After copying the video to his mobile phone, Gu Yebai and Lu Chi Mo go to the old house of Ji family together. Before leaving, Gu Yebai calls Ji Yueran to explain his intention and make sure that all of them are present.

Along the way, Lu Chi Mo constantly urged the driver to drive faster and faster. Gu Yebai's lips were stained with a lazy smile, "don't worry, the video is in your hand, what are you still worried about?"

Lu Chi Mo's jaw collapses into a straight line, thin lips slightly pursed, "I can't wait for a moment."

He couldn't wait a minute to think that this video could save her from the abyss. He couldn't wait for her to get out of the cage. He didn't even want to think about who sent the video and what intention it was.

There was only one thought in his mind to get her out of that place right away.

Gu Yebai looked at his tense expression, as if he was afraid that something would happen if he was a second late. He was always cold-blooded and always indifferent to everyone, including him.

But she was different. Even when she happened to him, all his calm and reason disappeared. He was out of control and nervous like a big boy at a loss, whether it was five years ago or five years later.

Thinking that five years ago, he deliberately stopped her car, hit her car, and almost took his own life. In order to keep her, Gu Yebai couldn't help laughing in his heart. Lu Chi Mo had been planted in Li Yang for a long time.

Plant it. He likes it.

However, I just hope that the tragedy of five years ago will not be repeated. How many five years of life can be missed? They are not small. They may never experience more and miss more.

As it was getting dark, the housekeeper in Ji's old house saw Bentley not far away, and opened the carved iron door.

The car finally stopped in the house. The doors on both sides of the back seat opened at the same time. Lu Chi Mo and Gu Yebai came out of the car. The housekeeper welcomed him and said, "Mr. Lu, Mr. Gu, please follow me."

Gillinson had already said hello to the housekeeper, so the housekeeper had been waiting at the door just to wait for the two of them to come and take them to see the old man.

Lu Chi Mo and Gu Yebai followed the housekeeper through a long veranda and entered the interior of the house. "Mr. Lu, Mr. Gu, have arrived. The old man and they are in it."

"We see. Go down."

Gu Yebai waved his hand, indicating that the housekeeper could leave.

"Yes." The housekeeper bowed his head respectfully to the two men and turned to leave.

All the people of Ji's family were sitting on the sofa and waiting. When they heard the voice, they turned their heads and looked at the door of the living room. Two men came in together, one cold and noble, the other deep and elegant.

Lu Chi Mo went straight to a sofa that had been reserved in advance and sat on it. Gu Yebai sat beside him and leaned lazily. "Uncle Ji, I and Chi Mo's intention, Yueran should have told you already?"

Ji old slightly frowned and asked in a deep voice, "that woman has confessed her guilt. What else do you want to play?"

Lu Chi Mo's white and handsome face was deeply displeased. His sight fell on Ji Linsen's body coldly. Without saying a word, he threw his mobile phone to the tea table. "I don't like to talk nonsense. You can see it yourself."

Ji Nan Qiao took his mobile phone as soon as possible. Lu Chi Mo's mobile phone had no password. After clicking in, there was a video. He pressed the play button and took the mobile phone to Ji Linsen. Then all the Ji family gathered around him and watched the video.

It seems that the photographer of the video is standing far away. Although there is a magnifying shot, there is no other sound in the mobile phone except for the sound of waves.

The video starts with a woman quietly leaning against the railing of the yacht, bathed in the white moonlight and blowing the sea breeze. Then Su Jingyan and Ji Zuozuo appear in the video at the same time. They are approaching the woman. The woman raises her hand and rubs her eyebrows to leave.

But when Su Jingyan passed by the woman, she dropped her head and said something in her ear. The woman's step could not stop. She ran after her and began to ask the two people, and then there was a dispute.

It can be seen that Ji zuozhou's words should be more difficult to hear. The woman's emotion is very excited. It seems that the only remaining reason has been completely defeated and the last string in the mind has been broken.

In a flash, the woman was like a wild animal who just got rid of her cage and rushed to jizuozhou. They fought together. Later, Su Jingyan joined the war, and the two of them were promoted to a three person melee.

In the chaos, the video picture was magnified again, so that people can see more clearly. Ji Zuo, with a vicious smile on his left lip, reached out to push the woman into the sea.

But the woman seems to have responded and reached out the same hand, but she just wants to brush off jizuozhou's hand and not let Ji zuozhou succeed. Before their hands touch each other, jizuozhou falls into the sea.

It was pushed by Su Jingyan. It can be seen clearly in the picture. Every action is very detailed. When Ji Zuo left his back to the sea, he looks at Su Jingyan in a frightening look, and his face is unbelievable.As if she didn't believe it at all, her usual good friend would have such a vicious mind and put her to death at the critical time!

But when she finally understood, it was too late, too late, too late

Ji's mother opened her eyes and covered her mouth. She was so sad that she couldn't even speak. She only sobbed bitterly in her throat.

Ji Yueran opened his eyes and stammered out a few words, "how How could this happen? "

And Ji Fu and Ji Nanqiao, is slightly pursed lips, eyebrows tight, how can things develop to this point? Will this video be for the sake of

"I've already identified the video. It's 100% true. If you don't believe it, you can send it to us for identification."

Gu Yebai's lazy tone broke the father and son's last illusion. Since Gu Yebai dares to say so, the video has always been true. Therefore, they have been confused by the death of left and left and wronged Li Yang?

Zuo Jingyan's real friend is Zuo Jingmi?

God, what did they do

Ji Yueran was still immersed in shock and looked at Gu Yebai shaking his head. "No way. That day you tricked me into taking Su Jingyan and hypnotized her. But when she was hypnotized, she always said that left and left were pushed down by Li Yang. A person can't lie when hypnotized."

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