Go to hell, Sheng You Ting, you go to die!

The sharp knife shimmered cold in the light.

The point of the knife fell into the flesh and blood of his chest. She seemed to hear the sound of blood gushing out, "Pooh Hoo!"

Her eyes jump out of the excitement of sparks, lips lift the arc of bloodthirsty, go to death, only you die, only you die, my pain will end!

In the sharp stab into the flesh of the moment, he suddenly opened his eyes in the dim light, at the same time, she felt her wrist was severely buckled.

The strength of the other side is very strong, as if she would like to break her bone, but she seems to feel no pain at all. Every cell in the whole body is fighting against the current, shouting, "kill him, kill him!"

She held the handle of the knife and stabbed it down with all her life. Her eyes were fixed on his chest, which had already gushed blood. Her facial features were twisted and her face was terrible. Her forehead was covered with blue veins, and her face was flushed with too much force.

He looked at her extreme image of hating him to the bone and wanting him to die. Her heart suddenly shrank, and the pain was like bone marrow being pierced, running in the blood with poison, growing and spreading crazily.

The lips startled to lift up, he glared at her eyes, word by word, as if forced out from the teeth in general, "you! Think! Kill! Yes! Me? "

She had no reason, not only did not have the slightest fear, but laughed wantonly, like a madman, "not to think!"

Instead, "I'm killing you now!"


The mouth of the tiger, which clasped her wrist, made a sudden effort and folded down.


Wrist fracture.

Her whole body was convulsed with pain. The palm of her hand lost its strength instinctively. The knife suddenly got out of control. She screamed, "no!"

Then he struggled desperately to put the knife deep into his chest.

She wants him to die. She wants him to die.

With only one hand, he easily controlled her.

"You let go of me, you let go of me!"


He called her name, and all of a sudden he laughed. His smile was frightful and his whole body was stained with a dark breath. "Give up, you can't kill me."

"No, I will kill you."

"Very well, willow, you've really pissed me off!"

He raised his hand a little, grasped the knife in his heart and pulled it up.

The blood "stabbed" a spurt, spurt to her face.

The sweet smell of blood filled the air.

"Clang", the sound of metal objects landing in the air.

In the silent night, it is very clear and strange.

He seemed to feel no pain, and he didn't pay attention to the bleeding wound at all times. His eyes were full of the most extreme dark color, hiding his anger to destroy heaven and earth. "I'm very angry now, do you know?"

His face was covered with thick liquid, and his tongue tasted the smell of blood.

She looked at his clothes dyed red, there was a moment of inertia, this madman, this out and out madman, abnormal!

He was cruel not only to her, but to himself.

She couldn't help but roar out, "Sheng You Ting, you are a psychologically twisted pervert!"

"Psychologically twisted metamorphosis?"

Reading these words gently, he laughed, and a low laugh rolled out of his throat, "who said, isn't it? "

as soon as her voice dropped, the pain of tearing heart and lung came from her wrist again.

The body was severely dragged to the bed, easily pressed by the other side in the body.

The drip of blood fell on her body, dyed out the most charming and strange color, like a flower on the other side, opened on the road of the yellow spring.

He lowered his head, kissed her on the cheek, whispered in her ear, in a low, seductive voice, "but you're no better than me, willow."

She breathed for a while, and suddenly bent her eyes with a smile. There was liquid in her eyes. She swayed and swayed in her eyes. Yes, if Sheng Youting was a psychologically twisted abnormal, she was no better than him.

She is a madman.

"Don't want to kill me, and don't want to hook up with other men and lead a normal life. Otherwise, I don't guarantee that I will do something that you regret all your life."

He's threatening her.

The pain on the body is accompanied by the pain of the heart, which is constantly intense contraction.

"Liu Liu, the pervert and the madman, should be bound together forever." He opened his mouth, his voice low and enchanting, "forever and ever, never die, never stop, eh?"

Her reason has already collapsed, the bloody smell scrambled to drill into the nose, let her feel nauseous, hysterically yelled at him, "no, I don't want to be tied together with you!"


His ears hurt so much that he would bite off the whole ear.Finally, tears couldn't be controlled, like broken beads falling down. She didn't know where the strength came from. She pushed him and beat him,

"Sheng You Ting, you'll kill me now, otherwise, one day, I'll make you regret, regret everything you've done to me, and let you kneel down in front of me to repent!"

"No way!"

He was extremely firm, even with scorn.

Regret, how can it be?

Not to mention kneeling in front of her, oh, such a thing, this life is impossible.

He didn't think of it, but after a few months, he really answered her words.

He regretted everything he had done to her.

When she took his hand, took off a red rope from his wrist, tied it to her hand, and called her brother Sheng, he felt that the whole world had collapsed.

From childhood to adulthood, he never knelt down to anyone, whether it was Sheng fan, the father with the highest military rank, or Ye Huaan, the president of the country.

However, when she looked at him with her small face askew, she asked him, brother Sheng, are you here to marry me?

That moment, he knelt in front of her, hugged her waist, buried his head deep in her waist.

In an instant, tears were streaming down my face.

If he had the ability to foresee the future, he would not allow himself to hurt her like this.

Unfortunately, the world has never had if.

At this moment, he still hated her, especially when she dared to say such a thing to him. Even at this time, she was still struggling, still beating him, and even

Bite him!

Pupil suddenly tight, he pulled her from the bed rudely, "Liu Liu, the person who annoys me, has never come to a good end!"

She struggled, but still was dragged to stagger, "Sheng You Ting, you crazy, abnormal, you let me go!"

He dragged her into the cloakroom, pulled out the glass cabinet, and took out a tie and bit it in his mouth.

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