He was a little stunned. He knew what he was afraid of, and what was missing from his fingers was nothing else. It was blood. It was all blood. It was the blood of the people he cared about most in his life.

So much blood, how to wipe all seem to wipe not clean, he once so ruthless, repeatedly made her covered with blood, have never been distressed.

He thought that he would not care, this life will not care about her bleeding, is not pain, so he went to hurt her, torture her, trample on her, let her suffer heart lung pain.

But later he found that he was wrong, he wanted to make up for it was too late, she refused to forgive him, no matter how he tried his best, no matter how he begged, she refused to stay with him.

When he gave up on her and watched Chu Nan take her away, he really thought that he was cruel enough to kill all the dim and unreachable hopes.

Even if the pain could not be restrained, he was willing to give up his only way to help her and make atonement, but he found that he could not give up and tolerate the pain.

Without her around, she can't see her shadow. She is even so mean that she doesn't even let him dream. He starts to feel that he can't live every moment. He doesn't want to live and let another personality occupy him.

He doesn't care about anything. Without her, it doesn't matter whether he is alive or dead, or walking dead.

Until danger came, he finally woke up, rushed to her regardless of everything, exhausted all to protect her, and finally they fell into the sea together.

When she opened her eyes again, the world turned upside down and everything changed. She didn't remember those painful memories. She only remembered his kindness and depended on him like a child.

They get married and have children. They enter a new life and have a new life. She talks and laughs every day, looking forward to the future with him and the little life in their stomach.

Everything has changed for the better. He thinks that it is God's kindness to give him a chance to atone, so he firmly seizes this opportunity to treat her well and cherish every moment with her.

But just at this time, Sheng Xiaoyi appeared. She stimulated Liuliu to recover her memory, and deliberately drove into Liuliu. She was about to give birth. How could she bear it?

A doctor came out of the operating room in a hurry and told him, "the patient is bleeding now and needs immediate operation. The child's umbilical cord is around the neck and the suffocation time is too long. I'm afraid it can't be saved. Let the family sign."

"Boom!" It's like a bomb went off.

Sheng Youting heard the doctor's words and saw the consent form for the operation, which was brought by the nurse. It was a shocking anesthesia accident, an operation accident, various accidents and complications, which made his head buzzing.

He opened his mouth, his whole body trembled, even his voice trembled, "is there any danger for you, my lord?"

"It depends on the operation." The doctor was wearing a mask, and there was only one pair of eyes exposed, but those eyes were familiar to Sheng Youting. "Brother, how did you make her like this?"

Sheng Tianchen has heartache in the eye, still have other complex emotion, "she shed a lot of blood, very likely one corpse two lives, do you know?"

"I don't know." He really doesn't know anything.

I don't know that God didn't care for him, and didn't give him a chance to do it again. God has no kindness. Everything is karma and retribution!!

His retribution is coming!!

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