Enen was really touched, she was used to it, but this time it was different, and she had neglected Fang Ya during this period of time, not only was she not angry with herself, but she was still helping her and encouraging her instead of becoming She took good care of the stumbling blocks on the road.

I used to hear people say that the friendship between girls is not strong. If the gap between one party and the other is widened, the two will naturally go farther and farther away. Now she thinks these are bullshit, nonsense, and she becomes Well, Fang Ya will only be happy for her, so she won't go further and further away from her.

The day after the exam happened to be Friday, and Enen took a day off for her family, so she went shopping with Fang Ya, went to the game hall in the shopping mall, drank milk tea and ate hot pot together, the two of them had a great time, not to mention how happy they were. Laughing and laughing all the way.

It wasn't until about nine o'clock that both of their families sent drivers to pick them up, and the two of them walked out of the shopping mall reluctantly. Enen's family's car was stuck in traffic on the road. It was a little late, and Fang Ya sat beside her to wait. .

The two squatted on the hot milk tea, exchanging flavors to drink, the weather turned cold, and a gust of wind blew in, Enen sneezed, "Ah!!"

Fang Ya quickly took off her knitted cardigan for her to wear, "Put it on quickly, don't catch a cold."

"What about you?" Enen was also worried about Fang Ya.

Fang Ya said disapprovingly, "I'm in good health. Do you think I'm as weak as you? Besides, I'm eager to catch a cold, so I can ask for leave and rest at home for a few days. Anyway, I hate going to school, but you It's different, you are a person who has to study hard, and you can't be sloppy in your body."

These words made En En laugh, the knitted sweater she wore on her body had a Fangya temperature, which made her feel warm all over her body, and warm in her heart, "Well, it's because you are so considerate of me. , I accept your kindness!!"

"It must be accepted. This year we are in the third year of junior high school, and we will have to take the high school entrance examination in a short time. Enen, I know your family conditions. It is not your father's word to go to the high school of this school, but I hope you can rely on yourself. ability to pass the exam."

Fang Ya was telling the truth, and sincerely hoped that Enen would not be as aggressive as her, just dawdling like this, "In this way, when I go out in the future, I will also be in the spotlight, okay? Who made my sisters so awesome, so, You have to take good care of my body and not let myself get sick during the most critical sprint time."

"Yeah!" Enen nodded, "I know, I will work hard, and I also want to be admitted to the high school of our school with my own ability." Who doesn't want to, she thinks more than anyone else, then , everyone will look at her with admiration, of course, she cares most about Gu Nancheng.

She doesn't want me, Gu Nancheng, to look down on her, and she doesn't want me to walk in school in the future. When people talk about their two brothers and sisters, they always praise Gu Nancheng as a genius, with excellent academic performance, and will always be the first in the school. It's his sister who is holding back Yes, the scumbags, the scumbags are miserable, one is the first, and the other is the last.

I don't want others to look regretful when they mention her, is that sister Gu Nancheng? Compared with him, the difference is that one is in the sky, the other is underground, and the eighteenth floor is further down. They are not like two brothers and sisters at all. Only Gu Nuoen doesn't understand, and they have nothing but good looks.

What she hopes is that when they walk together in the future, others will praise them together. They are indeed two brothers and sisters.

Yes, she hopes that they are two brothers and sisters who are praised together and envied by others. Before, she didn't care what others think or say. She didn't know when she started, but her thoughts changed quietly. As soon as she thought of these, she I feel that I am motivated to study, have goals, and have a head.

To be honest, this kind of taste is not bad, at least it will make her better every day instead of deteriorating day by day. She has been thinking about relying on others and relying on others to survive. Unexpectedly, one day, she, Gu Nuoen, also began to want It's up to her, not bad, not bad, even she herself wants to brag about herself.

"Anyway, you can go to the high school of our school no matter what, but I can't." Speaking of this, Fang Ya was a little bit disappointed. With her bottom-to-last score, she couldn't even think about taking the high school of this school.

"It doesn't matter if my grades are poor, and my family conditions are far from yours. If there is no accident, I'm afraid I will just be sent to another school. In fact, it doesn't matter where I study. I don't understand anyway. Every day in class is like flying through the clouds."

So in Fang Ya's eyes, it's the same wherever I go to school. It doesn't make any difference to her, but there is one thing that makes her unhappy, "It's just that if I go to another school, I probably won't be able to see you often. Not to mention studying in the same class again and continuing to be at the same table."

"Enen, I don't want to part with you, and I don't want to part with you. You are my best friend. I don't want to lose you."

Fang Ya's eyes were slightly moist, and Enen held her hand, "Yaya, don't say that, don't be sad, we won't be separated, it doesn't matter if you fail the exam, at worst, I'll let my dad come forward to solve it, As long as he is willing to come forward, there is nothing he cannot solve."
"Really?" Fang Ya put away her sadness, her eyes sparkled, as if she saw hope because of En En's words, "Can I?"

"Of course!!" Enen patted her small chest and assured her, "Dad loves me so much, he will satisfy me whatever I say, and I will never refuse. He said, isn't this an easy thing?"

"Yaya, you trust me, you are also my best friend, and I don't want to be separated from you, so just let me handle this matter, you can just rest assured, we will not Separate, and the distance will not go farther and farther."

"I, Gu Nuoen, and Fang Ya will still go to the same high school, the same university, and will always be at the same table and be good sisters. This will never change!!"

Fang Ya was so moved when she heard this, she threw herself into Enen's arms, "Enen, you are so kind, I love you so much, Mua~"

After finishing speaking, he kissed En En's face heavily, and En En couldn't help giggling.

At the same time, a horn sounded from a few meters away.

Fang Ya saw it, it was Enen's family's car, "Enen, your car has arrived, go back quickly, let's stop blowing the cold wind here."

"Okay." Enen nodded and asked, "Shall we still make the appointment tomorrow?"

Fang Ya said, "No appointment, you study hard, I can't let myself become a stumbling block in your study, you will be a top student in the future, don't let others look down on you."

"Nonsense." What kind of schoolmaster is not Xueba? With her brain, she is too far away from those two words. Her ultimate goal is only the top ten in the class. How can she dare to expect the word Xueba.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I believe you can do it." Fang Ya patted Enen's shoulder, "I'm leaving too, Enen, you have to work hard, goodbye!!"

"Goodbye!!" The two girls waved goodbye, reluctantly got into the car driven by their own driver and went home.

The car was driven by the driver. As soon as En En got into the car, she found that there was still someone in the car, and she was pleasantly surprised, "Gu Nancheng!!"

Hearing her voice, the young man raised his eyes and glanced at her lightly. There was only one word, which seemed to come from the deepest part of his throat, "En."

"Why are you here?" Enen was in a good mood, "I never thought you would come."

Nancheng didn't speak, but the driver couldn't wait to say, "Miss, the young master knew that I was coming to pick you up, so he followed me without even eating, young master, he is worried about you, and he doesn't worry about you being outside alone. Just look at it and feel at ease.”

"Really??" Enen's eyes widened in disbelief. Gu Nancheng was worried about her, so he wanted to pick her up in person? ? What the driver said really pleased Enen's heart.

"Of course it's true, otherwise, could Uncle Zhang lie to you?" The driver said with a loving face, "If you don't believe me, just ask the young master."

But Enen didn't have time to ask, but heard the boy's voice, "Uncle Zhang, when did you become so talkative? No one will think you are dumb if you don't say a few words."

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything, hahaha!!" Even though he said this, Uncle Zhang couldn't help but smile from ear to ear. Seeing these two children, he felt that they were so loving. People in the Gu family will always be In this way, it makes people feel more relaxed to get along with each other. Even though Gu Nancheng usually doesn't like to talk, Zhang Bo knows his character very well.

"Gu Nancheng, why are you being so mean to Uncle Zhang? You can't tell the truth. Besides, I haven't been happy for a while. You are so boring." Enen puffed her cheeks and moaned dissatisfiedly, "But it seems that you deliberately Come pick me up, I don't even have time to eat dinner, I don't care about you."
"By the way, you must be hungry if you didn't have dinner!!" Enen saw the milk tea in her hand, which was bought by Fang Ya, and she hadn't had a sip yet. Although she was very reluctant, when she thought of Gu Nancheng's Worrying about her and coming to pick her up hungry will make her feel less distressed.

She generously passed the milk tea over to Gu Nancheng, "Here, I'll drink milk tea for you. This is a new taste, but it's delicious. Don't think I'm stingy!!"

Gu Nancheng glanced at the milk tea she was holding in her hand. She had applied Dior's color-changing lipstick, and the straw was stained with a little color. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see it, but Nancheng noticed it. The same color, what she had drunk, what her lips had touched.

A teenage boy, whose body is developing at the best time, looks tall and thin, with a particularly prominent Adam's apple. When his eyes were firmly locked on the straw, he rolled up and down, and he seemed to be able to hear the Adam's apple. The sound of scrolling.

"Drink!!" Nancheng finally looked away from Enen's urging voice, looked out of the window, and used other things to divert his attention, "Don't drink."

"Why don't you drink it?" Enen didn't understand, "Didn't you not have dinner? You must be hungry. Although milk tea can't be eaten as a meal, it can at least fill your stomach. Now that the urban area is so congested, it takes more than half to go back How about an hour, are you going to be so hungry?"

"Drink, drink, I've given you the milk tea so generously, enduring the heartache to give up my love, do you have the heart to refuse me? Hmmmm?"

However, Enen didn't know it at all. From Nancheng's point of view, it was not a question of whether he could bear it or not. "No, I'm not hungry?"

"Really??" Enen didn't believe what Gu Nancheng said. Both she and Gu Nancheng were old enough to feel hungry if they didn't eat on time. She knew very well that it was more suitable for Gu Nancheng to be a boy, and his digestive system must be Better than her, and faster than her, all the boys in the class are like this, aren't they?

The boys in the class rushed to the dining hall as fast as they could when it was time for lunch, shouting as they ran, "Finally it's meal time, I'm starving to death, I think I can eat a cow!!"

As for Gu Nancheng, although he didn't act as shameless as them, he still ate a lot every time. Enen ate with him almost every day, so he knew it clearly in his heart! !

"I'm really not hungry." Nancheng still looked out the window, and didn't look at Enen again. The road was full of traffic, and the street was illuminated by neon lights. It was a scene of prosperity. Gu Nancheng tried hard to calm himself down, but no matter how hard he tried , all to no avail.

The faintly visible lipstick mark on the straw is always in his mind, and his lips are as pink and tender as a girl's jelly. He thinks, his lips must be soft, sweet and fragrant. If possible, he wants to touch them lightly. Touch it and see for yourself what it feels like.

The Adam's apple rolled up and down again, and the swallowing movement became more and more obvious. He closed his eyes with one hand propped on his chin, and tried his best to dispel the thoughts that shouldn't be in his mind, as if those thoughts just thought about them The insult to her, she is so pure and beautiful, how could it exist in his evil thoughts.

"I really don't drink it!!" Enen felt so bored, since Gu Nancheng didn't drink it, she couldn't force it, she could only withdraw her hand, buried her head under the temptation of milk tea, and took a few sips, "Don't you drink it?" I drink it myself, anyway, I have good intentions, but you don’t accept it, forget it!!”

While drinking, she sighed, "Ah!! Milk tea is so delicious, sweet and fragrant, some people don't like it!!"

For a while, the sound of sucking milk tea sounded in the quiet carriage. Once a person closes his eyes and can't see anything, his hearing will become more sensitive. The sound of milk tea sounds in Nancheng's ears, as if someone Something scratched his heart lightly, as if thousands of ants were gnawing on it.

He felt itchy, hot and uncomfortable all over his body, but the ants kept crawling, as if they would never stop. In his mind, he couldn't help but picture her lips with straws in them. Her eyes were so beautiful. It must also be very attractive, his appearance is shaking, shaking in front of his eyes.

Fuck! ! !

He opened his eyes suddenly, his face was so dark that it seemed as if water was dripping out.

(end of this chapter)

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