You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Elephant Sect belongs to one of the seven major sects, ranking sixth. Its sect is not under the jurisdiction of anyone, outside the independent empire and the major kingdoms.

In fact, not only Elephant Jiazong, but also other sects, even surpassing the two empires, such as Clear Sky School.

Luochuan led his troops to stop outside the Elephant Armor Sect, glanced around, and said, "Prepare hidden weapons."

The disciples of Elephant Armor Sect are basically defensive spirit masters. It is very difficult for ordinary soldiers to injure them, so they can only use hidden weapons.

Of course, the main force is still some of the spirit masters he brought over, as well as the great martial arts spirits Qing Ming and Ah Nong.

Compared with the city of Barak, the Elephant Sect has a lot fewer people, and its individual strength is stronger, so it doesn't need too much force, and it can be solved with enough strong people.

Perhaps the news of the destruction of the Barak Kingdom has been received. At this moment, there is no reaction from the Elephant Sect, and there is no figure in it.

Luo Chuan's mental power spread, and he knew all the distant scenes.

The elephants have closed the gates and are on alert, as if waiting for them.

"A Rou, when you are in charge of the Elephant Armor Sect's Sect Master Hu Yanzhen, he is a relatively powerful defensive spirit master. If you can't break the defense, you can drag it first."

Luo Chuan arranged for a moment, and then concretized the three martial souls, and the powerful aura spread.

Such obvious fluctuations in spirit power, how can the Elephant Sect people not notice it.

Soon, the Elephant Sect became a commotion, and then one shadow jumped out.

These shadows are like balls of meat, to be precise, giants, no one is less than three meters tall.

The person who took the lead was even more majestic. He stepped out of the gate in large strides. Because his body was too heavy, his footsteps banged on the ground.


He took off and landed tens of meters away, looking down at the army on the opposite side, his expression gloomy.

This person is Hu Yanzhen, the lord of the Elephant Sect, nicknamed Celestial Elephant. Although he is only an 86-level Soul Douluo, his spirit is special enough to resist a non-aggressive Title Douluo.

However, he glanced at the three martial arts at the moment, but his eyelids jumped wildly.

The three martial arts are very unique. The Golden Sacred Dragon and the Nine Hearts Begonia made him a little surprised, and he thought it had something to do with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and another power.

The speciality of the martial soul is second, the key is the opponent's martial soul, these guys are actually 100,000 year spirit rings!

Even if the number is only eight, he has not yet become Titled Douluo, but he has no doubt that his strength will definitely reach Titled Douluo level.

After all, this is a one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring, and all of them are. It is estimated that the ordinary Title Douluo is not necessarily the opponent.

At this moment, he caught a glimpse of A Rou, and his heart jumped again: "Who is this? What a terrifying aura, more shocking than these three mysterious existences."

Behind him, other elephants from the Elephant Sect walked out, and there were three Contra-level elders. As for the next-level soul saints, there are more than 30, and there are hundreds of soul kings. This is one of the seven major sects. strength!

However, when they faced the three martial arts spirits that all possessed one hundred thousand year old spirit rings, their expressions couldn't calm down, and they didn't have any confidence.

"Sect Master, we... what should we do?"

An elder was a little trembling, if the other party did not have a 100,000-year spirit ring, they would still have confidence to fight, but they would all be.

This means that their first spirit ring can crush their eighth spirit ring, and the others can continue to crush them. It is estimated that at most three spirit abilities can kill them.

And who can resist the spirit ability behind?The other soul saints are not opponents at all, only being crushed.

"At this time, what can I do?" No. 5 Novel Network

Hu Yanzhen looked ugly, changed for a while, squeezing out a smile, and said to Luo Chuan: "It turned out to be His Royal Highness. I don't know if His Royal Highness is fighting like this. What is wrong with our Elephant Sect?"

He was ready to succumb for the time being, and there was no way. With the opposing lineup, they would definitely be unlucky.

"Pretend me crazy and sell stupid?"

Luo Chuan sneered: "Come here today to destroy you, so as to eliminate future troubles, so it's no use what you say."

The Elephant Sect had secretly sought refuge in the Wuhun Temple, and now they betrayed their Heaven Dou Empire in name. If they don't deal with it, they can always make small moves behind their backs.

Since this kind of instability factor has the strength to solve it, there is no need to keep it.

When Hu Yanzhen heard Luo Chuan's words, he gritted his teeth and said: "That's just an outside rumor. We Elephant Jiazong don't have any ideas that are unfavorable to the Heaven Dou Empire."

He is in a mixed mood at the moment.

Not long ago, this kid was still playing in the ring. He was just a junior, but now he is threatening him. Things are really changing.

"I know, but in the future, there is no need for forces to break away from the control of the empire on this continent, especially yours, so we can only destroy you."

Luo Chuan said lightly.

Hu Yanzhen saw that he had lowered his posture in this way. This person didn't let them go. He immediately showed a fierce light in his eyes and said: "Boy, your people are really powerful, but you really want to destroy us. Why should I bite you? a piece of meat."

"Yes, it depends on whether you have this ability."

Luo Chuan was expressionless, raised his hand and waved: "Kill!"

The two martial spirits, Qingming and A Rongrong, rushed out immediately, covering all the masters of Weevil Sect.


The golden sacred dragon is the most domineering, a beam of flames burst out and shoots at everyone.

The Master Elephant Sect that came out hurriedly urged the martial soul, the originally tall and strong body, after the martial soul possessed it, inflated again.

Everyone's chicken is going to explode, bulging up high, and the soul power forms a dark yellow carapace, becoming like metal, seeming to be indestructible.

Their noses became like elephants, with two fangs growing out of the corners of their mouths, especially those of Soul Sage and above, which directly turned into giant mammoths over ten meters high.

Among them, Hu Yanzhen's Martial Spirit, who took the lead, was the most prominent. Under Wuhun's true body, it turned into a mammoth that was more than one foot tall. His skin was like bricks and shone with ray of light, which seemed invulnerable.

He took the lead and stopped directly in front of the golden sacred dragon's flame beam, with a boom, the scorching flames fell on him, slamming him back and forth.

The earth was ploughed into a deep gully, and Hu Yanzhen's skin became red, but he was not injured, and actually blocked the golden sacred dragon's blow.

Hot sweat broke out on his forehead, and he hurriedly said: "Dodge some, you are not opponents."

"As expected of the celestial phenomenon Hu Yanzhen, the defense is really powerful."

Luo Chuan nodded, this person is not a vain name, he does have some ability.

But it's just a little capable.

Not enough opponents of the Golden Dragon.

With a wave of his wings, the Golden Sacred Dragon rushed directly, and with a wave of his claws, Hu Yanzhen was hit by a huge force and fell out embarrassedly.

The latter's body was scratched by dragon claws, leaving several marks.

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