Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 250 Dragon Struggle

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!On the opposite side, the Clear Sky Hammer was urged by the Seventh Elders and moved in a peculiar way.

This kind of rhythm forms a special black energy wave around Haotian beaten, just like the surging waves of the sea, which contains endless power.

This black wave is similar to the power of the realm, and will be affected in it.

However, Luochuan's ice and fire power is not simple, the red and white Xuantian Gong collided with it, tearing it to pieces, blocking it out, and unable to affect him.


The dragon claw collided with the hammer, and the black mixed red and white energy raged, making Tang Long in the distance feel difficult to breathe, knowing that this time it was all true.

The seventh elder not only used the Haotian Jiuze, but the spirit ring lit up: hummed: "It seems that you can't clean up like this. Let me take some spirit skills from the old man!"

His spirit ring is set on the Clear Sky Hammer, and all the skills he brings are released with the Clear Sky Hammer as the core, forming a vibrating force, causing Luo Chuan to retreat again.

Luo Chuan's eyes were faintly bright, if the chaotic cloak just now was ironing, this time he was really hammering people.

The other party used his own soul power on it, causing Haotian's power to rise to a higher level again.

He felt that his strength was directly dissipated by the hammer.The counter shock power contained in it even made his claws numb.

Seeing the discoloration on Luo Chuan's face, the Seventh Elder said proudly: "My Clear Sky Hammer is the nemesis of all the power attack system spirits in the world. How many hammers can you stand?"

His second spirit ability was released and Luo Chuan was directly hammered out with a bang.

"It's just that the weapon spirit is special, do you really think it has no solution?"

Luo Chuan waved his hand without much worry.

The Clear Sky Hammer is a weapon spirit, and it is a strength type. At the same time, it has a strong defense force and no sharp power, but it is enough to break ten thousand magic with one force.

"Still hard, since you don't want to retreat, today the old man really made you suffer."

The Seventh Elder saw this kind of person for the first time, and he was obviously too calm in his place.

"Drink!" One step ahead

His Clear Sky Hammer hit Luo Chuan, and Luo Chuan didn't dare not use his spirit abilities this time. Just now, his internal organs were shaken, and he might get internal injuries if he went down.

With the spirit possessed, his first spirit ability was urged, he couldn't help but roared, and the voice of the dragon chant turned into a sound wave and hit the seventh elder first.

The latter didn't expect Luochuan to have a sound wave attack, and his ears were buzzing suddenly, and blood flowed out, and the whole person was dizzy.

not good!

As soon as he felt bad in his heart, he felt a pain in his chest, his ribs broke with a click, a spurt of old blood, and the whole person flew out.

Luo Chuan appeared where he was originally standing, retracted his attacking fist, and said indifferently: "Don't tell me, you don't have a bodyguard spirit ability?"

The seventh elder's face was ugly. He was too fast just now. He was taking the initiative to attack Luochuan, and when he had already hit the opponent, this kid shouted. How could he have time to defend?

This kind of sonic attack is inherently special, and it is impossible to prevent it.

"It's just a trick!"

He snorted unconvinced, and then the seventh spirit ring brightened, and under the black hole-like energy, the whole person was swallowed.

And the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand was directly magnified dozens of times, and the black light spread, just like inflating, it turned into a hundred-meter-long hammer in a blink of an eye.

The hammer was as big as a small hill. Originally, it looked like an ant, but it held the 100-meter hammer.516 Novel Network www.516xs.com

Under this sledgehammer, the sky and the earth became heavy, and Luo Chuan felt that his surroundings were trapped in the mud, making it difficult to move.

His pupils shrank slightly, and he did not hesitate to urge the martial soul real body, roaring, in the golden light, the holy dragon's essence skills were released, and a golden dragon appeared.

However, because Luo Chuan's cultivation base was only 86 and had not yet reached the titled Douluo level, his Wuhun real body was no more than twenty feet tall, and it was still somewhat pale in comparison to the 100-meter-long Clear Sky Hammer.

Luo Chuan had to push for representation. The beast spirit body is different from the weapon soul body. Under the weapon soul body, the master is still outside, and under the beast soul body, the master will turn into a martial soul.

As a result, his physical coordination seemed to be the real Wuhun body, but it was enlarged once again and turned into a 100-meter-high dragon.

Two spirits of similar size collided with each other in the next moment, and the deafening noise exploded, causing nearby soldiers to scream, and could not help covering their ears.

The next moment, the terrifying aftermath spread like a tsunami, and even the people hiding thousands of meters away were shocked to fly, and the entire army was in chaos.

As for Tang Long, he even had to mobilize his martial soul to avoid being seriously injured by the aftermath.

He looked shocked: "Is this a Title Douluo level battle? It's not something that ordinary people can mix."

In his gaze, the huge Clear Sky Hammer and the golden dragon retreated at the same time, and the earth on both sides sank, as fragile as a bubble.

Regardless of size or strength, these two existences made him feel the danger of death.

Staring at the aftermath of the chaos, he retreated to a kilometer away, only to breathe a sigh of relief, and watched one hammer and one dragon continue to fight.

This is a real dragon battle. Every blow of the two powerful attacking spirit masters is shocking, shaking the ground and making a huge momentum.

In the true appearance of the holy dragon, Luo Chuan's eyes were solemn, and now the other party used all his strength, he completely felt the terrifying of the Clear Sky Hammer.

This thing is all about breaking the ten thousand laws with one force, even if you have any skills, it is to use your strength as much as possible.

At this moment, he and his confrontation, the dragon scales were beaten a lot.

"Flaming Dragon Breath!"

After retreating, he did not idle, but directly released the next moment of soul ability, opened his mouth, the flames jumped, and a dragon's breath that looked like magma spurted out.

This time the Seventh Elder had time to react. He used the Vast Sky Body Protection skill to block the dark golden light with the Vast Sky Hammer in front of the flame.


The hammer was hit by the dragon's breath, and only swayed backwards, then stabilized again.

The Seventh Elder backed away, jumped on the ground, rushed out again, and roared: "Boy, eat the old man with a hammer to shake the world!"

The huge hammer blasted towards the dragon in the sky, with a great momentum to shake the world,

"Earth-breaking thunder!"

Luo Chuan used the fifth skill, the spirit skill of the system fusion of the 100,000-year spirit ring still only had one skill, but it was strengthened.

With a dragon chant, the golden dragon waved its wings, releasing lightning out of thin air.

I saw the dense power of thunder condensed from the dragon's mouth and wings, and then turned into a huge golden thunder ball.

As the dragon opened its mouth and spit out, the thunderball with a diameter of more than ten feet directly blasted towards the Clear Sky Hammer that hit it from below.

In the next moment, the world loses its color, and many people are directly deaf. They can only see that the whole world is splendid and golden.

The Clear Sky Hammer's huge shock, under the thunder full of destructive power, cracks appeared on it!

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