Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 270 Bibi Dong's Guilt

You can search for "Dou Luo Zhi Endless Fusion Search Novel (www.soxscc.com)" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Tang Xiao, who was originally like a rainbow, was instantly discouraged. The Clear Sky Hammer, who was holding the idea of ​​smashing Qian Jun and Jiang Mo, had to forcibly move it away and landed on the ground nearby with a thud.

Even more terrifying power was released, the earth shattered like foam, and the soil spread like a wave.

Although Qian Jun and Jiang Mo were not smashed to death, they were still vomiting blood, their chests sunken, and they rolled out embarrassedly, buried in mud, life and death unknown.


Tang Xiao spurted out old blood, and his offensive was forcibly interrupted. He, who was already injured, changed the direction of the attack at a critical moment, and shook himself back.

He didn't care too much, pointed at Bibi Dong with a hammer, gritted his teeth and said: "Let him go!"

Tang Xiao never expected that his tribe would be arrested by this woman at a critical moment, and take his life.

The fifth elder said with grief and indignation: "Sect Master, leave me alone!"

"To shut up."

Bibi Dong's spider's foot was inserted in the mouth of the fifth elder, and his tongue was directly crushed, blood gushing out, and the latter couldn't even speak.


Tang Xiao squeezed the Clear Sky Hammer: "Let him go, I won't kill your people today!"

"You think too much, now you take other people away, and he stays as a hostage."

Seeing Tang Xiao's condition is not very good, Bibi Dong has some thoughts, but he doesn't want to continue to provoke him.

"Impossible, he can't stay in your hands, or you don't let him go, or I will kill you titled Douluo and give him a funeral!"

Tang Xiao is not a fool, and will not give Bibi Dong the opportunity to threaten them.

"Okay, give it back to you, leave here immediately!"

Bibi Dong considered it for a moment, discarded the fifth elder, and waved: "Back, let them leave."

The major title Douluo had already been scared by Tang Xiao, and there was no need for Bibi Dong to say more, they all retreated quickly.

"You have the ability to come to my Clear Sky School!"

Tang Xiao snorted, grabbed the fifth elder, and retreated with the others.

Luo Chuan frowned, he felt it was not so simple, Bibi Dong would not give up so easily.

His eyes fell on the fifth elder, whose skin was turning black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, several black shadows crawled out of the fifth elder's chest and landed on Tang Xiao's hand.


Tang Xiao exclaimed and hurriedly shook it away, but his hands and chest still hurt.

What he shook away was the spiders, screaming at Tang Xiao, and then returned to Bibi Dong.

"Sect Master, your hand!"

Someone noticed that Tang Xiao's hands and chest quickly turned black.

Due to the explosive ring force, his upper body clothes were basically destroyed, allowing the spider to bite easily. At this moment, a circle of black air was spreading rapidly.


In Ye Xiao’s usual voice, Bibi Dong said triumphantly: “Tang Xiao, you have been poisoned by my Death Spider King, and your body will continue to weaken until you die. How much energy do I have for you to fight with me!”


Tang Xiao roared and scolded Bibi Dong as despicable for the second time.

Not only him, but everyone present, except for Luochuan who noticed some abnormalities, no one else thought that Bibi Dong would actually use poison.

This is not like a method used by a pope.

"It's over, even if this poison can't kill him, in the originally weak state, his strength may not be able to show much."

Luo Chuan sighed.

I have to admit that Bibi Dong is really hot, and actually weakened Tang Xiao's strength in this way.

"Asshole, hand over the cure!"

The second elder of the Haotian School was about to split his eyes.Feidu Novel www.fdxs.net

"The antidote? Just die for me, there is no need for the antidote!"

Bibi Dong grinned and waved: "Enclose them, wait for Tang Xiao to die, and kill others at will!"

"I will kill you before the poison goes out!"

Tang Xiao was extremely angry at the moment, these people just used more to fight less, and used poison.

He shook his body, only feeling that his body was weakening rapidly. He tried to force the poison out, but he couldn't.

As a last resort, he can only continue desperately.


The fifth elder suddenly vomited blood, his face turned black at a terrifying speed, and then wrinkles appeared as if he had lost his life.

"not good!"

Tang Xiao's expression changed, but he could only watch the fifth elder's head crooked and his breath disappeared.

The fifth elder was poisoned by the head, too close to the brain, and couldn't bear it, so he was actually poisoned to death.

"Ah! I want you to be buried!"

Another elder was killed, Tang Xiao was completely crazy.


His sixth spirit ring exploded, and the muscles on his body wanted to explode. The black spirit power on the Clear Sky Hammer raged like a storm, and a pair of bloodshot pupils locked Bibi Dong and killed him directly.

Bibi Dong's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly spit out a spider web to restrain Tang Xiao, but was directly torn apart by the terrifying spirit power.

"Protect the Pope!"

The other elders reacted, full of releasing spirit abilities to resist Tang Xiao, except that Qian Jun and Jiangmo Douluo were seriously injured before they could take action. The other eight elders all released powerful spirit abilities to fight.

However, with Tang Xiao's hammer, their spirit abilities were immediately shattered, but the power of Tang Xiao's explosion of the ring was also consumed. The collision of the nine people formed an energy ball over a kilometer, which exploded immediately.


The few elders with a low cultivation base were directly shocked to vomit blood and flew out, and Tang Xiao should have retreated, but his seventh spirit ring was also broken.

A much stronger spirit power exploded, directly tore through the aftermath, aiming at Bibi Dong who was retreating and smashed it down.

The body of the latter couldn't bear it at all, and it shattered directly.

"Do not!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Renxue yelled palely and ran over frantically.

One hand grabbed her in the next moment.

"Are you going to die?"

Luo Chuan shouted, at this moment Tang Xiao's power was already peerless Douluo level, let alone the Soul King's Qian Renxue, even if the ordinary Title Douluo approached, he would get injured.


Qian Renxue said in a daze: "She...she is my mother. I haven't said a word to her for so many years. I haven't asked her why she treated me that way. She can't just die like this."

"She can't die."

Luo Chuan shook his head and hugged him easily.

Feeling a firm chest and hearing Luo Chuan's affirmative words, Qian Renxue's heart settled a bit, biting her lip, nervously watching the battlefield raging like a storm.

Among the flying dust, a hundred-meter pit appeared, and Tang Xiao panted violently. Within ten feet of him, no one was standing except Golden Crocodile Douluo.


The ground cracked a hundred meters away, and a spider was afraid to come out, it was Bibi Dong.

She looked back at Qian Renxue, with a complex color in her eyes.

How she didn't hear the daughter just now, thinking of what she had done to her daughter over the years, she was full of guilt.

"It turned out to be a clone, great."

Luo Chuan thought of the shattered figure just now, combined with some clues he had noticed, and showed admiration.

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