Gu Yebai was blocked by Enen's words, yes, he was the one who wanted Enen to learn at the beginning, and he was the one who asked Nancheng to make up lessons for Enen. Now that Enen loves learning, he should be happy. Why can't you be happy now?

He was probably an old father, and he was afraid that his daughter would suffer. Besides, at the beginning, he just wanted to temper Enen's temperament and regarded making up lessons as a small punishment. Who knew that he had gone astray now, and it was out of control.

At the end of the point, he was still blocked by En En and had nothing to say. It is true that the sins of the sky can still be survived, and self-inflicted sins cannot live. Now he can only laugh twice, "Happy, of course Dad is happy, my daughter has become It's getting better and better, can a father be unhappy?"

Saying it against my will, I feel a hundred uncomfortable in my heart, the dumb eats coptis, and I can't tell the pain! !

"Well, as long as Dad is happy, if Dad is happy, Enen is also happy!!" Enen's eyebrows were curved and her smile was bright. Her recent happiness is not pretended, but from the heart.

She has changed. She has changed from a heartless scumbag to finding happiness in her studies. Especially recently, she has made progress with Fang Ya, and her mood is getting happier every day. She even feels that she has never felt like she is now. I've been so happy.

"Then dad and mom, let's go to the amusement park. I'm going to study with my brother." After that, En En waved to them, "Mom and Dad, goodbye, I wish you a good time, I love you!!"

After En En grabbed Nan Cheng's arm and went upstairs talking and laughing, Gu Yebai let out a long sigh, "Alas!!"

Seeing her husband's sad face, Tang Guo'er couldn't help but want to laugh, forgive her for not being able to understand Gu Yebai's mood, she puts all her heart on the two children, and she feels that as long as the two children are together, she will be very down-to-earth , also very happy.

Just kidding, Nancheng is a prospective son-in-law in her eyes. She can't wait for the two of them to stick together. Whether it's studying or living, the two of them have enough time to get along before they have a chance to have a long-term relationship. No one can do without the other in the future. Of course, She could only keep these small thoughts secretly in her heart.

So in front of her husband, she usually restrains her emotions and behaves normal enough. How can a father and a mother be the same? Gu Yebai is most afraid of Enen falling in love. When he thinks that his daughter is going to marry someone else It's unbearable to be with a man like you.

Tang Guoer took her husband's arm, cleared her throat, and pretended to be gentle and considerate and asked, "Husband, why are you sighing?"

When Tang Guoer asked such a question, Gu Yebai became more and more melancholy, and sighed again, "Oh..."

He said with emotion, "My daughter is growing up, and all she thinks about is studying all day long, and she can't pretend to be anything else."

"Then does she know that studying is not a good thing? Why are you still depressed?" Tang Guoer said, "It's me who should be depressed. It seems that I'm the only student left in this family. I'm not depressed yet. I'm so alone."

"You don't understand." Gu Yebai said what was in his heart, "When she didn't like studying before, at least she still liked to cling to me, asking her father to take her out to play, and whenever she was free, she would hang around me, and she said sweetly Dad, how wonderful, now? What do you say now?"

"Except for eating, I can't see her shadow. I want to take her out to play when I have time. You see, she is still not happy. It's far away, our distance is far away, I don't love anymore, my daughter He only loves studying and doesn't love me anymore."

"Pfft!!" Tang Guoer couldn't help laughing, "Gu Yebai, you are so naive, you are over forty, why are you jealous of studying with your daughter?"

"Didn't you just say that, you don't understand!!" Gu Yebai sighed, "Mothers don't understand the feelings of being a father. My little padded jacket is leaking, and I won't kiss me anymore. I'm only a teenager. It's all like this, so it's okay to fall in love in the future? If you get married again... shit!!"

What happened next, Gu Yebai couldn't even think about it, he felt like he was about to explode, "No, she will stay at home for a few more years, she must not fall in love and get married casually, even if it is true Talk about it, and you have to pass my level first."

"I don't think anyone can pass your level. Even if the other party is a god descending from the earth, you may not like it." Having said that, Tang Guoer didn't say anything, afraid that it would be miserable for the old father to be stimulated any more. At that time, Gu Ye stared at Enen day and night, and it would be even worse if he stared at her and Nancheng for some clues.

So I quickly comforted, "Okay, okay, children always have to grow up, which family's children are different, you don't have to worry too much about the future, Enen is still young, what do you think those messy things are for, Besides, it's not that you don't know Enen's temperament, she's not enlightened, how can she get affection."

"In the past, she only knew how to eat and play with a simple mind. Now she also knows how to study. In the future, she probably only knows how to work. Other things can't be matched with her. As parents, why worry about it, let nature take its course." Husband?"

Seeing that Gu Yebai was still looking unhappy, Tang Guoer used her trump card and said coquettishly, "Husband, I haven't been to an amusement park for a long time, and you haven't taken me on a date alone for a long time. Is the world of two people good?"

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the previous bad mood had disappeared, "Wherever you want to go, my wife, I will take you there. Speaking of which, I neglected it. I haven't given you romance and surprises for a long time."

"Then choosing a day is worse than hitting the sun. Just today, husband, I don't want to go home tonight. Let's spend the night outside."

Sleeping out? Sleeping out? ?

Adults know what it means, Gu Yebai's eyes lit up, "Okay, my wife has the final say."

"Then what are we waiting for now?" Tang Guoer raised her smiling face and said with a smile, "Let's go?"

"Let's go!!" Gu Yebai naturally couldn't wait, "Let's go now, let's go now!!"
"Hee hee~" Tang Guoer was in a happy mood, and Gu Yebai was in a good mood.

The middle-aged couple played around like teenagers this weekend, playing in playgrounds, game halls, scripts, they had a great time, and the smiles on their faces never stopped. Even if the children playing script killing call them uncle and aunt, it doesn't affect their mood.

At night, in their private apartment, the two of them sweated profusely without any scruples until they collapsed on the bed, hugged each other and fell asleep. They didn't even know that it was raining heavily outside the window, and it was thundering in the middle of the night. When people sleep together, they are always extra-steady.


In the old house, Nan Cheng, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by a thunderclap, opened his eyes suddenly, and got up from the bed almost at the same time.

The room was pitch black, and the rain was pouring outside the window, making a crackling sound like popping beans on the window.

The curtains were not fully drawn, and the wind blew past, as if someone was howling, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky, silver light shone in through the window, and shone on the boy's face, he could vaguely see his forehead, his face, It was full of dense beads of sweat, and the bangs were already soaked with sweat.

He was panting for another thunderclap, and then he was slightly relieved. He looked out of the window almost mechanically, saw the rain patting on the window, and saw the lightning flashing again and again, and there was almost no sound of thunder. broken.

It took about a few minutes, about ten minutes, before his violently heaving chest calmed down a little. He got out of the bed barefoot, walked to the table by the light of lightning, and took a cup to drink water, but just before Now the lips are about to touch the rim of the cup.

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

There was a sudden knock on the door, and the next second, the cup slipped from Nancheng's hand and shattered on the ground, "Bang bang!!"

Nancheng looked down subconsciously, and saw that the cup had already been torn apart. He seemed to be frightened by the knock on the door just now, and his hands shook, and he didn't hold the cup firmly at all, which created the current situation.

He has never done this before, this is the first time, but he clearly knows why, why he is so abnormal, and at the same time, the trembling voice of the girl resounded in his eardrums, "Brother, brother!!"

Brother, brother, Enen seldom called him that, but just now in the dream, she called her brother over and over again, making Nancheng unable to tell whether he was still in the dream or had returned to reality, until the girl called again He, "Gu Nancheng, Gu Nancheng, open the door quickly!!"

It was only then that Nancheng knew clearly that she was not dreaming, it was Enen who was calling him, and this time she was no longer calling her brother, but Gu Nancheng, and her voice sounded particularly frightened.

He hurriedly stepped over the pile of glass debris, and opened the door in three steps at a time. A girl in pajamas with loose black hair appeared in his sight with a pillow in her arms.

Her brows and eyes drooped slightly because of fear, but when she raised her eyes to meet his eyes, her eyes became wet, and her voice was mixed with crying and blame, "Gu Nancheng, you scoundrel, why did you open the door? I screamed You make so many noises, why did you open the door?"

When her hair was loose, her eyes were big, and her face softened a lot. She looked extraordinarily innocent and fragile, especially her red eyes, which aroused people's desire for protection...

and bestiality.

The Adam's apple rolled slightly, and there was a faint sound of saliva swallowing.

He had seen her like this before.

Not so long ago... in his dream.

In the dream, she was like this, weak like a little white rabbit, calling his brother with tears in her eyes.

However, the inferiority of men is fully reflected at this time.

In the dream, she said, "Brother, I'm afraid."

But he didn't protect her, he ravaged her unscrupulously and made her cry.

Throughout the dream, there was her broken voice, and at the end her eyes were full of despair. She cried and asked her, "Brother, why did you do this to me? Why did you do this to me?"

He suddenly realized what he had done, pushed her away, knelt down in front of her regretfully, said sorry to her, apologized to her, he slapped himself, scolded himself as a beast, begged her to forgive over and over again, begged her not to leave her.

However, she got up from the bed and put the torn clothes on the bed one by one. She sat there, staring at him condescendingly, her whole body was extremely indifferent, and he saw her swollen lips slightly opened and closed by him. , spit out three words coldly, "It's disgusting."

And her eyes were colder and more disgusted than her voice, as if he was the dirtiest monster in the world.
"It's disgusting."

Amidst the thunder, he woke up from his dream, his whole body was covered with cold sweat, his hair was wet, and the pajamas on his body were also slightly damp.

The air was filled with the sound of his gasping for breath and the sound of his heart beating violently.

But now, the person in the dream knocked on his door and stood in front of him in real life, with the same innocent and weak appearance. Nancheng was frightened, and his vigilance was instantly raised. It's for yourself.

He was afraid that he would do something like a beast, and he would never allow the things in his dreams to happen in reality. He restrained all his emotions, and his voice was so weak that it was almost indifferent, "What's wrong?"

"Gu Nancheng." Enen's hands tightened unconsciously, she hugged the pillow tightly in her arms, sucked her nose, and said pitifully, "Gu Nancheng, it's thundering. I'm so scared by myself. Tonight I can sleep with you?"

Before the end of the sound fell completely, Nancheng's merciless voice sounded, almost three words that he didn't even think about, "No."

Enen didn't seem to expect Nancheng to reject him without even thinking about it. She stared at him in a daze for two seconds before stumbling out a few words, "Why, why?"

And the expression on his face, from being unbelievable at first, to deeply shocked, "Why, Gu Nancheng?" She didn't understand why Gu Nancheng resisted so much, even before she finished speaking, her voice was inexplicably raised, "Besides, you murdered me, why did you murder me?"

Enen's injured expression also made Nancheng realize that she had overreacted. Enen was afraid of thunder and she knew it. It's not that this kind of thing had never happened before, but she had never reacted so strongly like this moment, influenced by the dream , he was too much after all.

"I'm sorry." Nancheng apologized, "Enen, I didn't mean to hurt you just now, I know you are afraid of thunder, I will take you to find auntie."

The rooms of the two are very close to each other. Whenever Renen is afraid, he will come to him first, and then he will take her to Tang Guoer's room. They have grown up, teenagers and girls, no matter what. Good for sleeping in one room.

"Gu Nancheng, have you forgotten, Mom and Dad are not at home today." In Enen's choked voice, Nancheng remembered that the two of them had been to the world of two today, and they didn't even go home for dinner, nor did they have dinner at night. go home.

After thinking for two seconds, Nancheng said again, "Then I'll take you to find Aunt Lin."

Aunt Lin is a servant in the family and has stayed in the Gu family for many years.

"I don't want it!!" Without thinking, Enen directly refused.

Nancheng frowned, "Gu Nuoen, don't make trouble."

"I didn't make trouble. I just don't want to sleep with Aunt Lin. What's wrong with my brother? Didn't we sleep together before? Why does my brother look so disgusted now? Does my brother hate me now?"

Nancheng's reaction before was too violent, and Enen felt a little bit uneasy. She turned her face away, the redness of her eyes became more and more obvious, as if she had been wronged by the sky, Nancheng sighed, "I don't hate you."

In front of her, he was always soft-hearted, "Enen, how could I hate you, it's just that we have grown up now, we can no longer be as willful as children, we are both teenagers, it is not appropriate to sleep together. "

"Why is it inappropriate to be a teenager, Gu Nancheng, we are brother and sister, aren't we?"

They are brothers and sisters, but not biological. How should he explain this problem to Enen so that he can understand?

Forget it, she has such a brain, sometimes it's just a tendon, she says too much and makes mistakes, so let's coax her.

So, he stretched out his hand to gently rub her hair, and coaxed, "Hey, I'll take you to Aunt Lin, and Aunt Lin will accompany you."

Before the words fell, only a loud "bang" was heard.

"Ah!!" Enen threw herself into Gu Nancheng's arms amidst a scream, tears streaming down her face, "I won't go, I don't want to sleep with Aunt Lin, I'm still scared if I sleep with Aunt Lin, Gu Nancheng, When it thunders, I only have to sleep with my parents and you, so that I can feel safe and I won’t have nightmares!!”

What Enen said was the truth. She slept with Aunt Lin once, and she ended up shivering all night. She couldn't explain why, but she just couldn't do it. "Gu Nancheng, don't drive me away. Fear."

Gu Nancheng's hand suddenly lifted up the moment Enen hugged her, he dare not hug her now, dare not touch him, he understands his own bad nature, he can still control it now, but in the future, Who can say for sure?

Everything that happened in the dream is still vivid in his mind. In order to avoid such a thing from happening, he now has to minimize the physical contact between the two of them, especially at night like this.

His thin lips moved slightly, originally he wanted to stick to his bottom line and send Enen to Aunt Lin's room, but unexpectedly Enen spoke first, "Gu Nancheng, if you think it's inconvenient for us to sleep together when we're all grown up, Can I sleep on the sofa then?"
"Gu Nancheng, I can sleep on the sofa, and it's good to sleep on the sofa. Anyway, don't drive me away. I'm really scared. I don't want to sleep alone, and I don't want to sleep with Aunt Lin. Gu Nancheng, I beg you I beg you."

I beg you twice in a row, so that Nancheng can no longer say no words of rejection, and seeing that Gu Nancheng didn't drive her away, Enen immediately saw hope. Taking the opportunity to regret, she slipped under his arm holding the pillow.

She was like a slippery loach, she ran into the room in a few moments, jumped onto the sofa, and occupied the sofa in his room with a shameless face, "I will do what I say, I will sleep on the sofa when I say sleep on the sofa, Gu Nancheng , I will never disturb you."

Nan Cheng's eyes darkened, he turned and entered the room, and finally stopped in front of her, "Get up."

"I don't want it!!" Enen hugged the pillow tightly and said beggingly, "I won't go, Gu Nancheng, I came in and lay on the sofa. You want to wake me up now, even if you don't want to Don't think about it, I'll sleep here tonight."

"Enen, be obedient, get up." His voice was low and deep, Enen looked up at him with her small face up, the room was not turned on at night, she couldn't see his appearance clearly, only lightning outlined his outline , very line feeling, looks very comfortable.

And his eyes seemed to have light, an indescribable dark light.

"I'm disobedient, I'm disobedient, I'm going to sleep here, Gu Nancheng, don't try to drive me away, you can't drive me away, I have a thick skin!!" Anyway, it's not okay to act like a baby, so be tough One thing, anyway, he's not afraid of Gu Nancheng scolding her for being thick-skinned, so what's wrong with her being thick-skinned?

It's better to be said a few words than to be unable to sleep and shiver all night.

Nan Cheng was so tormented that he couldn't help it, and said helplessly, "Get up, go to bed and sleep."

Go to bed? ?

Enen's eyes lit up, "Really?"

The next second, he said vigilantly, "Gu Nancheng, you wouldn't be so kind, you wouldn't lie to me and throw me out of the room, hum, I've seen through your thoughts, I I won't fall for it."

After all, Enen hugged the sofa, not giving Nancheng the slightest chance to throw him out, right? Gu Nancheng would not be so kind and let her sleep with him. Since a long time, Gu Nancheng has never I have slept with her in the same bed, and I have driven her away many times, and this time will definitely be no exception.

Nancheng naturally knew what Enen was thinking, so he added, "You sleep on the bed, and I sleep on the sofa."

As soon as the words fell, Enen got up and rushed to the bed with lightning speed, "Don't go back on your word!!"

"Of course, I won't give you any chance to repent."

She was lying on the bed, hugging Gu Nancheng's quilt, uh, Gu Nancheng's bed is so comfortable, she hasn't slept in his bed for a long time, she really misses this feeling and smell.

While thinking, Enen buried her head in Nancheng's pillow and took a deep sniff, um, it's still a familiar smell, exactly the same as Gu Nancheng's, with a faint mint fragrance, it smells so good! !

Of course Enen knew how this fragrance came from. Gu Nancheng had used that brand of shower gel since he was a child. After a long time, this smell seemed to penetrate into his blood and become a part of his body.

"I didn't go back on my word." Enen's behavior made Nancheng dumbfounded, "Go to sleep."

"The bed is indeed much more comfortable than the sofa. Gu Nancheng, why don't you come up to sleep, anyway, the bed is too big." Enen proposed to sleep together, but Nancheng naturally refused, "If you let you sleep, you can sleep. If you say something like this again , believe it or not, I threw you out?"

This wave of threats was very effective, and Enen immediately shut her mouth obediently, for fear that Gu Nancheng would do what she said and throw her out of the room, so she would not sleep alone or with Aunt Lin, she was still in Gu Nancheng On the bed, she lay more securely.

Enen heard the sound of Gu Nancheng lying on the sofa. It was a leather sofa. When she just lay on it, she felt a little cold, "Gu Nancheng, are you cold? Do you want me to get you a quilt?"

"It's not cold." Nancheng lay on the sofa and closed his eyes, wondering if Enen hugged him just now, and her fragrance still faintly lingered on his body, making the night air a little more beautiful.

"But I felt a little cold just now. I'm afraid you've caught a cold."

"not cold."

It's still these two words, Enen can't hear emotions.

"Then you won't be cold if you say it's not cold. If you're sick, don't blame me for not reminding you."

(end of this chapter)

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