Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1004: Don't torture me (2)

Yin Shaojie opened her eyes, stretched out her long arm, and pulled up the quilt. She felt guilty and said, "Don't cry ..."

What he feared most was her tears.

Mu Xiaoxiao wrapped his body with a sheet, buried his face on the pillow, deliberately ignored him, as if ignoring his existence.

Yin Shaojie was panicked and had to hug her strongly, forcing her to turn her face and look at him.

"Little, don't you get angry, okay? It's me asshole, and you shouldn't do this to you while you have memory loss ..."

He can't wait to slap himself now.

He's really not human!

After so long, why can't I stand these days?

Knowing that she has amnesia, how can you ask her at this time?

Yin Shaojie was very fortunate that he had just braked the car in time. He could not imagine how he would face her if his memory was restored.

Moreover, the first time of the two should be wonderful, not when she lost her memory.

Mu Xiaoxiao lifted his face full of tears and pounced on his neck.

She choked and said, "I thought ... you don't want me ..."

It turned out that he just didn't want to ask her when she had amnesia. After learning his true thoughts, she felt much better.

Yin Shaojie couldn't laugh or cry. He touched her neck with a big hand and sighed heavily, "You fool, my body is going to explode, you know? How could I not want you."

This girl probably never knows how much he wants her.

Only God knows how restrained he has just been to endure that desire.

Already kicked the door, it is impossible for any man to stop at this time, but he kept it back.

Because she loves her so much, she knows that for her, the first time she wants the two to be beautiful.

And he thought so, and wanted to give her a warm and beautiful first time.

So how could he want her at this time?

Yin Shaojie looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in front of her, although she was still Mu Xiaoxiao, but ... he knew clearly that this was not what Mu Xiaoxiao wanted.

What he wanted was her to restore her memory, and Mu Xiaoxiao, who shared the memories of the two.

Although the little lost memory is very cute, when he teases her, he also finds it very interesting.

But it is different after all ...

Yin Shaojiu's eyes sank, holding Mu Xiao's face, and lowering her head to print a kiss on her forehead.

"Little, you have to remember, as long as I'm one of you, I will never want you."

There is only one Mu Xiaoxiao in this world, the unique Mu Xiaoxiao, how could he not want her?

Mu Xiaoxiao pressed his face to his neck and nodded, his hands tightly around his back.

Yin Shaoxu bowed her head, and she could see her naked back, white and seductive like a jade carving, which made people look overwhelmed by the restraint.

He smiled bitterly, feeling his desire to slow down with cold water just now, and reacted strongly again.

damn it! This girl is too tempting.

Just looking at her naked and well-dressed body like this, his mind was thinking uncontrollably of various postures that would knock her down ...

"Well, get dressed and stop testing my self-control." He pulled her up, pulled up the quilt and wrapped her tightly, and let him see a little white and tender skin. Turning off the bed, he was ready to go to the bathroom again.

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