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The third sword brewed power in Luo Chuan's hands, and under the blue golden light, the void cracked open.

"It can be improved, his spirit ability!"

Qian Daoliu stared at Luochuan's sword. At this moment, he felt the power of attack that exceeded his limit was being released.

As Luo Chuan raised his hand and waved, the light of the sword like a crescent moon was cut out, and the strength was condensed but not dispersed. The edge force cut through the void, and instantly crossed the distance between the two sides and fell directly.

"It must be blocked!"

Qian Daoliu's eyes widened, and he saw how terrifying this sword was.

He must go all out to have a chance to block it.

Angrily, he raised the sword in his hand.

A brilliant golden light fell from the sky, shining all over him.

The scorching flames skyrocketed instantly, and powerful energy fluctuations gathered on the angel's sword.

Numerous golden lights and flames made the void twisted like water.

This is the power to summon the sun's true fire!

The angel martial soul was originally the spokesperson of the light, and under the thousand dao flow soul skills, the light and heat of the sky were all mobilized.

In an instant, his aura reached its peak.

At this moment, Qian Daoliu was holding a golden long sword, as if he was about to judge the sins of the world.

Unfortunately, this is not enough. Luo Chuan's attack is already comparable to a god, and he is a demigod at best.


Luo Chuan spit out a word, the crescent moon sword light fell, and the moment it touched Qian Daoliu's sword of judgment, he cut directly into it.

The light cluster condensed by the real fire of the sun was cut open like bread, and the golden flames and the blue-gold sword energy collided crazily, all trying to destroy each other.

After all, Jian Guang won, and with an indomitable momentum, he forcibly cut into it.

Qian Daoliu felt that Jian Qi was like unstoppable, not only had the edge to cut everything, but also had a continuous impact like a tsunami.

He gritted his teeth and wanted to block it, but no matter what he did, the sword energy still moved forward.

"It's so powerful, this is his third blow."

Qian Daoliu sighed secretly, he saw the gap, he used his full strength, but the opponent only had the third sword.

Are you really old?

The obvious gap and feeling of powerlessness caused Qian Daoliu not only to be attacked, but also to collapse his mood.

With a loud noise, the energy of the two collisions exploded!

The blue-golden sword light spread, and immediately dominated the world. As it soared into the sky, it also spread in all directions, enveloping thousands of streams in a blink of an eye.

The raging energy spread and rolled up a gust of wind.

Since it was fighting in the sky, the aftermath did not cause much destructive power, but only cut off the tower by one floor.

"Great worship!"

The look of the other consecrations of the spectator changed drastically, and he watched with great worry.

At the same time, they were also amazed at Luochuan's strength.

A hairy boy who was less than twenty years old actually defeated more than one hundred years old and became the pinnacle powerhouse of Peerless Douluo for many years!

This is incredible.

Even if this person cultivates in the womb, he has practiced for more than ten years, which is worth more than one hundred years of cultivation.

For a time, all major offerings were hit.

People are really angry.

The others also looked at Luochuan in awe.

At this moment, in their eyes, this is like a god-like person.


"Are you too heavy to start?"

Qian Renxue looked nervously at the center of the raging sword energy.

This is her grandfather, the only person who cared about her in her childhood, and didn't want anything to happen.

"Can't die, no matter how you say it, it's a peerless Douluo."

Luo Chuan shook his head, his third sword was enough to crush the opponent, but not enough to kill.

He did not kill him either.

If Qian Daoliu were really killed, his marriage with Qian Renxue would definitely be ruined, and Qian Renxue would hate him.

So he still left a little bit of leeway, and the direction of his attack was biased.

Qian Renxue let out a sigh of relief.

Luo Chuan said it was okay, she believed that grandpa would not be in danger.

In the air, the collision energy gradually subsided, and after the sword energy dissipated, a golden light appeared in it.

The golden light was very dim and would go out at any time, and one of the figures wrapped himself in wings.

The three pairs of wings were tattered and covered with sword marks, leaving blood marks on his body.

The blood dripped, Qian Daoliu raised his head, now his head was shaved and his face was pale.

He looked at Luo Chuan with a complex expression.

I lost myself.

Defeated when the opponent did not use his full strength.


Luochuan will accept it as soon as it is good.

Otherwise, if the fight continues, the marriage in three days may be affected.

He put away the Seven Kill Sword, the surroundings were still quiet.

Everyone looked at Qian Daoliu and didn't know how this peerless Douluo would respond.

Do you deny it or continue to fight?

Qian Daoliu spread out his broken wings and looked at Luo Chuan, who was outstanding and domineering, his expression changed for a while.

Finally, he sighed: "Young man, you won."

Talented people have come out from generation to generation, and they have led the way for hundreds of years.

He understands that starting from today, his own era has completely passed away.

This person will be like a rising star, replacing him as a new pinnacle.

People will only remember that he was defeated in the opponent's hands, not that he was once a peak power.

"Angel Douluo is also very strong."

Luo Chuan smiled and said a polite remark, which was a step down the other side.

"Not as good as you."

Qian Daoliu snorted, but his expression lightened slightly, "Young man, your goal has been achieved, let them go away, is it possible that you want to besiege Wuhun City?"

Luo Chuan waved his hand, and all the figures disappeared in a burst of white light.

This scene made the people of Wuhun Hall jealous.

They thought of Luochuan as the inheritor of the gods.

The sudden appearance and disappearance of these existences is probably related to the means of inheritance.

And Luo Chuan had such a powerful strength at a young age, and he was definitely inseparable from God.

Thinking about it this way, they felt a lot better.

It's not that their strength is not good, but the power of God is too incredible.

Under self-comfort, many people's expressions also eased.

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue and said, "The man you are looking for is indeed the most powerful in this world."

The latter's face was reddish with pride in his heart.

"Are you going in and sit down?"


Luochuan still has something to discuss with Qian Daoliu.

"Let's go."

Qian Daoliu turned around and said to the others: "It's gone."

After speaking, he personally took Luochuan to the Hall of the Elders.

"You are an outsider entering here."

Luo Chuan smiled and said, "I will be his own right away, right?"


Qian Daoliu nodded, dispersed the martial soul, and said: "Let's talk, you come here with such a big fanfare, it's not like simply sending Xiaoxue."

"Well, I don't want to make a roundabout, talk about my future arrangements for the Spirit Hall."

Luo Chuan said you're welcome.

Qian Daoliu frowned, and an outsider had to arrange for them to martial arts palace, which made him quite unhappy.

However, thinking of the strength of this kid and the forces hidden behind him, he still held back his anger.

"How do you arrange it?"

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