The noise, like the tide, flooded her. "Miss Li Yang, don't you think it's too much for you and Mr. Lin Fengyi to meet here late at night. Are you sorry for Miss Qin Xi'er?"

"Miss Li Yang, did you deliberately push Miss Qin Xi'er downstairs and hurt her because you were jealous of her?"

"Miss Li Yang, Miss Qin Xi'er defends you in front of all the media. Why do you hurt the simple and kind-hearted her again and again? Is it because you've been so vicious for years that you can't change it? "

"Miss Li Yang..."

Li Yang low head frown, subconsciously moving feet, want to seize the door and escape.

Several reporters, quick at their wits, reached for the door and sealed it to death.

Li Yang pushed a few times, but how could her strength be equal to a group of people? It was soon crowded into the house by a line of reporters.

Numerous microphones were placed on Li Yang's mouth, and even a few of them poked into her delicate face.

One problem after another.

One is sharper than the other.

"Miss Li Yang, after the bankruptcy of the Li family, are you a junior in the care of a married woman?"

"Why do you interfere and destroy the feelings of others before?"

"Is it that your gold master dumped you, so you came to collude with Mr. Lin Fengyi and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to take advantage of it?"

"I heard that you have a bad style and your gold owner has dumped you. Can't you stand the chaos of your private life?"

Her ears were in a mess, her eyes were dazzled by the flash and the pain in her face from the microphone.

I just feel difficult to breathe and my chest heaves violently.

She reached out and tried to get out of the crowd, but she was not given a chance.

"Miss Li Yang, when did you hook up with Mr. Lin Fengyi?"

"In the making, or before?"

"Have you always had this kind of improper relationship?"

"The marriage between Miss Qin Xi'er and Mr. Lin Fengyi is well known to all. Are you willing to do anything for the sake of being superior?"

"Is it because I'm used to being a junior, so I don't even have a sense of shame? Not even the virtue of chastity? "

Li Yang stands in place, pushed and jostled by reporters.

She wanted to talk and explain for herself, but

What can she say?

She didn't mean to push Qin Xi'er downstairs? Say she and Lin Fengyi have nothing to do with each other?

All this is set up by Qin Xi'er?

No, no one will believe her.

It's just useless.

Entertainment journalists never care about the truth. They only provide the audience's favorite gossip. Even if it is white, they can make it black. What's more, these people are deliberately found by Qin Xi'er or Lin Fengyi.

She can't argue.

There is no retreat.

Li Yang clenched her lower lip.

The tip of the tongue tasted a little fishy sweet taste.

The entertainment reporters around are still asking questions.

I won't let you go.

Li Yang's eyes were dizzy, and his sight gradually twisted into a piece.

The whole person is like drowning in the water, the sound of the ear is more and more blurred, the eardrum is constantly buzzing.

Suddenly - the body is held in the arms.

Li Yang's eyelids beat!


He reached out and pushed the man's body with all his strength.

A desperate struggle.

After all, the other is a man, and her strength doesn't work at all.

It's just being held in my arms.

The next second -- a man's voice came from the top of his head, "Xiao Yang just invited me out for coffee and discussed the script. It's clear between Xiaoyang and me. Please don't slander us or hurt her."

Li Yang's face was pale.

Xiaoyang? A term of deliberate intimacy.

Treat him to coffee? Deliberately distorted facts.

Pure and innocent? It's a fake look.

Lin Fengyi, you are cruel enough!

Li Yang bitter smile, in fact, it is her stupid!

Want to gamble, want to overturn, oneself jumped into other people's trap!

Who is to blame? Only be good to yourself!

"Mr. Lin Fengyi, do you defend Miss Li Yang because you fall in love with her?"

"Or do you have an improper relationship with men and women for a long time?"

"Will you break the engagement with Qin Xi'er?"

"Miss Qin Xi'er helped you win the position you have today. Are you going to tear down bridges and be ungrateful?"

"A scum like you, not afraid of retribution?"


Rhine town.

There is a luxury car outside the door.

Ginan Joe was sitting in the co-driver's cab, his face long gone from his usual cynicism.

He turned his head to look at the man in the cab, and his eyebrows were tinged with a trace of worry. "Is this really not going to happen?"Gu Yebai, with a cigarette in his mouth, leaned against the steering wheel with one hand, his eyes narrowed, "no need!"

Ji Nan Qiao didn't understand, "why ah, Lu Dashao is not in China. If little girl goes on like this, she will be finished. Once the public opinion is too much, it will be too late to remedy."

Gu night white thin lip micro motion, languid light of the mouth, "waiting to see the drama, on the line."

Ginan Jo said, "bullshit, what's going to happen to you?"

Gu night white slightly turn eyes, on Ji Nan Qiao's eyes, rarely serious up, "Nanqiao, Li Yang's matter, you should not ask."

Ginan Joe turned back and said nothing.

It's true that he behaved a little differently.

Even he discovered it himself, let alone Gu Yebai.

He is reminding him, so as not to go the wrong way.

Silence returned to the car.

Only the smoke around his white lips at night.

Ginan Jo felt irritated and felt for a cigarette.

Li Yang doesn't know how he was brought out by Lin Fengyi.

By the time she reacts, people have been crammed into the car by him.

And he was driving in the cab.

The car started and ran out of Rhine town.

Through the mirror, Li Yang saw the reporter chasing after him.

A few of them have stopped, patting the bottom of the car.

After driving out for about ten minutes, Li Yang moved his lips and said two words coldly, "stop!"

I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to stop

"Ha ha!" Li Yangding Ding looked at Lin Fengyi's handsome face and interrupted him with a sneer, "is it useful to say I'm sorry?"

"If it's useful, every murderer can use a word of apology after killing someone!"

"What else do the police do in the world?"

Lin Fengyi was blocked and speechless.

After a long time, the car stopped.

Li Yang pushed the door out.

Put on your hat and mask.

The car stopped for a while and drove away.

The dark day was illuminated by the moon, Li Yang looked up, staring at the cold moonlight.

After watching for a long time, he buried his head, put his hands in the pockets of his coat and walked forward step by step along the road.

In the distance, a luxury car followed her slowly.

She walked quietly on the side of the road, occasionally saw small stones on the side of the road, and would raise her feet and kick them gently.

She could have blamed Lin Fengyi, and she could have scolded him.

But in the car for more than ten minutes, she said nothing.

I don't want to say.

Because she knew better than anyone else that blaming him or scolding him could do nothing but vent her emotions.

So why?

If she can't change the facts, why should she make such a fuss.

She can't blame anyone else. To blame, she can only blame herself for being stupid.

Li Yang has been walking forward, I don't know how long it has been.

The feet were slightly numb and almost unconscious.

Wechat "Ding Dong" - she sat on the steps of the roadside shop and hammered her leg.

Take out the mobile phone, click open wechat, is tangguoer and Liuliu care about where she is now.

Li Yang typed out a line of words, "tonight I live at home, do not return to the bedroom."

Seeing that they were all mixed up, Li Yang stood up and went on walking.

The mobile phone is still ringing. Li Yang thinks it is a wechat message reminder, so he doesn't care.

Late at night, gusts of cold wind blowing.

Cold, bone chilling.

No matter how much you wear, you can't resist the cold in your heart.

Li Yang closed his coat and pressed down the brim of his hat a little.

At this time, the mobile phone ring ring crazy.

It says: Mom.

Li Yang took a deep breath and connected it.

"Madam, fainted!"

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