Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 304 You Are Not Enough

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"I am your wife, so naturally I will help you wholeheartedly."

Qian Renxue was very satisfied with this. She was a very powerful and capable woman, but she wouldn't make a vase.

"Well, how about the Wuhun Hall under your jurisdiction?"

Luo Chuan said the next step.

"Where is Bibi Dong?"

"She is not suitable to lead the Hall of Martial Spirits anymore, and the Pope will be abolished by me. Let her go to the Hall of Elders."

Luo Chuan then explained the arrangement for the splitting of the three halls of Wuhun Hall.

"It's okay to do this. There are many disagreements between the previous Elder Hall and Wuhun Hall, and we will be under our jurisdiction after separation, which can avoid the same problem."

"Well, you are in charge of the Hall of Souls, I am in charge of the Hall of Douluo, your grandfather will continue to be in charge of the Hall of Elders, in the future the Hall of Elders will absorb powers above level 95, and the Hall of Douluo will absorb Soul Douluo and ordinary titled Douluo. As for Soul The temple is responsible for cultivating soul masters under the soul Douluo."

Luo Chuan explained the specific roles of the Three Halls.

"After unifying the Wuhun Temple, what else do you have to do next."

"Naturally go to the sea to see, and continue to open up territory."

Luo Chuan smiled: "Don't talk about it, the spring night is worth a lot of money, let's do something right."

With that, he rushed over.

The next day, Luo Chuan and Qian Renxue visited some of the elders of the royal family according to the custom, and the wedding was completely over.

Later, Luochuan was called by Emperor Xue Ye.

"You are now married and established, when do you plan to take up my position?"

Xue Ye said with a smile.

"Father, I still want to go to a place to practice for a while, and I can't manage too many things for the time being."

Luo Chuan shook his head. Once he became the emperor, he would have to stay in the mainland for a long time, not too free.

"Your kid is going to run around again."

Xueye smiled helplessly: "I still want to abdicate and take care of the old age."

"It won't be too long. After I take your place, I will integrate the Wuhun Hall and other sects to turn the mainland into an iron bucket."

Luo Chuan knew Xue Ye's character, and the other party really wanted to abdicate.

"Wuhundian is really willing to surrender us?" Xue Ye couldn't help but said.

Luo Chuan proudly said: "If you don't want to, you have to be willing. Now our Heaven Dou strength is enough to destroy them."

"It's good for you to have confidence. We will create the foundation of the Xue Family forever."

Xue Ye's eyes were shining, with excitement.

The son has a godly inheritance, he still knows its value, and the hidden strength behind it is enough to subvert many things.

"Father, rest assured, the Heaven Dou Empire will surpass the past."

Luo Chuan's expression affirmed that not only the Douluo Continent, but also the Ocean and Sun and Moon Continents will become the territory of the empire.

Xue Ye nodded, and talked about another matter: "I am going to make Ning Fengzhi of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect the prince and grandmaster, what do you think?"

"Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect assisted our Tiandou in taking down the Star Luo Empire, and has been supporting us, as long as they are willing to surrender, they can naturally be given preferential treatment."

Luo Chuan agrees.

"Oh, do you want them to confess to surrender? They used to be supportive of us, but actually independent of our royal family. Will they agree now?"

Xue Ye was a little uncertain, but before, he had to rely on the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"Father, don't worry, I have communicated with Ning Fengzhi on the battlefield. They will not confront us and give us more benefits. I think it will be enough for them to change their words and officially admit it."

Luochuan has its own method Qibao Liulizong is willing to admit.

"Okay, leave this to you. Anyway, the position of the prince's prince has been given to him, which is an expression of our sincerity."

Xueye still prepared to let Luochuan deal with it.

"Well, Father, there is one more thing. I want to build more ships, especially big ships. In the future, I plan to include the ocean in the empire."


Xue Ye froze for a moment: "The ocean is very dangerous, even more dangerous than land. The number of soul beasts is more than ten times that of land. Humans basically only dare to act in the coastal waters."

"This is one of my purposes to subdue the Spirit Hall. In the future, I plan to form a navy and need more spirit masters so that I can open up sea routes and develop marine resources."

"You have an idea. Now that the continent is unified, there will be fewer battles in the future. The army does have a way out. In addition, the development of the ocean can also enrich the resources of the empire, which is very valuable."

Xueye is naturally very smart to be the emperor. He immediately understood that Luochuan was going to shift the target, obtain more resources, and make the empire rich, so that his rule could be stable.

As long as people eat and drink enough, who will be all right to rebel?

"I took a look. The Empire has a Shipbuilding Bureau. I want to merge it into the Forging Bureau, merge it into a manufacturing department, mobilize more resources, combine hidden weapons and firearms, and focus on developing new weapons and warships. What do you think of the father? ?"

Luo Chuan proposed.

"Yes, I will make arrangements immediately. You can directly direct what to do. If I have the opportunity in the future, I also want to visit the ocean."

Xueye fully supports Luochuan, he believes that his son can make something interesting.

"I'll go to see the teacher and deal with the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect."

Luochuan bid farewell to Xueye and went directly to the Qibao Glazed Tile School.

Ning Fengzhi came out to meet him in person.

The prince's ability, he is now very clear, what happened in Wuhun City before has shown that the power that the prince can mobilize can easily destroy the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect.

"Teacher, this time I came here to make the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect become a subsidiary sect of the empire and no longer be independent of the empire.

Luochuan is straight to the point.

"Huh, why should my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect be attached to you?"

Jian Douluo, who followed Ning Fengzhi, immediately expressed dissatisfaction.

"Sword Douluo, you are strong, I will answer you with strength."

Luo Chuan said lightly, dealing with this kind of person and defeating the opponent is the best way.

"His Royal Highness, don't get excited, we can discuss this matter."

Ning Fengzhi smiled embarrassedly. We haven't talked about this yet, why do we have to do it?

"Well, as long as you beat the old man, the old man will stop talking about this."

Sword Douluo took a step, and his domineering breath exploded, his silver hair flying, his eyes like swords.

"I heard that you defeated the old immortal Qian Daoliu. Although the old man is not your opponent, he still has to ask for advice."

He knew that he was not the opponent of this person, because he couldn't beat Qian Daoliu, and the latter was defeated by the opponent.

But he still wants to fight, otherwise he will be unwilling.

"You alone are not enough, please invite another elder out and join the teacher."

Luo Chuan proudly, he wants one to pick three.

Today, when he came here, he was going to convince people with strength first, defeating the strong of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and then he could speak very well.

When the words fell, an even more fierce aura erupted from his body, and the sword light pierced the sky, changing the color of the entire Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect.

"Sure enough, the strength was hidden before."

Ning Fengzhi's complexion changed, and his heart was shocked. What kind of inheritance can make a person under 18 years of age stronger than peerless Douluo?

Think about it, only God can do it.

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