Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 288 The King of Slaughter Close to God

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Luochuan is extremely confident.

"Well, I want to leave this ghost place too."

Qian Renxue snuggled against Luo Chuan's chest, and she believed the other person unconditionally.

"Want to leave. From ancient times to the present, no one who dares to come to the City of Killing to make trouble, no one can escape!"

It was like the voice coming from the Jiuyou Hell, ringing in their ears with a cold wind.

With the arrival of this sound, there was also a terrible pressure and a strong smell of blood.

A large cloud of blood suddenly appeared in the sky, and the moonlight passed through and turned into a blood-red light.

A figure wearing a blood-colored robe, blood-colored cloak, and blood-colored eyes, except for a pale and bloodless figure flying over from a distance.

The terrible killing intent was like the tide flooding Luochuan, making him feel the long-lost pressure.

"King of Slaughter!"

"King of Slaughter!"

No need for Luo Chuan to identify, the fallen people around him roared excitedly, looking at the incoming people with fanatical and fearful eyes.

This is the actual ruler and most powerful existence of the entire killing capital.

The spirit power of Level 99 Peerless Douluo suppressed Luochuan, and the scariest thing was the bloody mist it released. This was a domain power that further suppressed Luochuan's spirit power.

It can be said that in this city of killing, the king of killing is the most powerful.

Because he can use spirit abilities, but Luochuan can't!


Qian Renxue couldn't help shaking, this person was terrible.

"Don't be afraid, there is me."

Luo Chuan patted Qian Renxue's fragrant shoulder without much fear.

Just now, he pushed Qian Renxue out.

At the same time, a flash of blood flashed in the eyes of the King of Slaughter opposite, and he had launched an attack.

His speed was as fast as a ghost, and Sharan disappeared from the place, turned into a blood shadow and appeared on the side of Luochuan.

A sharp claw grabbed Luo Chuan's chest, and at the same time the rich bloody light poured out from his body.

The terrible power of comprehension suppressed Luo Chuan for the first time, his face changed slightly, and a purple light gushing from his eyes, turning into a spiritual realm.

The spirit domain has reached the god level, even if the opponent's kill god domain is the most powerful domain in the world, it is still a little short of the god level.

The purple light shuddered, and the Scarlet Domain was shaken away. At the same time, Luo Chuan slapped a punch and hit his paw.


The dull voice sounded, the terrible power was transmitted, and the ground instantly shattered and sank.

The Slaughter King's face changed, and his body trembled, only to feel an overwhelming force coming.


He couldn't help it, and he retreated nearly ten feet before stopping.

Luo Chuan shook his body and backed up a few steps, slightly surprised.

"This guy's strength is not only level 99, it should be level 100, which is equivalent to a demigod. If he can gain a god position, he can directly become a level 101 true god!"

A look of surprise appeared in Luo Chuan's eyes.

As everyone knows, the soul master can only absorb the next soul ring after ten.

The 100th level is still the Title Douluo level, not a true god, but it is already qualified to absorb the 10th spirit ring and become a god.

The Slaughter King was stuck at this step, so his strength was far stronger than the level 99 Peerless Douluo.

If he hadn't just raised his spirit and physique to a god level, a close collision at this moment would not be an opponent at all.


The sound of breaking through the air suddenly appeared.

At this time, the sky turned into gold, and a huge figure fell from the sky and directly smashed the Slaughter King.

The golden dragon rushed over as soon as he thought, and launched an attack without saying a word.


The King of Slaughter stabilized his body, and it was logically too late to fight back, but there was a terrifying, bloody light on his body.


This blood light actually blocked the golden dragon like a substantial force, flew it out, and smashed a row of buildings.

The terrible aftermath directly tore the fallen people nearby, turning them into a piece of blood.

Luo Chuan stood in front of Qian Renxue for a flash, raised his hand with a wave, the aftermath was shaken away.

Looking at the figure that looked like a copper wall and an iron wall, Qian Renxue was a little lost.

Is he already so strong?

This is the King of Slaughter, definitely not an ordinary Title Douluo, he can actually fight head-on.

It turned out that this is the true strength of his man?

I had been hiding before, but now it was revealed to save myself.

Thinking of this, she was so moved.

"This guy is very tricky. Go to the dragon. If it's okay, you can help kill others."

Luo Chuan grabbed Qian Renxue and threw it out, falling on the golden dragon's back.

"Be careful."

Qian Renxue said with a worried expression, this is the home court of others, and Luochuan is definitely not very good at playing.

"You can rest assured that you will kill him today."

Luo Chuan was still calm, even if he couldn't win, he still had a chance to escape.

He waved his hand, and the golden dragon flew up and left the circle of war.

This martial spirit attribute is restrained by the power of this place, and can't exert much power, so it is responsible for solving other fallen ones. It is enough for him to have the assistance of the mason mammoth and the ghost white tiger.

On the ground, a pit appeared around the Slaughter King. He gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, very good, I don't care which force you are from, you must die here today."

The one who answered him was a black giant claw, and the Netherworld White Tiger came second and swiped it directly at him.

"Damn it!"

The King of Slaughter was shot flying, blood flowed out, but his breath became stronger.

When the Netherworld White Tiger continued to attack, the domain on his body exploded directly, shaking the Netherworld White Tiger back.

"You... all have to die!"

The Slaughter King Yin Cece roared and stepped out of the bloody mist.

At this moment, he has changed a lot, with blood-colored lines appearing strangely on his body, condensed into a sword shape on his forehead, the blood on his back turned into a pair of bat-like wings, and a red giant hammer appeared in his hand.

At this moment, Luo Chuan was holding the Seven Kill Sword to kill, and the blue and gold sword light collided with the red hammer shadow.


Luo Chuan's pupils shrank, his figure abruptly and then retreated, this time he retreated more than ten feet.

"The power has increased so much at once. Is this the special of Clear Sky Hammer? No, there are two other forces in him, one evil and the other full of killing."

Luo Chuan squinted his eyes and stared solemnly at the killing king who was like a hell demon at this moment.

The bat-like wings behind the opponent are a source of strength, and the sword-shaped pattern on the center of the eyebrow is another source of strength.

The former is evil, the latter is a naked killing power, especially the latter, exuding an aura that makes his heart palpitations.

This is the power of inheritance of the god Shura!

And that bat wing, think of it as the blood-red nine-headed bat king who controls the King of Slaughter!

A 100-level Tang Chen, a blood-red nine-headed bat king, and a power of inheritance from the god of Shura.

At this moment, his opponent is close to the gods.

"It's a bit troublesome. Fortunately, I play more and less."

Luo Chuan secretly said in his heart, watching the reincarnated mammoth rushing over like a mountain in the distance, and his heart settled.

In the dust of the sky, the Diamond Mammoth ran directly into the King of Slaughter.

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