At the end of the shooting, Li Yang changed her clothes and went out after removing her makeup when she met Ji Ziqi. Li Yang instinctively wanted to step back. Fortunately, her reason stopped her action in time. Otherwise, such actions would be too offensive to Ji Ziqi.

Ji Ziqi raised a low light smile, "Xiao Yang, it's still early today. Would you like to have a cup of coffee with me?"

Li Yang chuckled and pretended to be calm

Unfortunately, the quivering eyelashes and the backpack strap that the palm subconsciously grasped all betrayed her inner tension.

To tell you the truth, she is not in the mood to have coffee with Ji Ziqi, or even afraid to get along with her. But when she thought that Ji Ziqi helped herself and cared about herself yesterday, she couldn't refuse to tell her, and she felt very guilty. Besides, she promised to invite Ji Ziqi to dinner yesterday.

Ji Ziqi smile bright, obviously very happy appearance, she walked forward and took Li Yang's hand, "then let's go, Xiaoyang."

Li Yang's body was stiff for a moment, and recovered as usual in the blink of an eye and followed Ji Ziqi out.

Ji Ziqi returned home less than a month ago. She was not familiar with this place, let alone the coffee shop.

Ji Ziqi asked Li Yang, where the coffee tastes better. Li Yang thought about it. Originally, she planned to suggest Rhine Town, but there were too many unpleasant memories there, so she finally chose the coastline.

Ji Ziqi didn't know the way, so she suggested to take Li Yang's car directly.

Li Yang felt very embarrassed, but he couldn't find any excuse to shirk. He had to let Ji Ziqi sit on the co pilot.

On the way, Li Yang concentrated on driving. Ji Ziqi leaned against the window with one hand and looked at the scenery outside the window. In a quiet tone, she felt a little sad, "time flies so fast. It's been 20 years in a flash."

Li Yang looked ahead, pursed her lips, and wanted to say something. Finally, she gave up. Seeing that Li Yang didn't speak, Ji Ziqi turned her head to look at her and said with a smile, "Xiaoyang, do you know, I lived in China before I was six years old..."

Li Yang's hands clenched the steering wheel, gently shook his head, and said with a faint smile, "I don't know. I thought Ziqi had been growing up abroad." After a pause, he added, "that's what you told me last time..."

Judging from the current situation, pretending to be stupid is the only way out for her, so as to ensure that she doesn't reveal her secrets. The Lu family doesn't want Ji Ziqi to know about it. If she shows her flaws, she may suffer.

Ji Ziqi also laughed, Wen said, "yes, I've been abroad since I was six years old. I haven't come back for 20 years. City B has changed a lot. I can't find a place without navigation."

"Twenty years ago, the changes must be great. After all, the economy is developing rapidly." Li Yang turned the steering wheel and parked the car in the parking space outside the cafe. "OK, it's the place. Sister Ziqi, let's go..."

They got out of the car and walked into the coffee shop. Immediately, a well-dressed waiter came to lead the way and left the list on the table. Li Yang ordered Blue Mountain coffee without looking at the list.

Ji Ziqi flipped a few pages at random and ordered a cup of hujue coffee and some desserts.

The waiter put away the list and stepped back with a smile.

Soon a waiter came up with coffee. Ji Ziqi said politely, "thank you."

There are melodious violin music in the coffee shop. Li Yang doesn't know what to say, so she just keeps silent. Ji Ziqi wants to break the awkward atmosphere and asks Li Yang, do you know this piece of music?!

Li Yang shook her head honestly and answered that she didn't know. Although she had been taught by a famous teacher in her family before, she was rebellious at that time, deliberately against her family and was not willing to learn. Therefore, it can be said that she knew nothing about music.

With a gentle smile, Ji Ziqi began to tell Li Yang about the creator, the source, and the mood he wanted to express

The retro European chandelier is on quietly. The two cups of coffee placed on the table are filled with mist and vapor. The air is full of mellow smell. Li Yang puts one hand on his chin and opens a pair of eyes. He listens quietly and only responds once in a while.

About Ji Ziqi is really lonely, she talked with Li Yang a lot, involving all walks of life.

There is no denying that Ji Ziqi is really erudite and knows a lot of industries like the palm of one's hand. She is indeed a proud girl who has been carefully cultivated by her family. Li Yang thinks that she is very small. It seems that she can't do anything except acting. Therefore, Ji Ziqi and Lu Chi Mo are made in heaven and earth.

Ji Ziqi picked up the coffee, sipped it gently, and her light red lip raised slightly, "Xiaoyang, would you feel bored when I said these things?"

Li Yang scooped out a spoonful of sugar, put it into the coffee to stir, raised his small face and said with a smile, "no, Ziqi sister knows so much. I'll take it as a free lesson given by an excellent student. It's too late to be happy."

Ji Ziqi also smile, looks like that kind of from the heart smile, "on your mouth sweet."

Li Yang continued to stir the coffee, and her apricot shaped eyes curled up. "It's not a sweet mouth, it's just the fact. Sister Ziqi is simply a winner in life. She's beautiful, knowledgeable, and knows a lot. She has made such an excellent boyfriend as Lu Dashao. It's really enviable."Ji Ziqi seemed to be stunned, "what happened to ah Chi and me, do you know?"

Li Yang's hand tightly holding the coffee cup, said with a smile, "the news has been pushed, it's hard to know, and I saw the photos of you two together. It's really a match."

Listen to Li Yang so say, Ji Ziqi plain face dyed a faint blush, "really match?"

Li Yang nodded, "of course."

This sentence is true, but the position under the chest cavity is like a knife, gouging out her heart and bleeding her heart. The unspeakable pain immediately surges up and sweeps through every cell of the body.

Li Yang put all her life's forbearance to make her look flawless. She blinked. She wanted to find a topic to change, but when she opened her mouth, she said, "sister Ziqi, how is Lu Dashao doing to you?"

This sentence, in her heart thought and thought, fried and fried, finally controlled her brain, in her unconscious, unprepared circumstances, so uncontrollably blurted out.

Li Yang was a little confused by her own words. She didn't expect that she would say what she was saying in her heart. When she came back to her mind, she quickly added and explained, "sister Ziqi, I'm just gossiping. There's no other meaning."

Ji Ziqi's Blush still hasn't gone, and she doesn't care about Li Yang's private affairs. "It doesn't matter, Xiaoyang, we are friends. There's nothing we can't ask, achita..."

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