Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 260 Titled Douluo

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Luo Chuan took a deep breath, it was almost 100 billion, but he could immediately become a Title Douluo, which was expensive but worth it.

If he relied on his own practice to upgrade to a level, he would be able to become a Title Douluo if he was willing to wait and spend tens of millions.

But this will take time, and it will take three to five years, and what he lacks at the moment is time.

Haotianzong was dead, still a titled Douluo, those guys would definitely come over.

If a few Pinnacle Douluo came, he would block one at most, Sword Douluo would block one more, and the rest, the Poison Douluo, Ghost Douluo, and Chrysanthemum Douluo could not be stopped together.

As for the simple reason, the Clear Sky Hammer of the Clear Sky School is too powerful, and the Seraphim Martial Spirit can't do anything in the same level that can beat the Clear Sky Hammer.

If he could do it, Qianxun Ji would not be half-dead by the 91st-level Tang Hao who had just broken through at level 95.

Now, except for him, no one dares to say that he can defeat the Clear Sky Hammer at the same level.

However, there are four other elders and one sect master in the Haotian School, all of which are above level 95 in combat power. If he does not upgrade to level 97 as soon as possible, he will be unstoppable.

If he can't stop it, his life is in danger, and he doesn't want to be threatened.

He had already experienced this kind of danger, and now he finally got rid of it, and didn't want to try again.

Therefore, he gritted his teeth and spent most of his energy to replicate the Seven Kill Sword in the air!

Not only the spirit ring, but he also copied the spirit ring. As for whether or not to absorb the same spirit ring as the opponent, wait for the spirit ring to be integrated before considering.

"His Royal Highness is really young and promising, I'm not as good as my generation."

Seeing Luo Chuan look over, Ning Fengzhi smiled and exclaimed.

"You're polite, it's all thanks to the blessing of the gods to do this."

Luo Chuan smiled modestly. The god he said was a system, and he was naturally very grateful for the system.

Without a system, he can't mix today.

"Being favored by the gods also shows the excellence of your Highness from the side."

Luo Chuan just smiled, no more polite, but said to Xue Ye: "Father, I am a little tired, the next thing is to clean the battlefield, I will not care."

"You have been busy all day, so go and rest."

Xue Ye nodded, now that the overall situation is set, what is left is the potential dangers caused by chores and Clear Sky School.


Luo Chuan didn't say much, and left again.

He did not stay in the barracks, but stayed away, came to a wilderness, equipped with the Fusion Seven Kill Sword.

This time, he has to improve a lot of strength in one breath. Although the span is not as good as the last time he absorbed the golden dragon, the strength to be absorbed is far more than the last time.

"I already have five martial arts. Even though this Seven Killing Sword belongs to a Level 97 Titled Douluo, I must allocate a part of the power to improve other martial arts. Most of them cannot reach level 97 in one breath."

Without rushing to fuse, Luo Chuan's eyes turned, considering whether to fuse directly.

The ninety-sixth level is 20% stronger than the ninety-fifth level, and the ninety-seventh level titled Douluo is 20% stronger than the 96th level.

His other incapable martial arts must absorb part of his soul power to strengthen himself, which will prevent him from reaching level 97 directly.

It is estimated that after the fusion, it would be good to be able to retain level 95 soul power. He might not even be able to retain level 95, maybe only level 92 or 93.

"Even if I can recover quickly in the future, there is not enough time."

Luo Chuan frowned and thought for a while before he thought of a way.

First absorb the Evil Eye White Tiger of Emperor Xingluo.

The cultivation base of Emperor Xingluo is 93, with his martial soul cushioning it, supplementing some of the spirit power of other martial souls, and absorbing the Seven Killing Sword, which can reduce some levels.

"hurry up!"

Clear Sky School doesn't know when it will come, so he will hurry up to merge.

Turning on the system, he began to fuse Evil Eye White Tiger.Ikan Novel Network www.ikxsw.com

"You are fusing the sixth martial arts spirit. The energy required is 100,000. You cannot cancel it after fusion."

system hint.


The golden light erupted from him, and a powerful martial soul directly merged into his body.

Luo Chuan closed his eyes, restrained his spirit, and absorbed it with all his strength.

His mental power is comparable to Pinnacle Douluo, the power of a 93-level martial soul, he can control it completely and absorb it quickly.

The other spirits gained spirit power and grew up at a terrifying speed, from the original Contra level to a level close to Titled Douluo.

In the end, his spirit power level reached 89, not the Title Douluo level, and degraded to level 4.

Compared with the last time he absorbed the Golden Sacred Dragon, he retreated by level 9, this time it was a small number.

Luo Chuan didn't have too many accidents, he stabilized his spirit power, and then tuned out the Seven Kill Sword again.

"You are fusing the seventh martial arts spirit. The energy required is 100,000. You cannot cancel it after fusion."

It was a similar prompt, but the sixth Wuhun became the seventh.

"The seventh Wuhun, the Seven Killing Sword, all have a seven, which is quite a coincidence."

Luo Chuan muttered.

"Let me see how powerful Sword Douluo your Seven Kills Sword is!"

With anticipation, Luochuan continued to merge.

At the moment of confirmation, a sharp aura poured into the body, carrying an astonishing sharp aura, turning into a blue sword aura and spreading.


The vegetation of a radius of 100 meters was shattered in an instant.

Luo Chuan's face changed slightly, so fierce strength, but fortunately, he was actually strong with his body, otherwise he might be hurt by this martial soul.

"Is this the martial spirit that attacked the strongest Title Douluo on the mainland? It's really likable!"

Luo Chuan showed excitement.

The stronger the Wuhun, the more it will improve.

After all, with a one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring, the Contra can be comparable to an ordinary Peak Douluo, with one more level of cultivation, equivalent to two others.

The power of the Seven Killing Sword was much stronger than that of the Evil Eye White Tiger, and Luo Chuan's absorption time was also much longer.

With all his strength, Luochuan still spent more than half a day to fully integrate it.

His level reached level 90.

He immediately chose to let the Nine Hearts Begonia Martial Spirit absorb a spirit ring, and the level continued to rise smoothly, finally surpassing the Contra, raising to level 93 in one breath.

This time, compared with the 97-level Seven Kill Sword, his level was still 4th level lower.

The main reason is that there is one more martial soul, which absorbs part of the soul power to enhance the martial soul, and there is not much soul power left.

"The stronger the strength, the more martial souls, and by the method of combining martial souls, the improvement is not too much in one breath."

Luo Chuan sighed. Before, when his strength was weak, he merged with a golden sacred dragon. Although his level only reached 69, he had improved several major positions at that time.

This time, he absorbed two Titled Douluo-class martial souls in a row, allowing him to cross a rank.

However, he finally met his basic requirements.

"Finally become a Title Douluo!"

Luo Chuan clenched his fists, feeling the soul power that was more than twice as powerful in his body, and he was full of pride.

At this moment, even if Qian Daoliu came, he was not afraid.

Even if he didn't become the pinnacle Douluo, he still has a one-hundred-thousand-year-old spirit ring. Not to mention the ordinary pinnacle Douluo, even the 99-level peerless Douluo, he has the confidence to fight!

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