"Do you want to keep watching them two hurt each other and never die?"

There is no denying that every sentence of Song Li is very reasonable.

It's just, "what else can we do? You can't do nothing, just be in a hurry? "

Song Li closed his eyelids and said, "ah Ting promised Liu Liu that he would never disturb her life again..."

Hearing this, Bo Lan was speechless

After a long time, he squeezed out a few words, "I know..."

The night outside the window is very deep, just like their mood, gloomy to the extreme.

Including Chi Bin's mood, the same.

"This is what happened. Liu Liu suffered and suffered too much, so in the following days, every day, I hope she is happy and happy."

"Third brother, I don't want Liu Liu to be wronged any more."

The last word fell, Chi Bin's hand, hard to chop into the tea table, the strength is great, the cup on the tea table, almost shocked to the ground and broken.

His eyes were moist and even his lips were shaking, but he didn't say a word to Chunan. He just took out his mobile phone and dialed out a phone number,

"please check something for me. I want to know all about this matter in the fastest time..."

His Chibin's daughter can't tolerate such bullying.

What about the Sheng family?

He this old bone, is to fight all, smash to pieces, all for his daughter to recover this evil spirit!!

Chu Nan got up from the sofa, "third brother, it's not early. Liu Liu is still pregnant and not suitable for going to bed late. I'm going to take her home and have a rest."

Chi bin hung up the phone, "you and Tuan live at home, OK? This is also the home of Tuan Tuan. Since it was lost, her room has not been moved except for cleaning by servants. "

"I hope you and Tuan Tuan can live here."

Chu Nan shook his head, "third brother, there are some things, you don't have to worry too much, Liu Liu she, need a little time to really accept, you let her live here all of a sudden, she will not be used to, will also insomnia."


"I promise my third brother that I will always bring Liu Liu back."

Chu Nan said that, Chi bin no matter from which aspect to consider, all know that he should not do more to retain, "just, three elder brother send you out."

Liu Liu in the living room sat quietly on the sofa, waiting for Chu nan to come down and take her home. When she heard the news coming from the stairs, Liu Liu looked back and laughed at Chu Nan, "is it over?"

"It's over." Chunan came to her and held out his hand. "Sleepy?"

"A little bit."

"I'll take you home..."

Liu Liu heavily nodded her head, "Hmm!"

Then he put his hand into his palm. Chi bin, whose eyes were red, said unnaturally, "uncle, let's go first."


This word makes me sad.

However, he did not correct it immediately. As Chunan said, he always had to give Tuan some time, so she could not accept it at once.

If you force too hard, Tuan Tuan will resent it.

He wants to come to this place in groups, more and more relaxed, rather than completely disgusted.

So, he didn't ask for it.

Even if he would like to hear her call him Dad, smile sweetly at him as he was a child, act coquettish in front of him, and stretch out her chubby little short hand to hold him.

Chi bin, you have to be patient.

There will be such a day, you can rest assured, as long as you are willing to wait, you are willing to give group time, you will certainly wait for some day.

"Well, slow down on your way. You often come home to see your parents when you are free."

Liu Liu was silent for a few seconds and finally said, "OK."

When Chu Nan took Liu Liu out, Chi bin felt that his tears were coming out. He was almost 50 years old, and he was already very old. However, at this moment, his mood was not as easy as usual.

Finally found the daughter, he is reluctant to leave her immediately, he still has a lot to say to her, there are many things, want to ask her, there are countless sorry, deeply buried in his heart.

He is not a qualified father. In the past 26 years, he has not even found his own daughter. She has suffered so much and suffered so many crimes outside that he has failed to fulfill his father's responsibilities.

He was ashamed of her, but she did not question him. What have you done for so many years? What did you do when I was suffering and suffering?

A late home, but even lost a child, can not find back!!

She did not say anything, her eyes, there is not a trace of hate, which makes him more humiliated, can not help shouting out a, "Tuan Tuan!"

A quick and urgent cry made Liu Liu tremble and her feet froze in place.

After half a ring, look back.Clearly only a few seconds, why does she feel that the man standing not far away seems to be a few years old all of a sudden?

Why does oneself heart, faint some ache?

She tried to restrain her mood and squeezed out a smile, "what's the matter?"

Chi Bin's throat, like stem wet cotton, every word, are very difficult, "after, no matter you have been wronged, is big or small, you can come to Dad, tell Dad, you have been wronged."

"Dad will try his best to be angry for you. Tuan Tuan, please believe in dad and remember that no matter when, this family and all the people in this family are here, waiting for you to come back."

"Here, is your strong backing, warm harbor, everyone in our family, no matter what happened, will not give up you, will not want you."

Listen to Chi bin from the heart of the words, Liu Liu's mind, at the same time sounded Liu Dingyuan's scolding, "evil, evil, how can I have you this disgraceful thing?"

Even when her mother came out to help her, she even scolded her mother, "you're so mean to cry, it's because you gave birth to a vile son of morality. If you had known this, I would have strangled her when I was born!"

He would rather believe others than believe her at all. "All the evidence is confirmed. What can be misunderstood? I don't have such a daughter. From now on, we will sever the relationship between father and daughter!"

Liu Dingyuan said, "Liu Liu, since she wants to go, go far away. You can remember it for me. Even if you die outside, don't come back!"

At that time, she could tell the tone of his speech. At least at that time, he really hoped that she would die outside and never go back. He was the most face saving and disgusting thing. She humiliated him.

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