Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 254 Hypnotic Title Douluo

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"I'm so embarrassed to say that people are rubbish. If it wasn't our people who seriously injured it, would you have a chance to attack?"

Luo Chuan smiled disdainfully, he admitted that Ghost Douluo's martial spirit was indeed special, and it was easy to carry out sneak attacks when hidden.

However, in terms of frontal combat effectiveness, even if the opponent has recently been upgraded to a level and become a Super Douluo, the Seventh Elders may not be as good.

"Hmph, fighting on the battlefield, where there are so many rules, blame him for being careless."

Ghost Douluo didn't feel ashamed, and said coldly: "You are doing it with me now. Are you afraid to give the Star Luo Empire a chance?"

"Pack you, I will not be threatened by the people of the Star Luo Empire."

Luo Chuan proudly, he also has a few pets with the title Douluo rank, but they are not as easy to be attacked as the seventh elder of the Clear Sky School.

His blood pupil's first spirit ability was directly released, and the bloodthirsty and violent power turned into purple light and fell on Ghost Douluo.

The latter suddenly felt the blood boil, and the unstoppable violent intentions poured out in his heart, his eyes could not help but flushed, his killing intent was strong, and he wanted to destroy everything in front of him.

"What a terrible mental control skill!"

Ghost Douluo was surprised, and hurriedly urged his martial soul body to enter the ghostly state directly.

In this state, he is immune to energy attacks, and becomes a ghost, no longer an entity, and the blood in his body will no longer be affected.

In other words, with his martial soul real body, he directly broke the blood pupil's first soul ability.

"I've seen your skill many times. It's good against other people. I want to control me, but it's not enough."

Ghost Douluo smiled triumphantly, his eyes faintly, his eyes patrolling nearby, he wanted to find Luochuan's body directly.

To deal with this kind of control system and spirit system soul master, one must find the body, otherwise he will face endless control.

"Don't worry, some are soul abilities greet you!"

Luo Chuan was not too surprised, and he would never say that this was also a Super Douluo. If he couldn't stop even a spirit ability, it would be too watery.

The fourth soul skill was bright red, and the corpse mountain blood sea skill was released.

In the entire illusion space, a pair of blood moons rose in the sky, and then the sky changed, a river of blood rushed on the ground, and dense bones appeared in it.

In a twinkling of an eye, Ghost Douluo plunged into the Sea of ​​Blood on the Mountain of the Dead, and as the blood rolled over, a strange scream sounded, and a large number of bones climbed up and surrounded Ghost Douluo.

A paw fell on him, and Ghost Douluo's expression changed, his martial soul couldn't avoid this kind of attack.

"Mental attacks cannot be exempted."

He understood, the black energy burst from his body, shattering all the bones with a bang.

However, in a squeaking sound, these broken bones regrouped within the sea of ​​blood and surrounded them again, seeming to never die, boundless.

A cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

When watching by the side before, he still didn't think this ability was terrifying, but now he is caught in this illusion, but he understands how terrifying it is.

He can only smash these things.

In reality, he raised his hand to attack the nearby vegetation and rocks. The powerful force turned everything into dust, which was actually equivalent to beating the air.

Luo Chuan stood in the void, showing coldness.

As long as this guy consumes some soul power and mental power, he can use hypnosis or control the gods, and he will have the opportunity to take it down.

It's a pity that the blood pupil martial soul's ability is more control and assistance, like mental perspective and mental exploration, there is no fighting power, and control of the gods and hypnosis, it takes a certain time to directly affect a super Douluo.

As for imperial objects and mental barriers, the former cannot cause damage to Ghost Douluo in the real form of martial spirit weapons, while mental barriers are mental defense skills that can be used to trap the enemy at most and are not aggressive.

"The next skill is to absorb mental piercing or lion roar, and be more aggressive."

Luo Chuan thought to himself.Yunxuange www.yunxuange.org

Fortunately, he still has a purple magic pupil.

This pupil technique is also powerful.

Boom boom boom!

Ghost Douluo released energy balls, blasting the air, and huge pits appeared on the ground.

When Ghost Douluo was completely plunged into an illusion, and his attention was attracted by the sea of ​​blood on the mountain, Luo Chuan's eyes flashed with purple-golden light.

Spiritual shock!

A sharp and powerful spiritual force was released instantly.

Ghost Douluo sensed the danger, but it was too late.

Even though he mobilized all his mental powers to guard, but the opponent of the Purple Demon Eye suddenly staggered, like being hit by a giant hammer.

But in his feelings, it was a different taste. He only felt that his head was penetrated by a sharp sword, and he couldn't help but screamed, his seven orifices bleed, and his entire mind was in chaos, as if he had become an idiot.

Of course, he is a Super Douluo, and he won't really be turned into an idiot at once, but even if he loses his mind, he will lose everything, let alone be shocked at this moment.

The corner of Luochuan's mouth rose, and the fifth skill was hypnotized.

The pupils of the latter's sluggish eyes shrank, then expanded, and then his head drooped, his face became dull, and the whole person was like a puppet.

"I won't kill you, let you be a puppet, help me deal with Clear Sky School, it is more valuable."

Luo Chuan muttered, Wuhun Hall killed the seventh elder of the Haotianzong and provoked him a major enemy, so he had to recover some losses.

"Now, I am your Pope, and I will listen to me in the future."

Luo Chuan said with his hands behind his back.


Ghost Douluo said in a daze. Being hypnotized is different from controlling God. Under hypnotism, he still has a certain degree of autonomy, while controlling God is completely a puppet.

Luo Chuan showed satisfaction.

Hypnotizing a Title Douluo is enough to prove the power of his blood pupil martial soul!

Suddenly, his eyes moved slightly and he raised his hand to look across the hill.

A person rushed over from a distance.

This person was not Sword Douluo or Xingluo the Great. The place was actually far away from the battlefield. The movement just now was nothing but Ghost Douluo hitting the air by himself. It was not too big, and those few people were not disturbed.

The people who came were from Wuhun Hall.

Luo Chuan glanced at it.

He was dressed in white and was cultivated at level 95. Luo Chuan recognized that this person was Ju Douluo. He had been with Qian Renxue for a period of time at first, and then left temporarily because he could not follow him.

Appearing here at this moment, it is estimated that the other party and Douluo agreed to meet here.

Ju Douluo was close, and he had heard the movement, and then saw Luo Chuan disguised as blood pupils and the pale, dull-eyed good friends, and a bad premonition instantly grew in his heart.

"Ghost, what's wrong with you?"

He drank, and the ghostly state was not right at the moment, as if he had changed.

The latter glanced at Ju Douluo expressionlessly, faintly fluctuating light in his eyes, but quickly converged.

By Luochuan's side, it is impossible for him to get rid of hypnosis.

"I'm fine, why don't you see the Pope?"

Hearing the strange words of a good friend, Ju Douluo was horrified, and pointed to Luo Chuan who was smiling, "You...who do you say he is?"

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