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This time, they both lost the Spirit Hall and Clear Sky School. Who has benefited the most?

It was the Heaven Dou Empire calculated by them.

This day fighting annihilated the Star Luo Empire, it can be seen how terrifying the fighting power is, and it must be really small in itself, and then it can directly unify the mainland.

During the war, many mysterious powerhouses appeared in Tiandou, whose strength was comparable to that of the three sects, not to mention stronger than the Clear Sky Sect, and at least stronger than the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

Clear Sky School fought with them, two dead and one seriously injured, and the remaining three people were exhausted. At this time, there was a chance to make a sneak attack.

On the whole road, basically only Heaven Dou can do this.

"If that's the case, we can't even hit them."

Qian Daoliu sighed.

"However, where do they come from so many powerful people, people in mainland China have never heard of it before."

Golden Crocodile Douluo frowned.

"Have you forgotten the inheritance of the gods?"

Qian Daoliu glanced at the angel statue: "You all know Seagod Island, right?"

"I know, don't you mean that they are not inferior to our Spirit Hall. If they can't leave the ocean, maybe Douluo Continent is not the only one of our family."

Golden Crocodile Douluo nodded.

"Well, it is true, and this Seagod Island has the inheritance of the gods."

Qian Daoliu nodded and revealed a secret.

"The Sea God Island actually has a god inheritance?"

It was the first time that other worshippers heard that they had never been to Sea God Island, so they were quite surprised.

"Yes, and it's the inheritance of Seagod, very powerful."

Speaking of this, Qian Daoliu said with a little regret: "Back then, the old man also tried, but unfortunately he failed the assessment."

Everyone's heart swayed when they heard it. It turned out that there was still such a secret. No wonder the Great Worship was so jealous of Seagod Island.

Suddenly, someone thought of something and widened his eyes and said, "Didn't Prince Tiandou also have a god inheritance? Could it be that this Prince Tiandou mobilized power similar to Sea God Island?"

"It should be so. That's why I oppose Bibi Dong. Before I know the reality of the opponent, once confronted with Heaven Dou, I will most likely face Sea God Island, even... even more terrifying power."

Qian Daoliu solemnly said: "This is why I have always been inclined to let my granddaughter marry. Not only will it not be a death fight, but it can also explore the reality. Even if the opponent is stronger than us, we can continue to cooperate."

"That's it, it seems that I had misunderstood your conservativeness before." Golden Crocodile Douluo said embarrassedly.

"Don't blame you, if you don't see the power of Seagod Island with your own eyes, you can't realize the meaning of the inheritance of gods."

When Qian Daoliu said this, he glanced at the angel statue.

Isn't Wuhun Temple also related to the inheritance of the Angel God?

After all, whether it is Wuhun Temple or Sea God Island, it is the endorsement power of the gods in this world.

"In this way, the Clear Sky Sect was destroyed by this Tiandou prince, and I am afraid that they will not leave ten days. Their method of unifying the mainland, we should not be able to stop it."

"And we must marry them, otherwise they will have the high-end combat power of Seagod Island and the millions of hidden weapon army. Our Wuhun Temple is definitely not as good as it."

The attitudes of several major consecrations have changed a bit again, they are more supportive of marriage, and at the same time they dare not look down upon the Heaven Dou Empire anymore.

On the other side, Bibi Dong returned to his residence with a black face, and soon received the news.

She was silent for a while, and sneered: "Inheritance of the gods, guardian of the gods, this time I underestimated you, but I won't admit defeat!"

Having been the pope for so many years, everything was originally under her control, but it was the first time that she was defeated by others.

Therefore, she hated Luochuan very much. This was not an enmity, but just unwillingness.

It's like a person who was originally aloof, suddenly pulled down and stepped on a foot by an unknown person, you can imagine how shameful it is.

"As long as you are not a god, I still have a chance!"

Bibi Dong squeezed his palms, his eyes were reluctant to admit defeat.

"No matter how many guardians there are, they are all rubbish if they are not gods!"

He cursed in a low voice, and he said solemnly: "Let Qian Renxue come over, but if she didn't come over, she said it was her marriage.

Arranged a sentence, and soon a graceful young girl in a pale yellow dress appeared at the door.

Looking at her daughter who hadn't seen her many times in her life, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed a little complicated.

"I heard that you were removed from the pope."

Qian Renxue was a little gloating.

This powerful woman also has today!

"Even if you don't become the pope, you won't have your turn to do it."

Bibi Dong said coldly: "The water you just came to throw out is not qualified to show off in front of me."

Qian Renxue tit-for-tat: "At least I have devoted my whole life to the Wuhun Palace, but you almost pulled the Wuhun Palace into the abyss."

Both pairs stared at each other, with a strong attitude, which made the atmosphere in the entire hall depressed, and the men on one side were a little out of breath, and quickly turned and left.

Bibi Dong saw her daughter so much like herself, just like facing a mirror and seeing herself.

She sighed, retracted her fierce and powerful gaze, and limply said in her seat: "The Hall of the Elders arranged for me to take charge of your wedding. You can say what you want."

"Make you responsible?"

Qian Renxue was not satisfied with this arrangement.

"I am your mother." When Bibi Dong said this, his expression became more complicated.

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue became angry for no reason: "Have you been a mother in these years? Now you are qualified to say this?"


Bibi Dong's red lips moved, and facing her daughter's question, she found that she could not say a word.

"Am I really rubbish to you?"

Qian Renxue sneered: "Why do you treat me this way, why I shouldn't appear in this world in your eyes, why I hate you so much, why you are different from other mothers!"

For four reasons in a row, continue to pierce Bibi Dong's mind with a sharp sword, making her face pale.


Qian Renxue took a step: "Tell me what I mean to you."

She thought of what Luo Chuan said, and she must figure it out today!

Facing her daughter's question, Bibi Dong lost his look on his face, tears streaming down his eyes: "I am sorry for you."

Qian Renxue's body shook slightly. She waited for these words for a long time, but she couldn't get back what she lost. Sorry, could she really soothe the pain in her heart?

Thinking of what Luochuan had accidentally revealed, she looked at Bibi Dong tearfully: "I heard that you were forced to leave me by my father!"

"how do you know!"

Bibi Dong looked up abruptly, this was her many years of scars, which was uncovered again at this moment.

"Sure enough... But why does my father force you to give birth to me? Isn't it a natural thing to have children?"

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