Tang Guo'er looked confused and asked en en, "did en en do anything wrong? Did he cheat Qiqi?"

But en Ming has just come downstairs. Qi Qi was still happy when she came. In such a short time, Tang Guoer really can't think of anything to do with en Ming. After hearing this, en Ming was equally confused, "no, numb."

"Gu noan, you don't admit it!!" Qiqi pointed to her. "You said you wanted me to come to your house to play. You said your brother was my brother, and you said you wanted your brother to teach me lessons, so I carried all my schoolbags, but you lied to me."

"You certainly didn't say it, right? I just saw your brother. I went up to say hello. He didn't know me at all. He not only spoke hard, but also bullied me!"

"So Gu noan, aren't you a liar? Dare you say that you and your brother agreed to give me tutoring in advance? If you agreed and he agreed, why did you do this to me?"

This time, everyone understood. Tang Guo'er thought of the conversation between Nancheng and en en at the dinner table that day. Finally, he knew what the problem was. En en en was guilty, lowered his small head, with thin white teeth biting his small lips and dared not speak.

Because she is really selfish, she has nothing to say. It's her fault that she promised but couldn't do it.

At this time, Qiqi's mother held Qiqi in her arms and opened her mouth appropriately, "en en, mom, I'm really sorry. It seems that we're really disturbed when we come here today. I don't know it will be such a situation. If I knew, I wouldn't bring Qiqi."

"Qiqi told me at home that en en's brother wanted to help her with her lessons, so she even carried her small schoolbag. She was happy all the way. We saw that children love learning, and as parents, we must be happy, but I didn't know that en en en's brother didn't want to. Sorry to bother!!"

This made Tang Guoer feel guilty. He felt that he was indeed negligent. That day, he forgot to remind en to go to school the next day and explain it to Qiqi. He couldn't help waving his hand, "no, no, no, Qiqi's mother, don't say that."

"Qiqi and en en are right. I am the head of the family. I haven't been a good parent and didn't educate a good child. My family came back from abroad. He is lonely. He may not know Qiqi well, so he will reject and resist. Please take care of Qiqi's mother and Qiqi. Don't take it in your heart."

"In the future, you can often come and play. When you get familiar with Nannan, he won't be like that. Nannan is a good child and has no bad intentions. Don't worry about him. I'll educate him later. Don't worry."

EN en also apologized, "I'm sorry, aunt, I'm sorry, Qiqi, it's all my fault."

There was an apology, Tang Guoer explained again and again, and Qiqi's mother coaxed her. After a while, Qiqi stopped crying and her mood gradually improved. "Then you have to promise that you won't lie to me again?"

Eun nodded and said sincerely, "OK, Eun promise, Eun will never cheat Qiqi again."

"I don't believe it. Pull the hook." Qiqi stretched out her tail finger to en, and en hooked it without hesitation. "Hang the hook and don't change for a hundred years."

"Well, I'm not angry." Qiqi said magnanimously, "for your sake, forgive you."

"Hmm!!" en en nodded heavily and pulled Qi Qi's hand, "let's go and play."

The two children jumped and ran upstairs to play in en en's room.

Tang Guoer and Qiqi's mother shook their heads helplessly. Qiqi's mother said, "that's how children are."

"Yes," echoed Tang Guoer, "children don't have any bad thoughts. It doesn't matter if they make up in the past."

So, the two mothers began to talk about childcare classics and miscellaneous trivial things, and finally involved Qiqi's father's company. Tang Guoer knew nothing about these business things, "didn't he?"

"I haven't taken care of my husband's work. He can handle it himself and never needs me to worry. Besides, just like me, I can't help if I want to help. I don't understand at all."

Qiqi's mother was a little disappointed, but she didn't show it. Instead, she took Tang Guoer's hand and booed again.

At the noon table, the atmosphere was a little awkward, because Qiqi always brought dishes to Nancheng. Her mouth was sweet. Nancheng brother was wrapped in honey, but Nancheng was unmoved.

In front of the two adults, he didn't directly throw away the dish that Qiqi had given him. He didn't want Tang Guoer to be difficult to cook in the middle, but he didn't move the dish until the end. Instead, he brought food to en en from time to time.

Eun's eyebrows and eyes are curved. They are lovely crescent shaped. "Thank you, brother."

All this was seen by the two adults. Nancheng didn't do too much, and Qiqi's mother couldn't say anything, but Qiqi was so miserable and jealous that the chopsticks in her hand were almost pinched out of shape.

For what? She flattered a person in this way, but the other party didn't accept it and turned a blind eye. Enen didn't have to spend any effort, but she got all the attention of the other party??

What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?

Qiqi became more and more angry and wanted to throw the bowl directly. Qiqi's mother had noticed that she pressed her hand and forbade her to act rashly. Finally, Qiqi couldn't help but put down her chopsticks, deliberately buried her head in front of Tang Guoer and said in a low mood, "aunt, I'm full."

Tang Guo'er looked at most of the bowl of rice in front of Qiqi and said with concern, "I've only eaten a few mouthfuls. How can I be full and eat more, Qiqi."

"I'm full." before Qiqi had a chance to speak again, Nancheng put down his dishes and left.

When Nancheng disappeared in the restaurant, Tang Guoer said to Qiqi's mother, "sorry, that's the child's character. Let me talk about it."

"En en, mom, No." Qiqi's mother waved her hand. "Qiqi is not young anymore. You don't have to get used to her."

"It's all right. You eat first. I'll come when I go." Tang Guoer left and caught up with Nancheng at the entrance of the stairs, "south south!! wait a minute!!"

Nancheng stopped and looked back. He thought Tang Guoer's purpose of catching up was very simple and specially educated him.

After all, he made Qiqi cry in the morning. Just now he deliberately didn't eat what she had caught, which made Qiqi unhappy.

Qiqi and her mother were guests. Tang Guoer should criticize and educate him, and he was ready to be taught a lesson. However, Tang Guoer squatted down in front of him and wrapped him in a pair of soft hands.

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