Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1048: Memory slowly wakes up (7)

Mu Xiaoxiao pounced into his arms, and leaned his head against him, his voice clearly carrying a crying voice, and repeatedly saying, "It hurts ... it hurts ..."

Yin Shao held her, and her big hand touched her face, she could feel the cold sweat of one hand.

His hands tightened, he hugged her, kissed her head and said, "It's okay, I'll take you to the hospital right away."

Obviously just fine, why did this suddenly happen?

Yin Shaoji never had time to think about it. After helping her sit up straight, she started the car and drove to the hospital.

Fortunately, they are not too far away from the hospital, but this is not a long distance. Usually, the journey of ten minutes is very fast, but at this moment, it is like seconds.


In the ward, Mu Xiaoxiao was lying on a white bed, and her pink lips usually looked pale.

Yin Shaojie sat next to the bed, holding her little hand, and looked at her with worried eyes, as if she was afraid she would not wake up again.

What the doctor said seemed to be ringing in his ears.

"The situation is a bit unclear. The blood clot in her brain was slowly dissipating, but she had such a sudden headache. There are many possibilities. At present, there is no way to check it out. meeting……"

"Maybe what?" At that moment, his heart was tense and he couldn't breathe.

"Maybe ... amnesia again, that is, double amnesia. The memory after the previous amnesia may be forgotten again, so you still have to be prepared."

Yin Shaoyan's eyes darkened, her eyes locked tightly on Mu Xiao's small face, at this time she slept so peacefully, as if she just fell asleep.

But when she wakes up, will she remember him?

At this moment, he just felt tired and tired.

Why does it suddenly become like this?

Obviously everything is fine today, and Xiao Xiao hasn't hit his head. Reasonably, this should not be the case.

Could it be that there is a problem with the air in that bar, which has stimulated her brain?

He wanted to punch him hard, but he was afraid to disturb Mu Xiaoxiao, and could only clenched his hands, his nails almost pierced into the meat.

At this time, the mobile phone in the pants pocket vibrated.

He quickly picked up, it was Song Shijun's phone.

Yin Shaojie was very depressed. After answering the phone call, he told Song Shijun where he was.

After a while, Song Shijun pushed in the door with something in his hand and saw Mu Xiaoxiao lying on the hospital bed.

"Little she ..." Song Shijun asked with a worried look in his eyes, and stretched out his laptop.

Song Shijun suddenly received a call from him, asking him to help get the computer at Yin's house.

At this time, Yin Shaojie didn't want to leave Xiaoxiao for even a second, and the apartment he lived in needed fingerprints to open it. In addition to the importance of his computer, he couldn't let anyone take it, so he could only ask Song Shijun to help.

Yin Shaoji took the computer, set it aside, and said with a heavy tone, "Xiaoxiao's situation is not very good now, but don't tell Qiqing about this."

"I see ..." Song Shijun paused and scratched his forehead with a headache. "But if Qi Qing knew that I was hiding her, she would kill me!"

He knew best how much Qi Qing was worried about the small situation, so now something happened to him. He did n’t know if he was okay. If he knew it, he would hide from her. Qi Qing knew that he would be angry. The first thing that happened was that he would suffer.

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