Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1024: More important than him? (4)

Mo Xiaomeng heard that he seemed angry, and quickly shook his head and said, "No, I didn't say I didn't want to go."

She just thought about God, so she answered slowly.

"Then you are willing to accompany me on a business trip?" Ye Sijue's blue eyes stared at her eyes, asking seriously, as if she was willing or not, it was important to him.

If she wants, it means she still has him in her heart.

Mo Xiaomeng nodded and said, "Yes."

She thought to herself that she would return to the United States anyway, and stay with him for two days, and then see how to tell him about her going home.

Ye Sijue took her little hand, put it to her lips, and bit her with her teeth.

"Why are you biting me?" Mo Xiaomeng felt a little pain and looked at him puzzledly, trying to withdraw his hand, but he was gripped tightly.

There was a circle of tooth marks on her delicate white palms.

Ye Sijue's mouth was light, the coldness on his face converged, and he gave a little taste of punishment, saying, "Who made you hesitate just now, do you want to stay here with your little one? For you, it is me Is her boyfriend important, or is she a good friend important? "

Although he was a bit naive to be jealous, he couldn't help it.

Mo Xiaomeng's face flushed and he stuttered, "Who, who said you were my boyfriend?"

When did he become her boyfriend?

Ye Sijue narrowed his eyes. "You said it yourself, did you forget it? In Nanxiang Ancient Town, you said to the trafficker."

Mo Xiaomeng froze, and then I remembered it.

"So, that's ... I lied to him casually, thinking that this would scare him."

"What you say at will is the real idea in your heart." Ye Sijue insisted that if she had to admit it, she would treat him as a boyfriend.

Mo Xiaomeng snorted, grumbled dissatisfied and said, "You are so rude! You didn't follow me ..."

Want to be her boyfriend without confessing to her?

Hum, did she agree?

There was a mysterious light flowing in the blue eyes of Ye Sijue, as if he had thought of something, his smile was a little deeper.

He knew what she wanted to say.

And he planned to surprise her ...

Pretending to be incomprehensible, Ye Sijue said deliberately in a domineering tone, "Anyway, you already said that, I'm your boyfriend, you can't say nothing."

"Why is this so wordless and unbelievable? I don't want to ignore you." Mo Xiaomeng said nothing but he felt as if he had been eaten by him. She quickly pushed the door and got out of the car.

Ye Sijue smiled softly, and didn't say any more, but got out of the car and went around and grabbed her little hand.

"You're not familiar with this, but don't run around, follow me."

He said, pulling her to the elevator.

Up to the top floor, he led her out of the elevator, and the staff present were stunned when they saw both of them.

what's going on?

Ye Shao brought his girlfriend to the company?

Ye Shao actually has a girlfriend!

Soon, the news spread throughout the Ye Family.

Although Mo Xiaomeng has long been accustomed to staring at himself, this time is a little different. The eyes of these people are a little too ... strange! And a bit too brazen.

"Hey ..." She pulled Sirke's hand the next night.

Ye Sijue glanced at those people with a cold look, and said sharply, "Look at those who look again, and resign immediately!"

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