Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1045: Memory slowly wakes up (4)

This posture was really terrifying, and the boss's subconscious response was to step back.

The heavy locomotive crashed into the wall, and the people on the vehicle rolled over the next second, kicking their long legs towards the boss.

Everything is fast, so fast that everyone else is dizzying, it feels like watching an action movie, and they are so shocked that they can only stay in place and stare with wide eyes.

Yin Shaojie reacted the fastest and followed the motorcycle owner to attack the bad guys.

In a wonderful scene of fighting, Yin Shaojie and the owner of the motorcycle, they are exactly like the hero in the **** movie, with extraordinary skill, each action is strong and powerful, handsome and suffocating.

It was the first time a few boys in the Student Union saw their president fight, and they were stunned, their mouths widened, but they couldn't make any sound.

Finally, someone wowed out.

"Wow, I miss him ... so good!"

"That man is so strong!"

No boy doesn't like action movies. When they see them in the movie, they feel very irritating, not to mention that in this reality, they can see their blood boiled when they see it so close.

Even the police officers nearby just stared blankly, without blinking.

Within a few minutes, Yin Shaojiu and the owner of the motorcycle subdued the bad guys together.

Who knows, I suddenly heard a bang.

"Be careful! Someone above!" A cold voice came out of the helmet, reminding everyone.


There were two more shots. The owner of the motorcycle and Yin Shaojie rolled over aside at the same time, avoiding bullets.

The police responded, panicking as they raised their guns to fight the ambush above them.

Only heard--

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, a softer gunshot than the ordinary gunshot.

Immediately, he saw the man hiding upstairs falling and lying on the ground.

Everyone was shocked, and looked intently at the owner of the motorcycle, and saw that he didn't know when a black gun was added.

Does this person have a gun?

The policeman staggered, and although the man had just helped them subdue the group of drug dealers, they pointed their guns at him.

"Put the gun down!"

The owner of the motorcycle glanced at them, and instead of doing so, put the gun back on his body.

Yin Shaoxu frowned and looked at him.

After just fighting, he can feel that this man's skill is very good, not the level that ordinary people can reach.

Who is this person? He was also curious.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care about the strange situation now, and hurried to Yin Shaoxi's side, rushed to his arms, and asked worriedly, "How are you? Are you not injured?"

Yin Shaojie held her in one hand and touched her head with one hand to soothe, "I'm fine."

There, the police stared at the man defensively and approached slowly, but not too aggressively, saying, "You take the helmet off."

The owner of the motorcycle did so this time and took off the helmet.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at it curiously.

His face was facing the lamp on the alley wall, so that he could see his deep outline. This man had a very handsome face, and his fortitude features were set with cold eyes like dark stars.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened in amazement, his mouth slightly opened, and two big characters were clearly written on his face: So handsome!

Yin Shaoxian glanced at her with dissatisfaction, her black eyes full of jealousy.

A big hand stretched out to block her sight.

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