"Yes, young master!"

Gu Yebai hung up the phone without saying anything. He quickly got in the car, started the car and sped to the airport.

Even if he used the fastest speed and took the nearest flight, it still took him five hours when he rushed back. It was already afternoon.

But he ignored it and got off quickly. When the housekeeper met him, he couldn't wait to ask, "where are they?"

The housekeeper hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

Gu Yebai panicked when he saw his expression. He had a bad feeling in his heart. His tone suddenly rose, "what do I ask you, and who are they?"

The housekeeper turned pale with fright and sweated. "Young master, I asked them to come in and sit down according to your instructions, but the young lady refused. I said good or bad. Finally, she left. I called you and your cell phone was turned off again."

"Young master, that..."

"Shit!!" Gu Ye's blood gas soared. He couldn't help but burst out rude words and interrupted the housekeeper, "what are you going to do? Can't even handle this little thing? "

Gu Yebai has a good temper on weekdays, but when he is really angry, it makes people feel more terrible. The housekeeper shivers, "sorry, young master, I'm useless and didn't keep them."

Gu Yebai had no intention to talk to him and hurriedly dialed Tang Guoer's phone number. Unfortunately, he couldn't get through temporarily. He dialed continuously for about ten minutes, all the same results.

Standing in front of the gate of the old house, he just felt that the world was spinning and the whole person was going crazy and collapsed. Just when he wanted to smash the mobile phone in his anger, the housekeeper's trembling voice sounded again, "young master, young master, don't be angry first."

"When the young lady was leaving, I heard her say to her daughter that she would take her to the Grand Plaza. Maybe you can find her there. In addition, the young lady left a word. She said she would come back in two days. Hello, Hello, young master..."

Before the housekeeper's words were finished, Gu Yebai couldn't wait for a second. He was going to die in Hao square. He wanted to find Tang Guoer and his kindness. He wanted to see them immediately. He couldn't miss them anymore. He was already this age, and he didn't want to miss them again.

"Boom!" The engine made a loud noise and the car drove out like an arrow. It took half an hour to drive from the old house to Shihao square. At the moment, he was pressed down by him for less than 20 minutes.

At the weekend, Shihao Plaza was bustling with people coming and going. He looked around the world in every mall and roadside, but he couldn't find the familiar figure.

He didn't know how long he had been looking for it, but he knew that his feet were almost unconscious. When he found it, he was almost desperate and felt that there would be no hope, he saw her.

She was standing across the road, holding an extremely cute little girl over one year old in her hand. He wanted to rush over and hold her in his arms immediately, but his legs were as if they had roots and couldn't move.

Then he saw her and picked up his cell phone at him. At the same time, his cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone, answered it, heard her voice, rustling across the traffic and pedestrians, "Mr. Gu, I've been divorced twice, and now I've brought a mop. Do you want me?"

Gu Ye's diphtheria knot rolled up and down, and his tears fell down at once. He hurriedly turned his head to wipe his tears, but there were many tears. More than 30 people were crying like a child in the crowded street.

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