Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1072: How much do you love him (5)

The housekeeper nodded and said something, but Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't listen anymore. She suddenly pulled her leg and rushed outside.

As soon as Han Qiqing wanted to go out, he noticed that the steward's expression was a little weird. He paused and asked the steward, "Are you hiding something from me?"

The steward froze and shook his head. "Of course not, ma'am, how could you be so suspicious?"

Han Qiqing narrowed his eyes and stared at him as if he were trying a prisoner.

"Then you talked out and talked to Yin Shaoji, what did you talk about?"

The housekeeper glanced at the direction in which Mu Xiaoxiao disappeared, and then said, "I know that Xiao Shao cares about Miss Mu, and she wants to find a way to help him, and then ... …cough."

At this time, the housekeeper coughed, and his expression was a little weird.

"What did he say?" Of course Han Qiqing had to gossip to the end, oh no, but to question to the end, after all, it was related to her best friend.

The steward said, "Let's say less ... my wife wants to get it back by herself, without anyone else interfering."

Han Qiqing was a little embarrassed when he heard this. This Yin Shaomin really ... when did he become a master of love?

Suddenly she was curious. When Xiaoxiao was with Yin Shaoyi, he heard what kind of love he had.

The housekeeper continued, "Sao Shao also said that he was just waiting for Miss Mu outside and didn't want her to have any psychological burden, as long as she was happy, so let me not get involved, and even ask me to hide you and Miss Mu, What he keeps outside. "

Han Qiqing, "..."

Why does she feel a dog abused?


Beyond the gate.

Xiaoxiao has always been afraid of the dark, but at this time he ignored any fear, rushed into the darkness, and ran in the direction of Yin Shaoji.

When she ran to the trail, she disappeared from Yin Shao's car.

Not to mention a car, there is not even a ghost image, only the shadow of a tree branch, shaking with the night wind, shaking its posture.

Damn, she forgot to get her phone!

Mu Xiaoxiao touched the pajamas's pockets and found nothing, and scolded herself in annoyance.

She shouted into the darkness, "Hmm ... hmm! Are you hiding beside me, right?"

Just like the games they liked to play when they were kids, they deliberately hid, let the other party find themselves, and then suddenly jumped out to scare the other party.

So, he knew she had found him, so he ran to hide.


It must be so!

Mu Xiaoxiao was so determined in his heart, but he didn't want to believe that Yin Shaojie had gone.

He had been outside for so long, why did he just go away at this time?

Mu Xiao was careful about the mixed flavors, but he was distressed and suddenly sad, and shouted into the air, "You come out! Hey! Yin Shaoyu! You bastard! You just hide! Click here for me! "

But in the darkness there was only the shadow of leaves swaying, nothing.

The wind at night was very cold. Although she was wearing long pajamas, it was a skirt after all, exposing a long thin white leg.

So being blown by the wind will naturally be very cold.

However, at this moment Mu Xiaoxiao felt that her heart was colder, as if the temperature had been taken away.

Did Yin Shaozhen really leave like this ...

How could he do that.

Inexplicably, there was a hint of grievance.

Mu Xiao thought carefully, had he been waiting for her to find him?

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