You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Once left behind, even if other spirits are embodied, there are still soul master legions, among them, there are probably many of them. Even if the individual strength is not as good as him, the number is enough to make up for the gap.

If you continue to fight, you are likely to be surrounded by many, and it will be even more dangerous.

It is safer to wait until the large army is on the scene, and then go and pack these people alone.

"He wants to escape, stop him!"

The emperor of the Star Luo Empire shouted, spouting a white beam of light, blasting towards Luochuan.

At the same time, one by one Soul Douluo from a distance rushed over, and various spirit abilities were also in place.

"Hmph, I want to go, you still can't keep it!"

Luochuan White Tiger's right arm bone was released with soul skills, and a white golden sword light flew out.

This is the sword of Gengjin, with a pop, smashing the opponent's Baihulie light wave.

At the same time, the gravity control of the spirit bone of his left arm of the earth was released, and all the people who pursued him suddenly became more than ten times heavier and their speed greatly reduced.

The one with a low cultivation base was staggered and fell to the ground, making a fool of himself on the spot.

However, Luo Chuan withdrew his martial soul body and turned into a human-shaped dragon, and the flames of another soul bone were released, and the speed instantly increased, quadrupling the original.

The speed of the chasing troops decreased, while the speed of Luochuan increased. With this decrease, Luochuan easily got rid of the chasing troops and rushed out of the encirclement.

In the unwilling gaze of Yiganren, Luochuan disappeared into the horizon.

"Damn, what the hell is this, how come there are so many methods?"

Evil Eye Baihu stopped and roared in anger.

The Seventh Haotian School showed a complex look, this person actually still had a soul bone.

If there is no reinforcement, he will die if he continues to fight.

His own dignified title Douluo actually couldn't beat a Soul Douluo, especially what he still held was the world's first weapon of martial arts.

This made him suffer a great blow, and the arrogance of becoming a Title Douluo disappeared, and for a while it was dull.

"There is actually a power attack type spirit master that is stronger than our Clear Sky Hammer. This world has changed."

The Seventh Elder was a little at a loss. He felt that the era of the Clear Sky School had completely passed away, not to mention the Spirit Hall, even a Heaven Dou Empire would be difficult to deal with.

"Damn, who is this!"

The emperor of the Star Luo Empire dissipated his martial soul, a little ashamed and angry.

So many people didn’t even leave a guy who broke into their camp, which is really angry.

"He is from the Heaven Dou Empire. I don't know exactly who he is."

The seventh elder spoke. Judging from the fact that the other party told him not to interfere with the war, his identity was obvious.

Although he had roughly guessed that it was an enemy, when he heard the words of the Seventh Elder, Emperor Xingluo still sank in his heart.

The Heaven Dou Empire had such a master, which really made him jealous.

What's terrible about the opponent is not only the strength, but also the potential and those 100,000-year spirit rings, and the origin is not simple.

"Your Majesty, this person seems to be the same as the Contra whose spirit is a giant dragon in the news."

The ghost cat turns into a plump beautiful woman and mentions one thing.

"It's mostly him, this person is so powerful, and the others are not easy."

Emperor Xingluo's eyes grew darker.

"What do you mean, Tiandou still has this kind of perversion?" Good novel

The Seventh Elder subconsciously said that Luo Chuan was abnormal.

No wonder he said that, except for the perversion, who in the world would have a hundred thousand year spirit ring, and beat him to the Clear Sky Hammer with the spirit of the Contra?

"Seven elders, you don’t know yet. During this period of time, several mysterious powerhouses appeared in Tiandou. Apart from this giant dragon martial soul, there is also a special pupil-like martial soul, all of which are 100,000 year spirit rings. What is strange is that there are also Jiuxin Begonia and another mysterious existence. They assisted the opposing prince to destroy the internal rebel forces and the Elephant Sect, one of the seven sects!"


The pupils condensed, and the Seventh Elder's eyes widened: "The Elephant Armor Sect has been annihilated? Are there other people who are all 100,000-year spirit rings?"

"Well, and it was wiped out overnight. There was hardly any force to fight back. We know very little about the details of other people, because the witnesses were basically dead or surrendered."

"According to what you say, they can do it with their demonstrated strength, but what kind of force is this assisting Heaven Dou?"

The Seventh Elder's expression changed. He suspected that it was the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect before, but now he doesn't feel like it.

If the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect was so powerful, it would not be neutral anymore.

Emperor Xingluo squeezed his palm, and said in a deep voice: "Seven elders, you know the strength of this person. With this mysterious existence, our Xingluo Empire's high-end combat power is completely insufficient. Please help, otherwise we will be destroyed. Up."

The seventh elder was silent, how could he decide such a thing.

He could only say: "Old Rongfu tells the Sect Master to speak."

"Please hurry up, these mysterious powerhouses have already rushed over, and they may act on us at any time."

The Star Luo Empire clasped his fists and made a request: "The Clear Sky School has been secretly supporting us, please continue to help this time."

"The old man knows that I wanted to reconcile this time and see if the war can be stopped. Now it seems that it is impossible."

The seventh elder shook his head, took a deep breath, stood up, and said to Tang Long who was on the side: "Immediately send news to the sect."

When the Seventh Elder contacted the Clear Sky School, Luo Chuan did not retreat to Tiandou's barracks, but went to another field.

He spit out bloody saliva and was about to urge Jiuxin Haitang to heal himself, but after considering something, he immediately surveyed the neighborhood.

Sword Douluo was alarmed and was approaching the place where he was fighting just now, while Poison Douluo was guarding beside Xueye.

"It's impossible that there is no one in the Wuhun Palace, Ghost Douluo is there, right?"

Without noticing his mental power, Luo Chuan urged his pupils to move his pupils, his perspective ability spread, and there was no surrounding.

Luo Chuan was slightly surprised, could it not come true?

"Heal your wounds first."

Without multiple management, Luo Chuan urged Jiuxin Begonia, and the injuries in his body began to recover quickly.

When he was almost recovering, there was a sudden wave of fluctuations in the distance. Luo Chuan opened his eyes in surprise: "Such a strong spirit power fluctuation, is it possible that Sword Douluo and the other side are fighting?"

"No, the direction is not where I just fought with the opponent."

Perceiving something wrong, Luo Chuan's mental power dissipated and found that Sword Douluo had returned, while the emperor of the Star Luo Empire was returning.

The two of them noticed something and looked at the same place. Among them, Emperor Xingluo moved.

Luo Chuan had a bad feeling in his heart, his eyes changed slightly, and he hurriedly got up and soared into the sky.

Flying in the sky, he was much faster than Emperor Xingluo, and quickly crossed dozens of miles to a forest.

Many trees were broken, and there was a big pit in the middle. The dust caused by the fighting was still flying. Luochuan saw through the dust and saw a corpse in the pit.

The corpse was still floating with bright light balls that could be collected, which originally made him happy, but when he saw the clothes of the corpse, he felt a little in his heart.

Seven elders!

Recognizing this person, Luo Chuan couldn't help but swear.

"Damn, framed up!"

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