundamental. As long as he can bear it, he can improve as much as possible.

He spent one billion again to increase his mental power to 30,000 points, and the surrounding void was distorted, and his mental power was so powerful that it affected the space!Starting Point Novel Network www.qidiantxt.com

This time, he felt a little dizzy in his head, completely red, with nosebleeds flowing out.

Obviously, his body can't bear it!

He hurriedly spent more than 2 billion to raise his physique attribute of more than 10,000 points to 30,000 points.

As a result, some of the mental power that could not be endured received a firm carrier and returned to normal again.

However, the sudden increase of more than twice the mental power and physique is too unfamiliar to Luo Chuan, he needs time to become familiar and master.

So he didn't promote it anymore.

Even if you want to improve, this improvement of your spirit and physique has consumed nearly 6 billion energy, and the remaining 2 billion energy cannot be improved much on the new basis.

"The spirit attribute is comparable to the 98-level Spirit Super Douluo, and the same physique is comparable to the 98-level Defense Super Douluo. Even if my cultivation base has not reached the Title Douluo level, the combat power is comparable to the Super Douluo! "

Luo Chuan thought to himself that now in the entire Douluo Continent, apart from the three peerless Douluo, Golden Crocodile Douluo and Sword Douluo, no one could threaten him.

When he became Titled Douluo, he could directly surpass Sword Douluo, enough to fight Peerless Douluo.

"The remaining energy, first increase the life of the spirit ring, this time my physique and spirit are already extremely strong, enough to bear all the spirit rings into a hundred thousand years!"

Luo Chuan muttered, summoning bleeding pupils, looking at the second of the eight spirit rings, krypton gold again.

[10,000-year spirit ring + 900,000 energy = 100,000-year spirit ring, which requires 100 million energy. Do you want to continue?]

Without any hesitation, he chose to continue.

The black spirit ring instantly brightened red, like a little red sun, emitting powerful spirit power fluctuations.

The second blood pupil spirit ring, reaching the 100,000 year level!

Then came the third and fourth... until the eighth spirit ring, all turned into one hundred thousand years, spending 700 million in one go.

Then, he summoned the Jiuxin Begonia, as a martial soul to save his life, he would naturally not be stingy.

Soon, the red light was so bright that it illuminated the Jiuxin Begonia more vividly.

Another 800 million energy was spent, and the 8 billion that was just acquired, only 300 million are left.

Not in a hurry to upgrade the spirit ring of the Golden Sacred Dragon, he temporarily left the more than 300 million energy as a backup.

"Krypton gold is really comfortable, but it consumes too much energy. I look forward to the next big battle."

Luo Chuan muttered to himself, instead of going back immediately, he sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and quickly got acquainted with the changes by controlling his own skyrocketing strength and experience before.

Over the night, the fluctuating aura on Luo Chuan's body has calmed down. Although he has not completely controlled the power gained from Krypton Gold this time, he has already controlled it initially and will not let people notice the abnormality.

Before it was bright, Luo Chuan secretly returned to the camp and ended this crazy krypton gold operation.

He spent more than seven billion in one breath. He was in a good mood and couldn't help whistling.

Yu Tianheng jumped out of another car and said with sleepy eyes: "Boss, don't whistle, I can't help but want to pee."

"Yes, I could hold back for a while." Oslo answered silently.

"Dude, I'm in a good mood today."

Luo Chuan smiled: "Go, go pee together."

"Add me."

Xiong Zhenglin ran out.

"And us."

The Shi brothers quickly followed.

Under the gazes of Dugu Yan and others, Luochuan and his team ran in the woods in a team to pee.

"Ling Ling, let's go too."

Dugu Goose took Ye Lingling and went to the other side to solve the problem.

Qian Renxue looked at this scene with envy. These people have friends, but she has none.

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