Song Li asked as he ate, "Liu Liu, where did you learn good craftsmanship?"

To be recognized, no matter what, is a thing to be happy about. What's more, Song Li Bo LAN is different from Sheng You Ting, not as cold-blooded as Sheng Youting.

"No, I seldom cook."

Thin blue can't believe, "how can it be possible that very little cooking can make such a taste?"

Liu Liu lifted his lips, a light smile, a rare good mood joke, "about, talent."

Now even song Li was surprised, "Liu Liu, I can't believe that such shameless words are said from your mouth!"

Liu Liu said with a smile, "that's because Mr. Song doesn't understand me."

Bo LAN immediately answered, "I don't know, so let me know more about you, OK?"

He blinked his big eyes toward willows and called out, "little sister?"

Sheng Youting's mood is very unhappy, very unhappy, before her eyes except him, no one can see.

And now, she has learned to flirt with other men?

Or in front of him?

It's really disgusting. It's indescribable.

It's like being fingered by someone else all the time.

How can he allow it?


The bowl in the hand is totally uncontrollable and hits the table top, making a dull sound.

Thin blue blinked. "What's the matter, Alan?"

Song Li "tut" a, "for no reason, what temper?"

"Shut up!"

Sheng Youting didn't pay attention to them, but said to Liu Liu in a cold voice, "sit down!"

Liu Liu stood alone in the audience. Of course, she knew what she was saying to her. The man's temper was not so strange as it had been five years ago.

In front of Song Li and thin blue's face, Liu Liu didn't want to annoy him. She went over and pulled out a chair and sat down obediently.

Sheng Youting's remaining light glimpsed the figure that was deliberately away from him, and his anger suddenly surged up. The wrinkles between his eyebrows could easily clip a few flies. "Why do you sit so far away?"


What does sitting so far do?

Isn't he saying she's disgusting, and she's afraid she'll turn him down?

Liu Liu hastily raised an eye, on the other side Sheng and Ting's angry eyes, "sit here!"

Willow saw eye Sheng and Ting's side position, did not move, eardrum when drilling into the man's angry deep voice, "deaf?"

Liu Liu hesitated for a second, then pursed her lips and sat down.

Smelling her light fragrance, the man's violent breath just dissipated some, "I want to drink soup."

Liu Liu lowered her eyebrows and said, "OK, I'll give you Sheng."

The corners of the mouth of the two people opposite the table twitch, which is Shanda less angry, isn't it?

Stop and stop. I can't think about it any more. I'd better bury my head in eating.

Baji Baji, ah, ah, the food made by willow is so delicious that it will burst!

Liu Liu put the bowl of soup in front of the man.

The man took a look, unhappy side of the face, staring at Liu Liu, handsome facial features gathered the storm, "willow, you are on purpose?"

Song Li kindly reminded a sentence, "a ting doesn't eat scallion."

Liu Liu was stunned. Five years ago, she always felt that she was trying to understand Sheng Youting. In the end, she didn't even know that he didn't eat scallion?

She did not have to sit at a table with him to eat, but at that time the soup, clearly there are onions ah.

She thought about it carefully. There were onions in the soup, but he didn't seem to have touched the soup. Sheng Xiaoyi likes to drink soup. If he didn't guess wrong, he should be making do with Sheng Xiaoyi's taste.

After all, he loves Sheng Xiaoyi and loves him to the bone. He doesn't even care about moral integrity. It's too normal for him to make do with each other's taste.

"I'm sorry, I'll pick out the scallion for you."

She pushed the bowl back in front of her, took the chopsticks, extremely patiently picked off the floating scallion on the vegetable soup.

The dim light fell over her face.

Her face is very white, the lines of her side face are soft, and she looks extremely gentle by carefully selecting scallion flowers.

Without the slightest delicacy and affectation, the natural almost takes away human's breath.

Bo LAN bumps Song Li with her arm and winks at him.

Song Li moved his lips and didn't make a sound. He just told him that he saw it.

"It's done. Drink it while it's hot."

Liu Liu pushes the soup bowl to Sheng Youting.

One is not careful, on the contact with his eyes, so hurriedly moved away from the line of sight.

He saw her eyelashes trembling slightly, like the broken wings of a butterfly. In the light of yellow light, the light fell into a shallow shadow, showing some fragile and helpless.Somehow it hit the softest part of his heart.

He did not open his eyes, took a spoon to drink soup, whether it was eating or drinking soup, he looked very cultured, not like song Li and thin blue, occasionally met with a special appetite, will gobble up.

When he drank the soup, he didn't make any sound. After the warm and delicious soup, he finally opened his mouth. The tone of his voice sounded plain, as if he had no emotion.

"my close secretary is pregnant and happens to resign. You will come to the company to hand over the work with her tomorrow."

Liu Liu raised her eyelids, and before she spoke, she heard the exaggerated voice of thin blue, "ah Ting, isn't your secretary still single? What kind of pregnancy are you pregnant with?"

Sheng Youting's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at thin blue, and his handsome face was more and more like a smile.

"thin little, you have been talking more and more recently. I don't think I want my tongue any more. Would you like me to help you pull it out?"

Thin blue blinked innocently, and pretended to be pathetic. "Now he doesn't even tell the truth, eh..."

Words have not finished, the mouth was song Li with food block, "I do not believe, eat can not plug your mouth?"

Thin blue chewed a few mouthfuls, with a smile, "ah, the food made by willows is really delicious. Ali, let's eat every day in the future."

After that, he looked at Liu Liu with a smile and exclaimed happily, "Liu Liu, give me a bowl of hot water, and I want to drink it too! Crab

Song Li Fu forehead.

Liu Liu was silent.

Sheng and ting a listen, eyebrows tight frown, cold line of sight swept toward them, tone of voice cold and heavy, "you are free to do nothing?"

"The company doesn't need to take care of it. Do you come to me for dinner? Do you want me to call your old man one by one and tell him that you don't do your job all day long and only know how to stay away from work, eat, drink and have fun? "

Bo LAN cried, "don't make a fool of yourself, ah Ting, we are brothers! You can't sell your brother

Sheng and Ting said, "if you don't want me to complain, go back to the company quickly. Don't hinder my eyes here, understand?"

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