He doesn't want to wake up, he is willing to live in such a dream all his life, and never wake up.

Jiang Yifan's eyes were sore, and his nose was also slightly sore. It was a feeling he had never felt before, "Thank you, Auntie."

The dry and hoarse voice was extremely sincere.

"You child, why don't you say thank you." Tang Guoer couldn't laugh or cry, "It's too alien to say thank you. We didn't treat Fanfan as an outsider. If you don't believe me, ask Enen."

When Enen was called out by name, she nodded her head, "Yeah, my mother is right, Jiang Yifan, you come to our house, just be casual, treat it as your own home, you know?"

Although Jiang Yifan didn't speak, the expression he looked at Enen already represented everything.

"Are you awake?" Probably their voices were too loud, and the school doctor in the office heard them, so they came over to check.

"Doctor, is Fanfan okay?" When the doctor came, Tang Guoer naturally asked about Jiang Yifan's situation first. After all, what Enen and the others said was what they said, and it would be more reassuring to hear what the doctor said.

"It's nothing, just a cold, just wake up." The doctor looked at Jiang Yifan's condition, "The high school entrance examination is coming soon. Considering the child's examination problems, I took this medicine heavily, and the effect came relatively quickly. The fever subsided better. .”

"Then after the infusion, can I take Fanfan home?" Tang Guoer thought for a while and said, "We have a dedicated family doctor. If Fanfan has a fever again, we can ask the doctor to come to the door immediately. There should be no problem. Bar."

The school doctor heard Tang Guoer's words and said, "There are family doctors, so there is no problem. After the infusion of this bottle of liquid, you can take it away."

"Okay, thank you doctor." Tang Guoer was finally relieved, and said to Jiang Yifan, "Fanfan, you should rest for a while, and Auntie will call you after the infusion."

"Yeah." Jiang Yifan responded. He had a high fever, and others felt very tired, his eyelids were half drooping, and he didn't have the slightest energy in his body. Now that Tang Guoer said this, thinking that he didn't have to go home, he felt very tired. He had already improved a lot. Once he relaxed, he could no longer resist the drowsiness. He slowly closed his eyelids and fell into a drowsy sleep.

In a blur, he heard Tang Guoer talking to En En and Fang Ya, the voice was not loud, he couldn't hear clearly at all, his eardrums were buzzing, like a mosquito humming, and then In such a voice, his consciousness became weaker and weaker, until he fell into a dream.

In his dream, his whole world was no longer gloomy, cold, and lonely, but a sunny day, full of sunshine, and the girl was swinging in the yard. She had a ponytail, a dress, a standard oval face, and was immature. And beautiful, she was urging her father, "Dad, Dad, hurry up, I want to fly higher."

Gu Yebai had a doting smile all over his face, "Okay, then you have to be ready, hold the rope tightly, and don't be thrown out."

"No way." In the girl's voice, the swing became higher and higher, and her skirt showed the most beautiful arc in the air, and her high ponytail swayed accordingly. She laughed happily, her laughter was like a silver bell, clear and sweet, "Oh, I'm flying, Dad, I'm flying!"

On the side, Tang Guoer was watching the interaction between their father and daughter, with a gentle face, a family of three, happy and happy, this must be the most beautiful picture he has ever seen, so beautiful that he dare not get close to it, I'm afraid that the beauty between them will be broken, and this scene will change because of his arrival.

However, the woman saw him, not far away, with a loving face, she called him affectionately, "Fanfan, you are here."

Fanfan, no one has ever called him that before, she probably didn't know, since she was a child, it was the first time someone called his name so affectionately, not Jiang Yifan, not that who, not hello, but Fanfan.

Even his biological parents never called him that, and they never even gave him a gentle look.

And the warmth and love he lacked since he was a child, he never thought that he could get it from an elder who just met him in a strange family, which made him miss him infinitely.

"Fanfan, come here quickly." The woman was waving at him.

At this time, the girl also found him, with a bright smile on her face, she shouted in his direction, "Jiang Yifan, come here quickly, let's be a swing together!"

"Come here, it's fun, let's play together!"
The sunshine is so good, there seems to be a layer of light passing through the body of the three of them, an unrealistic light, the light is so dazzling, so dazzling that it is unreal, so dazzling that he can tell clearly that this is just a dream, so The exposure is not normal, and the light almost blurs people's faces.

There was no Gu Nancheng in the dream, only Enen's family of three, and him. He seemed to have replaced Gu Nancheng and existed in this family.

Even though he knew it was a dream, he still couldn't help but want to get closer, couldn't help but want to get this warmth, couldn't help but want to join them, so when they kept waving to him, when they called When he was about to come over, he couldn't control his footsteps, and rushed to their side.

He wants to go to the past and be Qianqiu with the girl, he wants to fly with her.

He almost ran, running faster and faster, getting closer and closer to them.

It's almost here, he is about to run to them, Enen stretched out her hand towards her, smiling like a flower, "Jiang Yifan, hurry up and hold my hand, we are going to fly together."

Well, here I come.

He also smiled, smiled at her, and stretched out his hand towards her. When his hand was about to be placed in his palm, suddenly, his roots seemed to take root, and he couldn't move anymore. No matter what, He couldn't move at all, as if he wasn't a human being, but a plant. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move at all. He could only watch En En's Qianqiu fly up, and the next second, the whole world was still .

The wind stopped blowing, the flowers and plants swaying in the wind stopped, En En's swinging movement stopped, Tang Guoer and Gu Yebai also stopped, everything suddenly stopped, the picture in front of me seemed like a painting That's all, it's forever frozen in this scene, what's going on?

"Enen!" He wanted to shout her name, wanted to make the still picture move again, wanted everything to return to the previous, instead of being still forever, but what to do, his mouth could not be opened, and his eyes were still I can't move the picture, yes, he is also in the painting, how could he forget, he was also frozen.

He knew it was a dream, he wanted to wake up, he moved his eyelids vigorously, then moved his fingers, why couldn't he move? He wants to wake up, move quickly, move quickly!

His heart was roaring, roaring, but...

"It's useless."

A familiar voice came from behind, cold and indifferent.

He was almost desperate, trying to turn around, but it was really useless, he couldn't move his hands and feet, only his head, miraculously, twisted mechanically, making a clicking sound , It's really like a machine, twisting bit by bit.

In the pupils, there was a young boy's figure. He was wearing a school uniform, and his face was so perfect that no flaws could be found, covered with frost.

"It's useless."

He repeated these three words and walked towards him step by step.

All the pictures are frozen, even Enen is frozen on the swing in mid-air, only the young man, he is alive and vivid, he is the only thing here that can control himself.

As if this dream belonged to him, not his own, otherwise, why couldn't he control his dream and his actions, only Gu Nancheng, he could?

He even opened his mouth, but couldn't speak, but he was getting closer and closer to him, his voice was so cold that it became cold, "Jiang Yifan, it's useless, no matter how hard you struggle, you can't move, just like No matter how hard you try, you can't take my place."

"The Gu family is mine, Gu Yebai is my adoptive father, Tang Guoer is my adoptive mother, and En En belongs to me completely. As for you, what are you?"

The corners of the boy's mouth curled up, and he smiled extremely contemptuously, "Just relying on you, a piece of rubbish that was killed halfway, and wanting to take my place, you are simply overthinking your capabilities and wishful thinking."

"What right do you have to rob me? These originally belonged to me. Didn't you always know that Gu Yebai and Tang Guoer regard me as their own son, and Enen has relied on me since she was a child? It's me, when we grow up, we will get married and become a couple that attracts everyone's attention, you can only go back to your home where your parents don't love you and your mother doesn't love you, and live in a gloomy and cold hell for the rest of your life!"

No, it's not like this, his heart was trembling, it was about to collapse, he kept roaring, "No, it's not like this, I won't go back, I don't want to go back to that home, I want to be with Enen Together, I want to live in Gu's family. Aunt Tang likes me, she let me live in her house, and Enen, Enen, she will also like me, I will definitely be in the future, I will be very nice to her it is good!"
"You are brothers and sisters, even if it is only in name, it is impossible to be together. The Gu family has said that you are biological. Everyone knows that you are brothers and sisters. No one will accept that you become a couple. You are together. It's against the norms, the Gu family can't afford to lose this person, definitely!"

He clearly knew it wasn't like this, but he couldn't control his nonsense under the extreme insecurity. He obviously didn't want to say these words, but he was pushed into a hurry, so he couldn't care about anything at all, even his brain However, out of self-protection, I can say whatever is ugly.

However, Gu Nancheng didn't care about what he said at all, and even looked at him with disdain, and just said a few words coldly, "Jumping clown."

"I'm not!" He tried desperately to explain, but the curve of the young man's lips became more sarcasm, "Jiang Yifan, you alone want to win Enen's favor, don't you think what you said is so ridiculous?"

"Have you forgotten what you were like back then? If you hadn't changed your face, you thought Enen would really look at you? Do you think Enen would become friends with you? Daydream you, if you let Enen know, you are Back then, that pig who was often bullied, dared not fight back when scolded, dared not fight back when beaten, was extremely cowardly and incompetent, do you think she really wouldn't dislike you? Would she still want to get along with you?"

"When she was young, she was ignorant and kind-hearted, so she would save you. Now that she has grown up, ask yourself, if you change it to Enen, can you really accept it? I'm afraid you can't, you I can't accept it myself, let alone En En, he will only see you and think of the past, and feel disgusted, I am afraid that he will spit out the food he ate the night before, how do you want her to face you?"

"What do you want to talk about? This kind of thing is outrageous even in dreams. She will only stay away from you, and she doesn't even want to see you! So, please consciously, get out of Enen's world, get out of our world World, don’t come in our eyes again, make us sick, get out!!”

No, not like that! Don't listen to his nonsense!

no no!

Jiang Yifan, this is just a nightmare, it's all fake, wake up, just wake up, wake up quickly!

Jiang Yifan wake up!

With his heart beating violently, Jiang Yifan suddenly opened his eyes, dripping with cold sweat, even his forehead and cheeks were all wet.

The back was also soaked.

The ceiling is unfamiliar to the eyes, but the voice next to the ear is familiar.

"Ah, I know this question!" Enen said happily, "Gu Nancheng, I found that you are very good. I don't know how to answer the question. I will know it as soon as you explain it. I think I will definitely not be able to answer the test the day after tomorrow." Problem, with you here, I really don't have to worry at all!"

"Really?" The boy obviously didn't believe it.

"Of course, I can still lie to you." Enen patted her chest and promised.

"You didn't say that last night." The young man repeated Enen's words last night, "Last night you said that what I taught was too complicated and you couldn't understand it. You asked Jiang Yifan to teach you."

"Ah..." Enen cleared her throat and changed the subject, "I don't know what delicious food Mom will give us tonight, I'm already hungry."

Gu Nancheng revealed it mercilessly, "You've only eaten for half an hour, are you sure you're hungry?"

"Oh, Gu Nancheng, don't be so serious." Enen knew that she couldn't hide, so she could only bite the bullet and said, "What happened last night was last night, today is today, yesterday I was not clear-headed, and I didn't say anything. Forget it, what I said tonight is true, you believe me, it’s truer than gold, even the punctuation marks are true.”

Gu Nancheng just sneered, too lazy to speak.

Jiang Yifan's memory came back little by little following their conversation.

Fortunately, fortunately, it was just a dream.

Fortunately, he woke up in time, and everything was still fine. (end of this chapter)

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