You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Bibi Dong's face flushed too, could not help but back again, and then became pale.

Qian Renxue's eyes changed slightly.

Luo Chuan teased: "Why, worry about your mother?"

"I'm just surprised at how strong he is."

Qian Renxue deliberately explained.

"She is your relative, worry about what?"

Luo Chuan smiled and shouted: "Mother-in-law, your daughter is worried about you, please be careful."

Bibi Dong looked over, his body trembled slightly, why is his daughter here?


Ning Fengzhi's expression changed slightly, and the princess was actually the daughter of the Pope of Wuhun Hall!

Is the relationship between Tiandou Imperial Family and Wuhun Palace so close?

Xue Ye also showed an unexpected look, but he didn't ask too much, instead he was quite surprised.

If it is really the daughter of the Pope, this marriage is worthless.

Qian Renxue frowned and stared at Luo Chuan. Why did this guy reveal her identity?

Not many people in the Martial Soul Hall knew about being the daughter of Bibi Dong, and now the whole world knew about it.

"You are going to marry me soon, there is no need to hide it, right?"

Luo Chuan saw Qian Renxue's dissatisfaction and said with a smile.

"Seraph! What is your relationship with Qian Daoliu?"

Qian Renxue was startled by Qian Renxue, who was about to take down his opponent in a rush.

He is not afraid of Qian Renxue, he is afraid of Qian Daoliu.

"Granddaughter relationship."

Luo Chuan helped answer.

Everyone in the Clear Sky School was shocked.

Qian Daoliu's granddaughter is here, can I be far away?

"Sect Master Tang, I suggest you don't continue. Tian Dou will not attack you, but Wuhun Palace still has Title Douluo."

Luo Chuan glanced at the distance, and in his perception, there was Pinnacle Douluo coming over.

Today, there is still Peak Douluo on this continent, and only Wuhun Palace.

"Sect Master, what should I do?"

The second elder had the intention to shrink.

"Damn, they are just ordinary elders!"

Tang Xiao cursed secretly, giving Bibi Dong a cold look.

Although he can fight against the opponent, he can't do it for a while.

"The hatred of the people who killed me Clear Sky School is not over yet, let's go!"

Leaving a harsh word, he led the people to retreat decisively.

"Stop them!"

Bibi Dong's eyes were gloomy, and he entered the state of Wuhun real body without hesitation.

A purple carapace grew all over her body, two pairs of eyes appeared on her abdomen, her legs turned into long spider feet, and her abdomen became a spider-like ball.

The body was covered with long green hair, and drops of disgusting mucus fell down, and it looked like a big poisonous spider.

She stretched out four pairs of steel-like long legs, moved quickly on the ground, and stopped in the way of Haotianzong's retreat in a flash.

When he opened his mouth and vomited, a large purple poisonous net flew out, spread out quickly in the air, and immediately enveloped Tang Xiao.

The latter wanted to break free, but found that the web was terribly tough, even he couldn't break free for a while.

"Her strength!"

Ning Fengzhi exclaimed, at this moment, Bibi Dong's strength has improved a lot.

"It seems that I have reservations just now."

Sword Douluo frowned, don't know why, in Bibi Dong who was not in Peak Douluo, he actually sensed a great danger.

Qian Renxue frowned and looked at her mother's Martial Spirit, which was the first time she saw her.Good novel

"A bit ugly, isn't it?"

Luo Chuan said: "Compared to your glamorous Seraphim, her martial soul is evil and cold, and she can't get on the stage at all."

"Why are you so much nonsense?"

Qian Renxue was a little annoyed, and Bibi Dong's Death Spider King did instinctively hate her.

"Didn't you just worry about it? You don't have to, your mother is stronger than you think."

Luo Chuan said lightly, taking a deep look at Bibi Dong.

In this woman, he saw a state similar to himself.

The unique state of Duowuhun.

Of course, Bibi Dong is a dual martial arts soul, and he is a seven martial arts soul, there is still a big gap.


Tang Xiao was forced to use his martial spirit body to break free from the shackles of the spider web.

He glanced at Bibi Dong with a jealous look: "The Pope is really capable, but it's a bit short of trying to stop me."

As soon as the voice fell, the Clear Sky Hammer became huge, like a mountain that was smashed by Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong had to evade, and with a bang, the Title Douluo in the nearby Spirit Hall retreated again.

Tang Xiao's face was pale, and he hummed, "Go!"

The Martial Spirit Palace's background was far deeper than he thought, and if the opponent continued to fight, it would be more troublesome.

"Did you leave?"

A golden light glided across the sky and came to Tang Hao who was taking the lead in retreating.

The latter cried out bad, and the Clear Sky Hammer swung up again, turning into a black wall, colliding with the golden light.

Within the limits, the earth sank deeply and burst like a bubble.

Tang Xiao took a half step back for the first time, staring at the opposite side with an angry temper, a silver-robed old man descended like a rainbow in the golden light.

He was already in the state of martial arts guard, covered with golden scales, and a tail behind him, a bit like the dragon of Yu Tianheng, but this was not a real dragon martial arts.

Behind him, there are two old men with a slightly different breath, but they also surpass Ghost Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo.

This made Tang Xiao's heart sink.

The old man in front of him was much stronger than him. Even if he could fight, he could only deal with one.

"Second offering, you finally came."

Bibi Dong dissipated his martial spirit body, fell on the side, and looked at Tang Xiao coldly: "All these Clear Sky Sect people are killed, and they cannot be allowed to hide again."

The purpose of the entire war, apart from weakening Tian Dou's strength, was also to elicit Clear Sky School, and even the latter was what she valued.

Although there were some accidents in the middle, for example, the Star Luo Empire was vulnerable and was defeated in one day, but the Clear Sky School was successfully drawn out.

"Here I watched some."

Seeing Bibi Dong dragged Tang Xiao, Luo Chuan knew that Haotian Sect did not retreat, so he knew that it would be difficult to leave today.

"You seem to be happy to see this scene?"

Qian Renxue turned her head and gave Luo Chuan a blank look.

Luo Chuan shrugged: "I didn't mean it, just tell the truth."

One level 98 and two levels 96 arrived, and the strength of the Spirit Hall was enough to suppress the Clear Sky School, but I didn't know if anyone would come.

"Both lose out, isn't it what you want to see?"

Qian Renxue taunted slightly.

"Could it be that you want to see it?" Luo Chuan followed with a sneer.

The battle between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire meant that they would lose both?

It's just that he took advantage of weapons and high-end combat power at the first price.

In fact, the war cost them a lot. The deaths and injuries are calculated in ten thousand units, and it consumes a lot of national power.

"It's true, but how do I think you didn't suffer?"

Qian Renxue tilted her head, approaching Luochuan, her big golden eyes said with deep meaning.

The current situation was roughly in accordance with the original plan, but the war ended too soon, which was a bit unusual.

Luo Chuan didn't answer, but took a kiss, causing Qian Renxue to blush.

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