Chen Li see Zhou Jing ready to leave, quickly follow up, "Zhou Zong, Zhou Zong

Zhou Jing turned to her side and saw that she had done her duty. Finally, she was transferred to the Secretary of the president's office. Finally, she had a good face. "Lily, what's the matter?"

Chen Li cautiously asked, "that, Sheng Zong he..."

As soon as Sheng Zong's two words came out of his mouth, Zhou Jing blackened his face again, "don't tell me about this madman, neuropathy, paranoid!"

"What does he like to do in the future? Do my shit!! "

Chen Li trembled for a moment, and what she had not said could only be swallowed back by force. Then she watched Zhou Jing leave in a hurry. She felt more and more uneasy and almost shed tears.

It seems that Mr. Sheng should be in a rage. If it wasn't for Mr. Zhou, he wouldn't have a fight with him. He would have smashed the door in a rage. Thinking about it, he felt that it was too terrible. Mr. Sheng was angry, too terrible.

Chen Li regretted, and her heart was green. As a secretary, she should have the professional ethics of a secretary. The private affairs of the president should not be discussed.

But just before, they were still talking happily in the Secretary's room. As a result, Mr. Sheng was heard by Mr. Sheng. Mr. Sheng hated employees' chatter during working hours, let alone themselves.

Now, Mr. Sheng lost his temper. In the past, Sheng always asked the personnel department to fire the employees who were chewing their tongue. It seems that several people in their secretary's office could not escape.

What is self inflicted? Chen Li has realized now that she regrets. However, it is useless to regret again. Just wait for the notice from the personnel department.

Chen Li slouched back to the Secretary's room. Several little girls around her met her with red eyes. They were all around her and asked, "sister lily, how are you doing?"

Chen Li sat on the chair in front of her desk. "It's over. I'm ready to leave the heyday."


A young girl heard this and cried out, "how could this happen?"

The other two girls couldn't help it. They wiped their tears and cried, "I don't want to leave Shengshi. How much hard and hard did I have to work in Shengshi?"

"That is, it's all in vain now. If we are fired by Shengshi, what's the use of our higher education? Which company wants us? "

"Not to mention the prosperous age's treatment is so good, I really don't want to leave like this, is not it gossip, as for the dismissal is so serious?"

What do these new comers know?

They didn't know Mr. Sheng at all, let alone what Mr. Sheng hated the most. The gossip about the president was caught, enough to dismiss him 100 times.

Secretary room a cry, Chen Li listen to upset, "enough, shut up, you want to pass the cry to the president's office?"

When they heard this, they were scared to shut their mouths and did not dare to cry. One brave man went to Chen Li, reached out and gently pulled her clothes, and said with a cry voice,

"sister Lili, please go to Mr. Zhou. Didn't you stay by her side for seven or eight years? As long as you are willing to ask Mr. Zhou to come forward, Mr. Sheng will surely sell Mr. Zhou a face and won't dismiss us. "

Who gave them such naive ideas?

Sure enough, these new comers are simply ridiculous.

Chen Li said speechless, "if I ask Zhou to be useful, do you think I will still sit here now?"

The last word fell, and the whole secretary room was silent. Finally, Chen Li said, "pack up your things. Don't dream about them."

Only a few people who packed up their things didn't wait for a dismissal call from the personnel department, but an internal phone call from the president's office. Chen Li hung up the phone, but still couldn't believe what she heard.

"We're fired, isn't Lily?"

The three girls huddled together in despair.

Chen Li stumbling, "yes, it's Mr. Sheng..."

"Mr. Sheng?"

"What did Mr. Sheng say?"

Chen Li said to the truth, "Mr. Sheng asked me to go to a meeting with him and take minutes."

Some people's eyes rekindled hope, "so, don't we have to be fired?"

"Who knows, in a word, I'll go to see the situation first. Don't be too happy too soon. You'd better prepare yourself mentally."

"Yes, yes, we know. Sister lily, we are waiting for your good news."

With her notebook in her arms, Chen Li trotted out of the Secretary's office in the eyes of everyone's expectation.

An hour later, the figure reappeared in the secretary room, and everyone asked, "sister lily, how are you doing?"


"Don't play tricks again!" We are nervous, can not, "tell us directly, is to go or stay, our heart, has been tortured thousands of times back!"

Chen Li showed a big smile, "Congratulations, you can stay."Everyone was completely relieved and excited. They cheered, "great, great, sister lily, great, we can stay here!"

Chen Li sat back in her chair and was silent in the cheers of everyone.

She always felt that general manager Sheng had changed. There was nothing wrong with it, but it had changed.

At the same time, in the president's office, a man was biting his cigarette nest in the chair. His long index finger loosened his tie and the button on his collar loosened two. He looked lazy but deeply decadent.

On his desk, his mobile phone is still on, and a news headline is in bold font, which is very conspicuous: Chairman Hongda has published the engagement letter between Chi family and Chu family 28 years ago.

Attached is a picture of the engagement.

A few seconds later, the screen went dark.

The president's office fell into the air of death.

For several days in a row, HTC has been robbing Shengshi's projects, but Sheng Youting has always been indifferent. For example, this matter has nothing to do with him at all, so he has nothing to do with it, so he has nothing to do with himself.

In private, he always quoted a high price with the cooperative company. He deliberately gave the project to Hongda. Zhou Jing was so angry that he didn't know where to send it. He could only scold Sheng Youting as a madman and a lunatic!!

After 12 years of hard work, how can he bear it?

Yes, Shengshi is rich in assets. In a short period of time, no matter how Hongda makes trouble, it will not hurt. But for a long time?

As the vice president of the heyday, Zhou Jing knew exactly what would happen.

If Sheng You Ting is so stubborn, within half a year, there will be a turnover problem in the capital. In less than a year, Shengshi will be waiting for bankruptcy.


Thinking of this, Zhou Jing even felt that Sheng Youting was deliberately waiting for the bankruptcy day??

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