Left mother is sneaking out from the hospital, the purpose is very simple, is specially come to find Xia ran.

Although Zuo Yichen and the old man won't let her come, she also understands their good intentions, but it's related to the life of her son and daughter. How can she be relaxed and calm?

She had to come by herself and have a good talk with Xia ran. She felt a little better in her heart. She took advantage of her husband's time to have a cigarette and ran out quietly. By the way, she turned off her mobile phone. She didn't want to wait for her mobile phone to be bombed by the old man.

When she came out, for the sake of convenience, she took away the car key left dad put on the bedside table in the ward. It's just right for her to go out with Xia ran. The family talk is a little too serious. She's afraid Xia Ran has pressure, so it's very good outside.

And Fuji, the Hong Kong style breakfast over there is good, but not everyone can have it. She also has to call to let the other party leave a seat. It's quiet, so it's suitable for her and Xia ran to sit down alone and have a good talk.

After everything is properly connected, she takes Xia ran into Fuji with ease. The interior decoration is very elegant and elegant. Even if it's just a morning tea shop, it's absolutely the best shop in Ancheng.

The waiter led them through the door and took them to the reserved place. By the window, she could have a panoramic view of almost half the city. After taking the menu, left mother didn't even bother to order it, and said directly, "give me all the characteristics you have here."

The waiter was surprised, "Mrs. Zuo, but there are only two of you. Can you finish it?"

Zuo's mother is a frequent visitor. The waiter knows her. She has never been here before. Although she has money, she is not extravagant and wasteful. She is also very easygoing. She always puts a tip on the table before she leaves. People here like her very much.

Xia ran also said, "yes, auntie, just order a few, don't waste it."

"It doesn't matter." Left mother said, "it's also my dereliction of duty. I didn't bring you here once. It's good to eat here. My aunt wants you to have a taste. Even if you have a taste, it's good. You're too thin. You have to eat more, or my aunt will feel sad."

In fact, when she was driving with Xia ran, Zuo's mother had already quietly looked at her body and stomach for several times, but the other party didn't notice it. Her Ran Ran was so thin that she didn't have two liang of meat all over her body. How could she do that?

Even if Rana can hold on, her precious grandson can't hold on. Of course, what she loves is not only her grandson, but also Rana herself. The palm and the back of her hand are all meat. It seems that she will have to keep a close eye on her in the future.

"But Auntie..."

Xia ran also wanted to say something, but she waved her hand, gently and skillfully interrupted, "in this way, go to prepare."

"All right." The waiter answered respectfully and turned away with a smile.

Left mother I like this, Xia ran naturally did not say much, but chose to accept, anyway, what she said is useless, it is better to accept left mother's kindness, otherwise it seems that she is too hypocritical.

As soon as the waiter leaves, Zuo's mother takes Xia ran to ask questions. At this time, of course, she can't come straight to the point, otherwise everyone will be embarrassed, so she can only care about others first, "how are you doing recently, Ran Ran?"

"Have you had a good meal, have you been bullied at school, and live by yourself? I'm still worried about it. I'm afraid you can't eat well and sleep well. What's more, how about the tutor your aunt asked for? Can I help you with your study?"

"By the way, the weather has changed a lot recently. Whether you are comfortable or not, and whether you have enough clothes to wear, didn't your aunt give you a card? Brush whatever you want to eat or buy. Don't save money for your aunt. I don't see the consumption record, so I always feel insecure."

As soon as she opened her mouth, Xia ran was a little confused. She didn't know how to go back and which one to go back first. Fortunately, she had a smart brain and turned quickly. In the blink of an eye, she came back to herself. She stroked it out patiently and answered one question after another, "aunt, I've had a good time recently."

"I had a good meal, and no one bullied me at school. My classmates and teachers took good care of me." It's true that the teacher takes care of her, but the relationship between her and her classmates is terrible. Almost half of the girls regard her as an imaginary enemy and have to find something to do.

Fortunately, she's used to it, and she's too lazy to argue with those women. In addition, Zhou Ci and Zhang Fei protect her, so life is not too hard. That's to say, some boys are around her, chatting a little annoyingly.

But these she directly ignored, did not tell left mother, one is afraid of her worry, two is really not necessary, and in the tutor side, her face red heart does not jump lie, "as for the tutor, she is quite responsible, let me improve a lot."

"Auntie, I'm quite used to the weather here, and I have enough clothes to wear. Auntie doesn't have to worry about me too much. I've been eating and drinking all the time, and I don't buy less clothes. Auntie didn't receive my consumption record because my brother also gave me a card, and I can't use so much alone, so all the brushes are from my brother."

Left mother heard here, gratified a lot, "this smelly boy also know to care about you, specially gave you card brush, finally do a little bit when brother should do."

What should a brother do? In left mother's eyes, left Yichen always seems to be her brother, if left mother know her relationship with left Yichen, will it be difficult to accept? Will you directly force Zuo Yichen to separate from her, and then drive her away in a rage?

For the first time, she began to feel afraid. She always felt that for the sake of love, she could be invincible. But at this moment, she was afraid. She thought, will aunt treat her like a daughter, and will she be as considerate as she is now?

I'm afraid not. At that time, my aunt will only think that she has damaged the happiness of my brother's family, and that she is a shameless fox spirit. Xiao San may regret that she brought her home and raised her for two years in vain.

In fact, she really doesn't care, but she is afraid that Zuo Yichen will be implicated because of her.

She thought everything could be done slowly before. When Zuo Yichen found out that he and his sister were not suitable, she slowly approached him after his divorce, and took enough time to let him accept it and let the left family accept it. But she didn't expect that there would be such a night. She didn't expect that the day would come so quickly.

Let her in surprise, happy at the same time, and began to have a sense of crisis, if she did not deliberately pregnant with this child, I am afraid no one will believe.

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