Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 280 Only Strength Is The Most Reliable

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"I will do it!"

Qian Renxue firmly said: "You can't stop me from being with him."

"Hehe, do you think the title of Killing God is so easy to get? I admit that your talent is good, but even if you succeed, you will miss the marriage."

Bibi Dong sneered, "Maybe the person you want to marry has already married another woman."


Qian Renxue really panicked this time. She had given up everything and was about to give birth to that guy. If Luochuan really gave up on her, she couldn't accept this reality.

"Why? Don't believe it? He is the prince and will be the emperor in the future. Even if you marry, he has a reason to marry a bunch of women, let alone you disappeared."

Bibi Dong continued to hit Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue knew that Bibi Dong was deliberately taunting her, and did not lose too long, pretending not to care, "So what, as long as I can go out, I am still his woman, but the one ranked first!"

"Well, you are not a glass heart, so try to get out of here, oh, forget to tell you one thing, you can't use spirit abilities here."

Bibi Dong smiled playfully.

"Can't use spirit skills?"

Qian Renxue was thinking about killing her out with a burst of anger. When she heard this, her expression changed drastically and she hurriedly released her martial soul.

In an instant, he turned into an angel, but the spirit ring did not appear, as if it had disappeared.

"Angel, what a light and sacred power, in this dark and evil place, you are like a beacon in the night, it will be very eye-catching."

Bibi Dong looked at the six wings behind Qian Renxue coldly, with a hint of mockery: "I want to come here to provoke you more enemies."

"Can you get out, I don't want to see you!"

Qian Renxue showed an impatient look.

"Enjoy the killing, maybe you will fall into the dark."

Bibi Dong laughed strangely and disappeared in a flash.

After she left, the gazes that were originally afraid to pry into her suddenly gathered.

Just like Bibi Dong said, Qian Renxue's light power is like a torch in this killing city, and it can easily be noticed.

Soon, someone couldn't help coming over.

This man was short in stature, with mouse-like eyes, with a faint green light.

"Yeah, my little sister is really murderous. I have slept with most of the women in the killing city. I would like to call you the number one.

The evil laughter came from his mouth, which provokes a lot of agreement in the dark.

"Hey, this is not fully developed yet, it is estimated that it can grow in the future."

"Standing with too much weight, or lying down to rest, let the uncle give you a good massage."

"Tsk tsk, this martial soul looks bright and sacred, and it makes people really want to conquer."

Suddenly, many people walked out, all with evil smiles without exception, taking Qian Renxue as prey.


Qian Renxue looked disgusting, and these people were disgusting regardless of their appearance, smell, or words.

"Strong temperament, I like it."

"I don't know if I will be so arrogant in the future."


A sword with flames passed through the front man's throat and appeared on his back.

Qian Renxue has stood beside him holding a sword more than once, with a cold expression.

All the others froze, and they never thought that this new prey would be so powerful.

"Tell me, where are the killing fields in hell?"

Qian Renxue drew out the sword. The person who had molested her just now turned into a corpse and fell to the ground. The blood flowed out like spring water, adding a bright red to the already dark red ground.

The other people who were about to grab Qian Renxue to enjoy her trembled, realizing that the strength of this beautiful woman with big breasts was above them, and it was not something they could provoke.

In the killing capital, the most important skill is to recognize the situation, know who is stronger than yourself, and then surrender in exchange for a chance to survive.

The person who was stared at by Qian Renxue hurriedly said: "Beautiful...beauty, the killing fields of hell are in the inner city."

"Take me over or kill you!"

Qian Renxue said indifferently.

She is not a good person when she rushes, and she is also cruel and knows how to deal with these people.

That is to make the other person fear with death.

"Yes Yes!"

The latter was pale and honestly led the way.

Qian Renxue followed with no expression on her face, observing everything she saw along the way.

Her eyes gradually became ugly, and it was more disgusting and darker than she thought.

Evil, killing, fornication... all kinds of extreme scenes are common here, and she can't get used to it for a while.

"She can walk out from here."

Thinking of Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue's heart became more and more surprised, and at the same time she was unconvinced.

That person can do it, why can't he?

With a comparison, Qian Renxue's mentality quickly stabilized and gradually accepted the status quo.

The killing capital, the real core place.

In the tall hall, it was Bibi Dong who stepped into a woman in black.

"You broke the rules, you shouldn't bring people in directly, even if you are a murderer."

The indifferent and majestic voice sounded from the shadow of a figure on a crystal-encrusted chair deep in the hall.

"The strong should have privileges, otherwise why be the strong?"

Bibi Dong asked rhetorically.

The latter's eyes flashed with blood: "Are you provoking the majesty of the killing capital?"

"What if you are provoked, is it possible that you dare to go to war with the Spirit Hall? Don't talk about the Spirit Hall, if I act, what can you do?"

Bibi Dong sneered, not afraid of each other at all.

"you wanna die!"

The Slaughter King got up, and the terrible slaughter aura poured out against Bibi Dong.

The latter did not move, the same breath gushed out of his body, blocking the opponent's domain power.

"You are indeed stronger than me. It's a pity that this city of killing has not only the power of Shura God, but also the power of my Rakshasa body. You also have it in your body. Do you really think it can move me, a descendant of Raksha God?"

The King of Slaughter's pupils shrank.

There are indeed two powers in his body, especially the power of the god Raksha, which has caused him to lose a lot of things.

Gritting his teeth, he suppressed his anger and said: "Get out!"

"I hope she won't die here, so don't give her too much opponent."

Bibi Dong left a word and turned and left.

"Damn it, so damn it!"

The King of Slaughter roared angrily, his soul power was like a storm raging, and suddenly, he held his head in pain with a hideous expression.

"Who am I, who am I!"

"I am the king of slaughter, I am the master of the city of slaughter!"

Bibi Dong smiled disdainfully when he heard the voice behind him: "The descendant of Asura? It's just a poor creature."

She turned her head and glanced at the city, and a gentle touch appeared in her eyes: "Daughter, step out here, you will understand that in this world, only power is the most reliable, man? Unreliable."

After speaking, she disappeared into the darkness, and when she reappeared, she was already in the Spirit Hall.

No one noticed Qian Renxue's disappearance for a while.

She considered it for a while, and came to a place where a soul beast was raised.

Soon, the person in charge here came over in fear and salute: "My Pope!"

"I remember you have a soul beast called amoeba here?"

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