When the monitor was switched to the roadside, Chunan's expression changed slightly. "Did you see the black car's car on the side of the road? Please help me zoom in. I can't see clearly."

Without saying a word, the little girl switched the picture of the black limousine closer. "Is that ok? Can you see clearly? "

Chunan winked at her. "OK, I see clearly. Thank you."

Just turn the moment, the face immediately disappeared.

He saw clearly. That was the direction that Liu Liu had seen this morning. Now he can see clearly who is sitting in the cab.

No wonder she hasn't been quite right. So it is.

At last he felt that everything made sense.

When they went out in the morning, everything was normal.

"Well, sir!"

The girl at the front desk finally came to her senses and said, "did you find what you lost?"

However, in response to her, only a touch of inexplicable sadness of the back.

The front desk scratched her hair inexplicably, and then she was crazy again, "how handsome, even the back is so handsome!"

"If only I were the one who married him today, I would be willing to save my life by 20 years!"

The door of the rest room opened, and Liu Liu, who was thinking wildly, looked at the man at the door and said, "come back?"

It looks like it's a bit of a shock.

"Well." He went in and took her hand. "Let's go. It's time to continue shooting."

She nodded with a smile. "OK."

This time, she will try.

I just didn't expect that the harder she tried, the worse the situation would be.

Half an hour later, the photographer gave a few embarrassed smiles. "Why don't we have a rest? The bride is still that kind of thing. It's too tight, too tight."

Liu Liu bit her lip and said, "no, let's go on shooting..."

The photographer chuckled and raised the camera. "Then we'll go on, bride. Take it easy. Yes, that's it. Smile more naturally. Oh, great. Just keep it."

Finally, the bride regained her state. The photographer was excited to focus and was ready to press the shutter button. Just a moment in advance, Liu Liu felt her wrist tightened. The next second, the whole person was taken out of the scope of photography.

Then he ran all the way out of the studio.

"Well, what's going on?"

The staff were confused.

The photographer almost lost his camera in a hurry. "Oh, hey, it's hard to find it back. What's all this about?"

He stomped his feet regretfully. "It's just a little bit close. I'm just about to get a good picture!"

Now, it's all gone.

Can you stop this, sir? If he can't find his state next time, and he can't take good pictures, his fame will not be completely defeated?

The photographer wanted to cry without tears.

"Chunan, Chunan, what's the matter with you?"

Liu Liu was holding a skirt to prevent herself from stepping on the wedding dress. She kept up with him and asked in a hurry.

But Chunan didn't speak all the way.

Liu Liu couldn't see his expression. She could only see his broad back, which was so close to her, but she only felt a little fuzzy.

A few minutes later, she even wore a long wedding dress skirt, all of which were stuffed into the copilot. Then, he went around the front of the car and sat in the cab.

"Chunan, what's the matter with you?"

Chu Nan was silent.

Liu Liu reached out and gently pushed him, "isn't it a good shot? The photographers said, "we just performed very well..."

Chu Nan still did not speak, Liu Liu was anxious, "are you angry? Don't get angry. I didn't mean to. I'm really just a little nervous, but I've just got used to it. I'm not nervous

"Shall we go back and shoot again? I promise you, this time we will be able to take beautiful pictures. "

All of a sudden, the man in the cab turned to look at her and said, "let's run."

I don't know if it's a big leap forward topic. Liu Liu was caught off guard and was a little confused for a moment, "what, what?"

Chunan repeated, "let's run."

Liu Liu finally came back to her mind, but did not understand the meaning of Chu Nan, "escape?"

"Well, today, no, we escaped." He bent his eyes, smile is particularly charming, "I take you to eat delicious, take you to play fun."

"You are so beautiful. I want everyone to know that my fiancee is very beautiful. I will marry her soon. It is the most honored thing in my life to marry her."

"No, I'm going to take her to Paris, the most romantic and fashionable place in the world, and pick up the wedding dress by myself, so that people all over the world will know that she and I are going to get married, and let everyone wish us well."

"So, will you?"She felt sad, her nose and eyes were sour, and she finally blushed and laughed, "I'll go wherever you go. I'll follow you all my life..."

On the city's evening news that night, the front page photo showed them in their wedding dresses and riding on a carousel in an amusement park.

Originally, it was just an ordinary photo, but the effect of romantic wedding photos was taken. Although there were countless onlookers in the photo, however, the style was unique.

At night, Song Li's shallow bay villa.

Yan Dong threw the key to Song Li as soon as he entered the door. He swaggered to the sofa, picked up a bag of instant noodles from the tea table and crumpled it in his hand. Then he sat cross legged on the sofa and tore it up.

While snapping instant noodles, he took the remote control and turned on the LCD TV to watch the animation. He was more like a master than Song Li.

Song Li stretched out his hand and pinched the bone under the beam. He just wanted to open his mouth. The man sitting on the sofa turned around and asked, "do you have Coke?"

Song Li puffed at the corners of his mouth, "No."

"Well, it's a pity."

He looked a little disappointed, childish to the extreme, always let people feel that some refused to children, in the heart of the feeling, "only beer and mineral water, do you want it?"

He looked back again, smiling, "beer, thank you."

I can't help myself. Now that I'm here, why can't I change my character?

Song Li shook his head and took out two cans of beer in the refrigerator, one for him and one for himself, "open by myself."

Yandong quickly put down the instant noodles, took the beer, opened the lid, looked up and Gulu Gulu down two mouthfuls, "really comfortable."

After a sip of beer, Song Li immediately understood the comfortable feeling of Yan Dong's mouth. Although it was winter, the indoor heating was sufficient, and the cold beer, let alone, really had a taste.

He sat down beside him and frowned when he saw him eating all the time

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