Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1055: Yin Shaojie, you are dead! (4)

Yin Shaojie was sitting on the sofa, her arms crossed, and asked her, "What do you want to eat at noon? I told the family in advance that they would be delivered by time."

"Whatever." Mu Xiaoxiao was too lazy to think, and said casually.

Anyway, he also knows what she likes and doesn't like.

Mu Xiaoxiao went into the cloakroom, took pajamas, and went into the bathroom.

A few minutes later.

Yin Shaojie was holding a mobile phone. I didn't know if I was playing a game or doing something, and suddenly I heard a little scream coming from the bathroom.

He lifted his heart violently, ran quickly to the past, and patted the door anxiously, "Little? What happened? What happened?"

There was no sound, and Xiao Xiao did not respond to him.

Yin Shaoyi's heart was even more frightened, and she was very worried that she might have fallen in the shower, and she had lost her head and had amnesia, what should I do?

He tapped the door harder, "Little? You speak! Are you okay? If you have anything, you talk to me!"

After a while, the door opened suddenly.

Yin Shaoyu leaned forward subconsciously, who knew that a small hand grabbed his neckline.

"Yin Shaoxing!" Mu Xiaoxiao shouted at him with a small face.

Yin Shao paused, looked at her expression, and guessed what was going on.

Mu Xiaoxiao's face blushed, his eyes glared at him, and the other hand slapped him angrily, cursing, "You a satyr, a liar! I remembered it all, when I lost my memory, you lied to me ... Say……"

The rest of the words couldn't go on, the little face turned redder.

She was just taking a shower, and the bathroom was misty. When she applied the shower gel to her body, she was unconsciously showing some shameful images when she wiped her hands on her body.

Then she paused, remembering the memory during her amnesia.

Especially the things he lied to her, saying that she was calling his husband, and two people often bathed together.

That time they took a bath, he coaxed her and asked her to wash him ...

Mu Xiaoxiao really couldn't think of it any more, the ears were all red.

Yin Shaojie knew that she remembered it, and she couldn't help crying. "Do you remember it?"

Then he doesn't have to think about how to tell her about it.

Mu Xiaoxiao's small hand clenched, tightening his neckline and staring at him with wide eyes.

However, the height difference made her immensely weaker.

Yin Shaojii laughed, and spread his hand outrageously and said, "I don't mean to lie to you? I am indeed your husband. You have also shouted clearly, haven't you? And bathing ..."

"Don't mention bathing!" Mu Xiaoxiao yelled at him in embarrassment.

Just mentioning the bath, her mind clearly showed what they had done that day, and they were still naked in the bathtub ...

Can't think anymore, can't think any more!

Mu Xiaoxiao's face was all red, staring at Yin Shaoyan's eyes, dark and bright.

Yin Shaojie just thinks she looks so cute.

The evil smile of his mouth was aroused, his long arm stretched out, and he nibbled her on the door frame. "Did you remember what we did in the bathroom that day? And we were in the bathtub ..."

And later, they were in bed and almost went to the last step.

Although they didn't make it to the end, they used other methods ...

Yin Shaojiu thought for a while, her eyes became hot, staring at her little face, the **** throat knot rolled down, her voice said dumbly, "Will we wash again?"

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