You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"What's the matter, come here, go and see."

Kundera hurriedly said with a bad feeling.

"No need, I just came to you."

A faint voice sounded, and then a powerful force approached from the door, and a row of people was instantly shaken out, falling to the ground and vomiting blood.

The guards around Kundera showed nervousness and quickly stood in front of him, watching the palace guardingly.

A woman in a long dress flew in lightly, her red eyes glanced at the crowd, and landed on Kundera, who was protected by heavy guards.

"I want you to be King Barak, do you obediently follow me, or should I arrest you?"

Even so, Arou doesn't seem too ferocious, but everyone present knows that this beautiful woman is dangerous!

"Damn, what other people are doing, even an enemy can't stop it!"

Kundera said angrily, how long has passed since, his base camp has been breached, how can he calm down?

He looked at A Rou coldly: "You are alone, and you want to catch this king?"

"My lord, she... she is Title Douluo!"

A Contra next to him reminded in a low voice.

Kundera trembled: "How is it possible, how can there be a Title Douluo!"

Kundera, who had thought he could be blocked by his men, suddenly paled and weakened.

Title Douluo, three Title Douluo!

His camp currently doesn't have a Title Douluo, even if he still has five Great Soul Douluos under his hand, how can he stop three Title Douluos?

It would be very difficult to entangle a Title Douluo!

"Stop her!"

Kundera hurriedly backed away. He was really scared this time and was ready to escape.

He wants to run to the Wuhun Hall, only there can he be comprehensive.

"It seems that you are not ready to cooperate."

Seeing Kundera's reaction, Arou was no longer polite, the pink light on her body was bright, and nine spirit rings appeared.

Since she is a transforming spirit beast, she possesses a spirit ring like a human being, but unlike Luo Chuan, which is 100 thousand years old, it is a relatively good match.

Two yellows, two purples, four blacks and one red. As for why there is red, it should be because she is a hundred thousand year soul beast.

Not to mention her specific cultivation base, these nine spirit rings put a lot of pressure on everyone present.

Even if Kundera had five great Soul Douluos by his side, let alone three of them were specially invited by him, at this time, it was a question whether he was willing to fight Title Douluo to protect him.

"Hmph, what about Title Douluo, don't believe she can beat five!"

Kundera's subordinates hummed, cheered up the others, and then urged the martial soul real body, transformed into a white bear, and took the lead to attack A Rou.

As for Kundera, he was originally planning to retreat from the front of the temple, but this time he had no choice but turned and ran towards the back door.

He knew that he had to leave, and the soldiers outside might be able to stop the two Title Douluo, but this Title Douluo had hit here, and if he didn't leave, he wouldn't be able to leave.

A Rou looked at the white bear that was ten feet high and aggressive, with a calm face, raised her white jade hand and patted it lightly.


The bodies of the two are obviously not equal, but the huge body of the white bear is like a toy, screaming and flying out in a burst of pink light.


Others were shocked, this White Bear Spirit Douluo is a power attack type spirit master, even if it is an ordinary title Douluo, it won't be defeated so badly, right?

This situation only shows that this beautiful woman is not an ordinary Title Douluo at all.

Kundera's eyelids jumped as he watched, and hurriedly urged the martial soul in the dark curse, giving birth to a pair of wings to speed up the retreat.Zilang Literature

"I can't let you run away, otherwise I can't explain it when I go back."

When Arou saw Kundera driving away, she no longer hesitated, the spirit ring on her body lit up, and she ejected instantly.

The long skirt flew, and she kicked the other person, kicking the latter out, and with a bang, smashed a hole in the palace wall, revealing the outside scene.

At this time, the temperature dropped abruptly, and a piece of freezing power fell on her, causing her speed to drop immediately, while several huge vines emerged from the ground and entangled her.

"Controlling Contra?"

A Rou frowned and glanced at two of them. One turned into a snowman, which turned out to be a rather strange snowman spirit.

One is a kind of vine martial arts, this kind of vine is full of barbeds, and its lethality is not small.

"Beauty, don't rush over, stay and chat with everyone?"

The Contra of the Vine Martial Spirit smiled strangely, thinking that he had controlled A Rou.

"Not interested in."

A Rou's more powerful soul power was released, and the whole person instantly broke the vine.


The latter exclaimed, he is a control element, and if you want to break free from his control, even Title Douluo should not do it easily.

"No, she may be a Super Douluo!"

The other person turned pale when he thought of something.

"You gave me a reason to beat you!"

A Rou appeared next to the Controlling Douluo in a flash and punched out with a fist.

The latter hurriedly used vines to protect himself, but was still broken, and his nose was swollen and flew out, almost fainting.

The strength gap is too big, if Arou is only Level 91, they can really stop him with the cooperation.

It's a pity that A Rou has reached level 95, and it has risen to another level. Many of these people still have their own minds. Coordination is not very good. How can they stop A Rou?

Seeing her spirit ring light up several times, she passed through a few Contras, no one could stop her, and flew out with a scream.

"Come on, stop him for me!"

Kundera kicked the guard on one side. Since there were not enough people, he sent more people, as long as he could block it for a while.

At this time, the pink light in Arou's eyes was bright, and her charm skills were activated. The dozens of people who had stacked up in front of them were in a daze and stayed in place.

A Rou quickly passed through as a shadow and chased Kundera.

At this moment, Kundera had escaped from the palace, and his martial arts soul was the same as the royal family, but a swan, flying by himself and fleeing to the west.

He just took off, and the soldiers who stopped him were beaten into flight, and Arou caught up with him in a flash, which scared him to death.

The spirit ring on his body immediately lit up, and he rushed into the air, flying over the palace next door.

A Rou jumped on the ground, like an arrow from the string, and blinked to catch up with Kundera, who was fluttering wings, and slapped it.

Kundera fell like a broken kite, slammed to the ground with a bang, smashed the ground out of a hole, and fainted.

A Rou gently landed next to her, panting slightly, "Almost let you run away."

"Quickly let go of the king!"

The guards who reacted from behind chased him and surrounded Arou, but no one dared to go.

"If you want to save him, you can try."

A Rou was not threatened at all, and lifted the bloodied Kundera.

"It's time to deal with the master."

She thought to herself.

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