Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1077: How much do you love him (10)

I thought he would notice the connotation of this sentence, so he wouldn't answer it, or he would think about it.

Who knows, he heard his low voice say, "Yes, I'm worried about her."

Han Qiqing did not expect that he would admit it so generously, her heart shook fiercely, and there was a kind of uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

After a pause, she didn't speak, and Lu Yichen didn't ask.

Han Qiqing finally came back to him, and said to him astringently, "You don't have to worry about it now, it seems that Xiaoxiao has recovered her memory, and her body is fine, everything is fine."

"Lu Yichen." She called him suddenly.

He said, "Well, she'll be fine. I'm not very convenient now, so I can't go back to visit her. If you see Xiaoxiao, please give me a greeting. Also, tell her, I called She, thank you. "

Han Qiqing listened to these words. I didn't know if he heard them, but he called again, "Lu Yichen ..."

This time, Lu Yichen noticed, "Is there anything wrong?"

"You ..." Han Qiqing shuddered, suddenly getting nervous, hesitating to ask.

"Just tell me anything," he said thoughtfully.

Originally, Han Qiqing just wanted to call his name, called him, and then he responded to her, just thinking about it that way.

But as he said so, Han Qiqing hesitated and said, "Are you ... are you okay in the United States? And aunt, how is the situation now? You ..."

When can you come back?

This last sentence, she did not dare to say.

Lu Yichen answered quietly, "Well, I'm fine, my mother's condition is also very good, thank you. Well, it's so late, I won't bother you to rest, goodbye."

"Wait!" Han Qiqing hurriedly stopped him, not wanting him to hang up so soon.

She hasn't seen him for a while, and now even if she can only hear her voice, she can satisfy her miss of him.

Fortunately, Lu Yichen heard it, didn't hang up, and asked, "Is there anything else?"

"I ..." Han Qiqing rolled his eyes in a panic, thinking about how to make excuses, and it was good to talk to him more.

"Don't you ask me, how did Xiao Xiao lose amnesia? It's because ..."

Although she didn't understand the detailed process, she still knew the general situation, especially the crazy behavior of Su Lin, she was even more eloquent.

"Although Xiaoxiao has lost her memory, she feels no different than before, she just doesn't remember us."

"It's strange to say, Xiaoxiao doesn't remember any of us, but she remembers Yin Shaoyu, do you say ... Is this true love?"

"However, Xiaoxiao had an awkward relationship with Yin Shaoxin today, so she came to me and told me her story ..."

"Did you say this girl is stupid? I don't even know how much she loves Yin Shao'an. I don't think she is like Yin Shao's."

"In fact, they have been very good since childhood. No matter how others insert, they can't get in between them."

Han Qiqing said a lot of things by herself, and when she paused, she found that there was no sound on the phone.

Did he hang up impatiently long ago?

Han Qiqing was a little lost in heart, he gave a phone call and said, "Lu Yichen, are you still there?"

Lu Yichen said quietly and nicely, "I'm here, do you want to continue talking? If it's finished, I'll be busy."

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