Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1033: How can I get you back (1)

The temperature of the entire conference room dropped to almost zero, and everyone looked at each other. Don't say a word. Even breathing was slow. I was afraid I would disturb Master Ye.

Ye Shao, what happened?

What happened?

Is the company going bankrupt?

When everyone was making random guesses, Ye Sijue frowned and called the phone back.

However, it did not connect, and a cold female voice on the phone said, "The call you dialed is off. Please redial later ..."

Ye Sijue's eyes froze, his palms tightened as if to crush the phone.

He got up sharply and walked out of the conference room without saying anything.

The strong and terrifying aura made everyone dared not come out.

Ye Sijue calmed his face and walked quickly to the monitoring room, letting people call up the surveillance video related to Mo Xiaomeng.

Just half an hour ago, she was still in the lobby on the first floor.

He noticed her expression a little unhappy, and then slowly walked out of the building.

Damn, didn't she tell her not to leave this building?

With a somber face, he struck the table hard, scaring everyone next to him, holding his breath, afraid that he would provoke the young master.

There was no surveillance video after Mo Xiaomeng's figure came out of the building, she didn't know where she went.

So, for what reason did she suddenly leave?

come back to the office.

Ye Sijue called Mo Xiaomeng again, but it was still off.

His eyes burst a little, and after a few patience he didn't smash the phone.

Taking a deep breath, he called Yin Shaojie.

Fortunately, it was soon connected.

"Hey," Yin Shaoji said.

Ye Sijue's voice was blocked because of forbearance, and asked, "How is Xiaoxiao now? Do you remember something?"

"No, what's wrong?" Yin Shaojie noticed that his voice was a bit wrong.

Ye Sijie paused, and said in a stiff voice, "Xiao Meng ... is gone."

"How can this happen? Why not see each other?" Yin Shaoxing asked in a deep voice.

Ye Sijue walked back and forth impatiently, explaining with his fingers and brows, "I was just fine, I took her to the company, but just had a meeting, she suddenly disappeared, called me and said she To go home, I hung up. "

He has always been IQ online, at this time the whole person is chaotic.

He didn't know what was going on, and how did it suddenly become like this?

It was fine before obviously!

Ye Sijue calmed his face and slammed the coffee table, "Damn! I shouldn't let her run around!"

However, if Mo Xiaomeng got a call and left by herself, no one could stop her.

However, thinking of this, Ye Sijue's mood suddenly fell below the bottom of the valley.

Even if she had to leave and go home, couldn't she tell him first?

As for leaving so silently?

Ye Sijue sneered.

No, she didn't say nothing, she called him before she left.

what is this?

Reassure him that she wasn't tied up? Did she leave by herself?

Anger sparked in Ye Sijue's eyes.

Didn't she bear him at all? Just leave.

Even across the cell phone, Yin Shaojiu felt his emotions, and said, "Otherwise, can you come to the apartment? Let's find a way together."

"I'm going now." Ye Sijue hung up.

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