Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1002: I only want you (10)

The bathroom was still foggy, and some groaning could be heard faintly.

The water in the bathtub was swaying.

Two figures entangled in the water.

Mu Xiaoxiao was lying at the end of the bathtub. Yin Shaojie was afraid that she would be uncomfortable, and her big head was protecting her back.

Oncoming was his fervent kiss.

Mu Xiaoxiaoang bears his drawing with his head, and his little hand is softly resting on his waist.

Yin Shaojiu's other hand was not in the water and didn't know what to do, and scooped up waves of water.

There was a full tank of water, I do n’t know how much was poured out, there was water everywhere on the ground, and the whole bathroom looked wet.

Yin Shaojie's hand stretched out, holding a small object, and tossing it aside.

Mu Xiaoxiao was so embarrassed that her toes were choked, especially when his hands were submerged in the water again, she couldn't help making a groaning sound. Although she had gritted her teeth and wanted to endure, she couldn't stand him撩 Dial.

God, what is he doing ... Mu Xiaoxiao just feels that his brain is full of paste, and he can't think at all, all his senses are actions on his hands.

She couldn't bear such a passion, and yelled for mercy in her mouth, telling him not to continue, but Yin Shaojie refused to let her go, instead she went deeper and deeper into her interior.

Yin Shaoji, who has always talked a lot, didn't say a word at this moment, but her deeper black eyes locked her little face.

He lowered his head and kissed the corner of her mouth eagerly. The two breathed together, and she could feel that every breath he took was so thick and hot.

Mu Xiao's small hand wrapped around his arm, his fingers tightened, as if to sink into his arm.

Yin Shaoji kissed her little mouth, and the tip of her tongue got into it, entangled her little tongue, trying to divert her attention, so that she would not be so tight.

The water in the bathtub, because of her struggle, poured out several waves of water.

No, Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't take it anymore, his voice became sobbing, as if he was crying, let him stop.

Just then, Yin Shaoxu suddenly let go of her.

Mu Xiaoxiao's head suddenly became empty, and he stared at him blindly.

Yin Shaojie sucked her soft, jelly-like lips, her dumb voice seemed to be patient, "Let ’s go out of the shower."

He then picked her up from the bathtub.

Mu Xiaoxiao buried his face in his neck, shamelessly afraid to look at him, and even afraid to face what he was like at the moment.

Yin Shaojie could not bear it anymore. Although there was only a short distance from the bathroom to the bedroom, but he was afraid she would be cold and ill. He still thoughtfully took off the towel and wrapped her body, and then carried her out of the bathroom and walked to the bedroom go with.

Anxiously walked into the bedroom and hooked the door with his feet.

When he got to the bed, he had just put her on the soft bed, and the hot body was pressed down, covering her fragrant and soft body.

His kiss went down, from her lips to her chin, all the way down, leaving traces of scalding.

Mu Xiaoxiao's consciousness was a little more awake, and when he felt the power of his imprinted kiss, he could understand how strong he desires her at this moment.

Knowing what he wanted to do next, her heart was beating, two consciousnesses were pulling, and finally the deep voice prevailed.

The deep voice kept saying, asking her to give him, don't resist, don't reject him.

Her eyes moisturized and looked down at him, watching how he pleased her so that she could relax, her heart softened.

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