Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 235 Bring Me The Cannon

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Behind the college, there is a separate courtyard.

This is arranged for special personnel of the college, including teachers and individual distinguished students.

One of them, green grass, a slender girl in pink dress with long hair is lying in the arms of another beautiful woman in white, basking in the newly rising sun.

Her big ruby ​​eyes turned and covered with her small hands, peeking at the sun in the sky from between her fingers.

"Mom, you have been here for a year, didn't that brother Luochuan call you?"

The white-clothed woman smiled softly and said grotesquely: "Xiao Wu, do you hate your mother for keeping you under control? Your mother is not here. Are you afraid of fighting with others every day?

"Where is it? People only occasionally check with classmates."

Xiao Wu smiled awkwardly. She really likes fighting with other people. She doesn't dare to mess around with her mother here.

"You child is as aggressive as your father. This is not good. Once you provoke the strong, your life will be in danger."

A Rou laughed, a certain complex color appeared, that's how Xiao Wu's father was gone.

"Mom, I know, I won't cause trouble in the future, okay?"

Xiao Wu obediently drilled into A Rou's arms.

A Rou smiled and gently stroked her daughter's head.

Suddenly, her hand stopped for a moment and said: "Xiao Wu, the master is calling, you take care of yourself."

After saying a word in a hurry, her body turned into streamer and disappeared.

Xiao Wu was empty in front of her body, and her head fell on the grass.

"Damn it, why does this Luochuan brother suddenly summon his mother away every time."

She muttered angrily, opened her mouth and took a bite of the grass, and slowly began to eat.

Soto City.

Above the tallest tower, a beam of light emerged in the void, and a woman in white appeared out of thin air and fell from the sky.

When Shen Jinming saw that Luochuan's practice was over, he was planning to come over and report something, but when he saw this scene, he was shocked.

The white beam of light is mysterious and unpredictable, and the woman in it is as beautiful as a god, without a trace of firework, like a god descending to the world.

Qing Ming, who secretly protected Luo Chuan, was also shocked. It was not the beauty of the other party but his strength that was shocked.

"This is also... the guardian?"

His lips moved slightly, and he couldn't calm down.

"It's stronger than the one yesterday, oh my god, is this the treatment of the inheritor of the gods?"

Qing Ming felt that his worldview was about to be shocked. He had actually seen two Title Douluo, which was hard to see before, in one day!

Moreover, one is stronger than one.

Is this the benefit of the inheritance of the gods?

A Rou's long skirt fluttered and fell to the ground. He glanced at the other people, and gracefully came to Luochuan to salute: "The son."

With outsiders, she would not be called the master, but the son, which was agreed before.

This surprised Shen Jinming and Qing Ming again. Such a titled Douluo was so polite to their prince.

They didn't know what to say for a while.

"Well, you will be with me for a while, and you need to kill someone."

Luo Chuan nodded and summoned A Rou, mainly because of his transformation.

However, the White Tiger King and Pingtou Brothers have not transformed, so that they are still beasts after becoming pets, and they are temporarily not suitable for wars with humans.

"Yes, son." The whole novel network www.qbxswxs.com

A Rou didn't say much, although she didn't like killing much, but she knew she couldn't refuse.

"She's called Arou, the helper I called over, and she will attack Barak City next time."

Luo Chuan still explained, at least let his subordinates know who they are.

"I have seen seniors."

Both Qing Ming and Shen Jinming hurriedly saluted, no matter how they were called Douluo.

A Rou smiled slightly as a response.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with this mysterious Title Douluo, Shen Jin walked over quickly and continued to report: "His Royal Highness, Soto City has temporarily settled down."

"According to the original plan, let's go, and within two days, take down the city of Barack!"

Luochuan ordered.

The rest of the Hidden Weapon Corps arrived in the early morning, and now they have rested for a few hours, enough to march again.

It was already the second day when they came to Barak.

Compared with Soto City, Barak City is much larger, and a large number of fortifications have been arranged outside the city, and the towers are densely packed with defenders.

Obviously, Barak City knew that Soto City had been taken down by the Heaven Dou imperial family in a flash, and now he was ready, and the entire city was waiting.

"His Royal Highness, the city of Barak has 30,000 defenders. Now we are fully defending. We only have 5,000 people. I am afraid it will be difficult to take it down."

Qing Ming solemnly said.

This time, the opponent has more troops, it is impossible to take it even in a sneak attack, and it has been prepared, it is even more difficult.

"I know."

Luo Chuan nodded, if he could take the city of Barak with his strength, he wouldn't be able to call Arou over.

Summoning this level 96 pet is to cooperate with the four great martial spirits to attack.

"His Royal Highness can suppress them here according to His Majesty's wishes, as long as they cannot interfere with the border war."

Qing Ming proposed.

"No, I still want to kill them."

Luo Chuan sneered, if Barak City was not destroyed, this place would be nailed to the vitality of the Heaven Dou Empire like a nail, preventing them from fighting the Star Luo Empire with all their strength.

"But... we don't have enough manpower. Even if we have hidden weapons, it's hard to get in, right?"

Qing Ming was a little worried that Luo Chuan would go his own way.

Throughout the ages, if you want to attack the city, you don't need several times the strength of the defending army. Sneak attacks naturally have a certain chance to fight more with less, but this time the enemy is sufficiently vigilant that there is definitely no chance for a sneak attack.

With their only 5,000 troops to attack the city of Barak, which was defended by 30,000 troops, the hidden weapons were not enough to make up the gap.

"The troops are indeed not enough, but a Title Douluo is comparable to an army, what if there are five Title Douluo?"

Luo Chuan chuckled, "In addition, there is another weapon and power, but it hasn't been shown yet."

He waved his hand: "Bring me the cannon!"

The twelve cannons specially carried by the legion in a carriage were pulled over, Qing Ming took a look, he had never seen this special weapon.

"First aim the gun at Barack City, then rest, and attack tomorrow morning."

Luo Chuan allowed the team to rest fully this time. Next, he wanted to take the city and defeat the 30,000 troops. Even if the four great martial arts and one pet rush in front, it will inevitably be a very difficult battle.

After all, they are also defending and there are more people than them.

Next, the hidden weapon army surrounded but did not fight, making the soldiers in Barak very nervous.

But as time went by, they did not attack, and the defenders of Barak gradually relaxed, only because Luo Chuan and others dare not.

In the early morning of the next day, Luo Chuan suddenly opened his eyes and shouted, "Preparing to shoot."

The twelve specially trained gunners looked shocked and quickly took out the shells from the box and hit them, adjusting the muzzle.

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