Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1091: I admit that I am jealous (4)

Chris said, "Are you planning to share with me what happened in China? Anne, we grew up together as a child. If you have something in mind, do you think you can hide it from me?"

Aniel lifted his eyes to his eyes, "You see them?"

"Well, I'm a man. You're absent from me. If I can't see it, then I'm too bad." Chris softly, inducing her to say it.

Aniel hesitated and said, "I'm ... the ones who are reluctant to meet in China."

In fact, she said this sincerely.

She really hates those friends she met in China, such as Qi Qing, Song Shijun, etc. These people are very interesting, and she really feels happy when playing with them.

Of course, she was even more reluctant to be ...

Chris asked jokingly, "Is there a man in the person you can't bear?"

Although he personally went to China to bring her back, he only found her by means of positioning. As for who she met in China and what stories happened, he did not know.

Of course, if he wants to know, it is not difficult.

But he respected her privacy, so he would not check it, and he wanted to learn more about it from her mouth.

Anneton took a look and nodded, "Yes."

After thinking about it, he added, "Several of them are little friends. They are all very interesting people."

Chris has heard the name Xiaoxiao more than once, and he smiled and said, "You can see that you take this little friend named Xiaoxiao very seriously. If I have a chance in the future, I would like to meet her. Of course, I don't have Non-divided, just curious, what kind of girl can make you trust and rely on you, and put her at your mouth at any time. "

He raised his hand ridiculously and said, "Oh, well, I admit, I'm jealous."

Anil laughed at him. "Why do you eat a little vinegar."

Chris suddenly thought, "By the way, our engagement period will come in a few days. Otherwise, you invite these Chinese friends to come and play, how?"

"This ..." Anil hesitated, and the countenance of Night Lord appeared in his mind.

Inviting Ye Sijue to her engagement banquet?

She thought it was a very bad offer.

She couldn't imagine that.

So, she shook her head and said, "Still, she doesn't like to go in and out of these occasions. Her family is very low-key, and it's just an engagement, but she hasn't arrived at the wedding."

In fact, as long as she tells her little identity, Chris will surely know.

"Then we'll invite her when we get married," Chris said, realizing that the night breeze was a bit stronger, and helped her close her coat.

Aniel glanced at the shirt he was wearing and said, "Let's go in."

Chris laughed. "Are you distressing me, afraid you're cold?"

"Yeah, if you're sick, you have to change the actor the night of the engagement banquet." Annie was relaxed and joked.

So they got up and went to the banquet hall.

Originally, Aniel wanted to take it off and gave it back to him, but Chris said that he wouldn't need it first, and went into the banquet hall to talk about it.

However, as soon as she reached the door, Aniel paused, and her jewel-like dark blue eyes widened staggeringly.

Just in front of it, Ye Sijue intimately held hands with a beautiful woman.

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