Endless Fusion of Douluo

Chapter 314 Ice and Fire Phoenix

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"There is no shortage of life-saving means. In terms of support, the Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda is enough to double my combat effectiveness, and the Nine Hearts Begonia can keep me regaining blood. Now my various abilities are completely perfect!"

Luo Chuan muttered, his eyes fell on the ice phoenix and the fire phoenix.

Today, he still has a martial arts position.

He can get one martial soul position for each rank, and now the ninth rank has a total of nine additional martial soul positions.

Now, he has nine martial souls, namely Eight Wing Angel, Nine Heart Begonia, Blood Eye, Golden Sacred Dragon, Diamond Mammoth, Nether White Tiger, Seven Kills Sword, Death Spider King, and Nine Treasure Glass Tower!

There are two auxiliary Wuhuns, namely the pure healing type Jiuxin Begonia and the full auxiliary type Jiubao Liuli Pagoda.

Attack the two spirits, the flying golden sacred dragon and the beast ghost white tiger.

Control spirit type martial soul blood pupil, defense type martial soul diamond mammoth, control type insect martial soul Death Spider King, and power attack type weapon Wuhun Seven Kill Sword.

As for the eight-winged angels, they can be regarded as comprehensive martial arts, capable of flying, attacking, defensive, and healing. They are not outstanding in all aspects, and only have one advantage.


Not only is he handsome, but the key is the only humanoid martial soul.

A birdman martial arts soul that can shine, can burst into flames, holding a sword.

"Fowls and beasts, flowers, plants, insects and fish...the ones that fly in the sky and those that run on the ground are just like swimming in the water."

"However, swimming in the water is too limited, but it can exert greater power in the sea, not on land and in the sky."

"And most of the world and battlefields are not in the water, and with my strength, I am not afraid even in the water."

"There is still a martial soul position left, how do I get it, do I go to the Sea God Temple to copy a marine martial soul, or merge the ice and fire phoenix?"

Luo Chuan hesitated in his heart.

Next, I'm going to Sea God Island. It stands to reason that it is best to let the tenth martial spirit position integrate a related martial spirit.

"I'm not going to make an ice and fire phoenix. The ice attribute is the variation of the water attribute, and it can also restrain the water attribute, and the ice and fire attribute can fit the ice and fire dragon wings. Soon, both sides happen to be both.

Luo Chuan's eyes turned, eventually tending to absorb the ice and fire phoenix.

Very simple, this martial soul can further exert the power of his Ice and Fire Mysterious Art and Ice and Fire Dragon Wings.

Especially the Ice and Fire Dragon Wings, this is a divine weapon, even a super divine weapon, there is a special martial arts to stimulate it, which is definitely the icing on the cake.

With a decision, he turned on the system and found the Ice Phoenix and Fire Phoenix.

The former comes from Ma Hongjun, who removes evil fire, and the latter comes from Shui Binger from Tianshui College.

The strength of the two spirits is only more than 30 levels, it is easy to integrate, and it does not cost much energy.

Under his fusion, the blue light and the fiery red light quickly combined and turned directly into purple.

Soon a purple phoenix appeared. Its feathers were purple, surrounded by blue whirlwinds and red flames, and the whole was also purple.

However, its eyes are one blue and one red, which means it can stimulate the power of ice and fire.

"The first time I merged martial arts with completely different attributes, fortunately, they were only more than 30 levels, otherwise the level is too high, I can't afford it."

Luo Chuan looked at the new martial soul with satisfaction. Although it was only two martial souls of more than 30 levels that cost him hundreds of millions of energy, this first dual-attribute martial soul made him quite excited.

This is because the attributes of any other martial arts are not single or similar, and there has never been a diametrically opposite one.


Luo Chuan did not hesitate to choose to integrate this special martial soul.

The ice and fire phoenix merged from the ice phoenix and the fire phoenix, and after the fusion, it was equivalent to more than forty levels of martial arts.

There is still a gap between this and other spirits in Luochuan, so after fusion, they will absorb the growth of spirit power wildly.

Luochuan's level was pulled down for the first time, from level 97 to level 96.

But he didn't care at all.

His current strength is down to one level, he is still the strongest human being in this world, and may even be the strongest creature.

It took a while, and the Ice Fire Phoenix finally grew up.

As for its spirit rings, Luo Chuan first absorbed the five spirit rings of Ma Hongjun and Shui Bing'er, and the remaining four were selected from the inventory.

Then, he spent energy to upgrade the total of 18 spirit rings of the Ice and Fire Phoenix and the Nine Treasure Glazed Glass Tower, all of them to one hundred thousand years.

Not only these two spirits, Luo Chuan also added the remaining five spirit rings of the Eight Winged Angel.

Now that he has revealed his true strength, there is no need to cover it up. Even though the Angel Martial Soul has nine spirit rings, no one has said much.

At this point, Luochuan had ten martial arts spirits, all of which were nine spirit rings, and all of them were one hundred thousand year spirit rings.

As for the million-year spirit ring, one will cost 100 billion, which is too expensive. Before becoming a god, there is no need to get it for now.

He thought, protecting the ice and fire phoenix.

Purple feathers emerged, blue gusts were blowing around him, red flames rose, turning into a purple flame storm.

The power of ice and fire is the opposite. Anything that comes into contact must withstand cold and high temperatures at the same time. Under the two heavens of ice and fire, these things can't bear it, and they are broken in the sound of banging.

Even steel, cracked under this power!

The terrible storm of destruction spread, and everything around him continued to shatter. Except for Luo Chuan's body, no one can withstand this peculiar power.

"Awesome, just the power radiated by the martial soul is so terrifying, how can the enemy resist?"

Luochuan is happy in appearance.

The attack of the ice and fire phoenix contains two attribute powers. Can the enemy cope with one and the other?

Moreover, the extreme cold and high temperature can't stand even steel, so how can people bear it?

"Except for the Seven Killing Sword, its attack power can rank first among the nine martial arts."

Luo Chuan secretly said that instead of experimenting with spirit abilities, he put it away.

In just such a moment, the palace he cultivated was full of cracks, and it would collapse at any time. If he used his spirit skills, the nearby kilometers would be affected.

"what happened?"

Qian Renxue came from the other side and looked at the mess on the ground in amazement. The destroyed things melted, but they were also stained with frost.

What kind of weird power is this?

"It's okay, I'm experiencing a special martial arts spirit."

Luo Chuan smiled.


Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment: "Do you have another new martial arts soul?"


"I really don't understand what your martial soul is. There are angels, but they are different from my Seraphim."

"You are almighty when you consider my martial soul."

Luo Chuan didn't say much, but changed the subject: "I'm going to sea next, do you want to follow?"

"Yes, I am alone in this deep palace compound. It is very boring. I haven't been to the ocean yet. I really want to see it."

Qian Renxue nodded.

"Okay, Ye Lingling will be there too, then your sisters will cultivate your feelings."

Luo Chuan smiled and said, he didn't mind letting the two women meet, because sooner or later in the future they would meet, it might as well be earlier.

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