In fact, Gu Yebai and Zhao Xichen are all beauties in summer. However, Lu Chi Mo's popularity has not been robbed. Even compared with them, he is still the most dazzling existence.

Li Yang looks at the man who is approaching her step by step. In his mind, he is not controlled by himself and comes up with four words, beautiful face in prosperous times.

"A big rise in value? Princess

A faint voice rings in my ears.

Li Yang blinked, "isn't it? I'm worth it now


Lu Chi Mo holds her white hand, and her eyes stay on the shining diamond ring.

Li Yang thought he was going to kiss the back of her hand, thinking of so many people around her, so she blushed a little embarrassed, however, the next second.

"You must pay attention to safety when you go out in the future. You know, today's flying car party is too rampant, and the ring you wear is valuable again. You can't avoid being missed. I really worry about your ring finger."

Li Yang's lung was almost gas fried, "Lu Chi Mo, can you not be so emotional moment poison tongue?"

Looking at the angry little woman in front of him, he chuckled and took her into his arms with a hook of his long arm. His voice was low and bewitched, "don't worry, I'll keep you by my side."

Several women almost at the same time exclaimed, "Gee, how are you, Mr. Lu!"


after marriage, Lu Dashao was a pet of his wife. He abused his dog, even his employees.

One morning, Lu Dashao was half an hour late for the meeting. While waiting in the meeting room, the staff murmured, "Mr. Lu is late again. How many times have you been in this month?"

Some people shrugged helplessly, "ignorance, anyway, they are the boss, willful, if you don't accept, you will be the boss yourself."

"Well, don't make fun of me. I don't have that ability."

As soon as the voice dropped, the door of the meeting room was pushed open. The upright man and the special assistant came in together. "Sorry, I made breakfast for my wife today, so I came late."

Breakfast for your wife, so you're late? Late? Late?

People, "..."

Mr. Lu, is it really good for you to show your love so seriously?

Lu Chi Mo sat down on the chair of the conference room and dropped a few words indifferently, "OK, it's time to start."

People, "..."


one day, all the senior managers of the company received wechat tips, and they all checked in one after another. As a result, they found that they were pulled into a wechat group with a text message attached.

[in the future, this wechat group will be specially used to inform meetings, so that I don't need to send e-mails one by one. You should pay attention to receiving messages. Don't turn this group to silence. In addition, this group does not chat. 】

we all know this wechat avatar, the Secretary of general manager Lu.

When everyone was about to reply, the voice of wechat rang again. It was a message sent by a person named Murray on wechat.

Are you blind? Do you know what to say when you receive the news? 】

everyone looked at the strange number in the crowd, all of them were confused, and their heads were full of big question marks?

Who, who?

The tone is so arrogant!

Wait, this one looks a little familiar.

The high-level officials quickly pointed out the wechat avatar of that account to enlarge, and then was shocked. On the photo, there was a self portrait of a woman.

He covered his small face with sunflowers and laughed at the camera. The sun was so beautiful and greasy that people couldn't move their eyes away. Someone exclaimed in the group: "crouch, isn't this Mr. Lu's wife? 】

for a while, the group was full of news about Mrs. Lu's good and powerful wife, and they went up at a high speed.

Murray: [ 】Mr. Lu Nei Qun, please keep your words clear. 】

owner: [ 】

it's no wonder that the tone of the man just spoke showed a trace of familiarity.

It's just, what kind of ghost? Isn't Lu always using wechat?

Why did you suddenly use wechat, or did you use Mrs. Lu's photo as her head portrait?

Moreover, the name of wechat is also unique. It is the abbreviation of his and Mrs. Lu's names.

Wechat group, silent.

All of them are counting into this number's circle of friends.

Recently released circle of friends is full of group photos of two people. The most recent one was taken by the camera when he lifted the white veil of a woman and lowered his head to kiss each other on their wedding day.

The picture is very beautiful.

All the people in the group all stretched out their hands and pressed their chests. They were really caught off guard. They were filled with dog food, which made people's heart twitch.

Then, the family photo of Mr. Lu's family, four of whom were sitting on the beach, took pictures of the whole family. The two cute children sat in front of them and compared them with each other hand in hand. They almost sprouted the heart shape of the sky.Their general manager Gao Leng Lu, with one hand held high, should be shooting with his mobile phone. The other held the woman's shoulder, leaning over her face and kissing the woman's lips.

Eyes, hook the arc of smile.

If you look down, it's still a kissing photo. It's not a self portrait. The camera is a little away from the two people. In the photo, they cross their legs in front of the tea table and kiss with their heads slanting.

The man's fingers, but also mixed with a piece of paper, some people zoom in, the results were surprised to find that the painting paper actually is a set of wedding dress design draft.

If you look carefully, isn't that what the bride wears on the wedding day?

We are envious, even hammer the table, clap the stool mood all have, intentional, this is absolutely intentional, all say that the matter is not three, what is the meaning of this kiss photo of three in a row?

Continue to turn down, villa, cruise ship, flower room, there are.

The last three photos, spanning a long time, are also equipped with text.

The third from the bottom is five years ago. A delicate and beautiful woman is holding a fluffy white dog. The dog seems to rub around her neck, causing her to giggle and smile.

This photo is the only single photo in all the photos except for the head portrait. It's really rare. It's just the matching text. It's so full of flesh and blood.

The penultimate picture is still taken five years ago by a man holding a woman in his arms. The man slightly lowers his head and kisses the beautiful thin lips on the woman's forehead. The woman is sleeping with her eyes closed, her black and soft hair scattered under her pillow, and her lips are covered with a shallow smile. The picture is breathtaking.

[Moli, Moli]

they thought that Murray was just the abbreviation of their names, but when they saw the words on the photos, they knew that there was such a meaning?

Their general manager Lu is really not an ordinary talent.

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