Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1326: Mysterious Same Table (96)

The clerk heard that it was not good to refute anything, and said with a stiff smile, "Miss Han, should I try it on you?"

"No need, I'll do it myself." Compared to the meticulousness of the shop assistant, Han Qiqing was very careless. He picked up the diamond necklace, put it around his neck, put the button under his chin, and lowered his head.

Clerk, "..."

After working in this store for so many years, this is the first time I have seen such ... casual guests.

Ordinary customers, because these diamonds are expensive, they are very careful in their movements, and they are afraid that they will be damaged.

No one like Han Qiqing, as if wearing only a fake diamond on his neck, he completely shook it away.

After Han Qiqing put it on, he turned the diamond from the back to the front.

"Mirror." She beckoned to the bun clerk.

The clerk looked back and quickly brought the mirror.

Han Qiqing looked into the mirror and praised himself, "It looks good! Is such a big diamond a diamond, what do you think?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the diamond on her neck, and it was really shining and beautiful.

"Well, it looks great."

Han Qiqing smiled deliberately and said, "Then I'll have this! Then pick a big one for you."

She was elated, and Zhang's father looked bitter.

This is the most expensive diamond necklace in his shop!

Moreover, she doesn't just want one, she has to pick another big one!

Father Zhang felt his heart bleed ...

Zhang Shuyao was mad at the side!

When the diamond necklace was first delivered to the store, she liked it too, and she coquettishly wanted it with her father several times, but her father refused to give her anything.

It's okay now, so these two people are cheap.

Although Zhang Shuyao knew his dad's intentions, he lost millions and millions of yuan in a blink of an eye. Is this too expensive?

She took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to rush up to **** the diamond necklace back.

Take a step back.

But accidentally hit someone.

"How did you walk!" Zhang Shuyao, in his anger, scolded, turning his head back, regardless of whether he was a guest or not.

When you look at the other person's purpose, they are not rich, and their anger is even worse.

"I tell you, if you don't apologize to me, don't try to walk out of this door!" She pointed at the other person's nose and sweared the harsh words.

The man raised an eyebrow, his face looked very bad, and asked, "Why should I apologize to you?"

Zhang Shuyao didn't really want an apology, but wanted to make him angry.

She pointed at him and said aggressively, "As soon as I look at you, you know that you are not a good person. You must be a thief, who do you want to steal from behind? Believe me, I'll call the security guard immediately? Search your body ,Are you scared?"

The man laughed suddenly, "I'm so scared."

"I'm afraid of you ..." Zhang Shuyao was about to be proud, and he sang the sound the next second, widening his eyes in fright, looking at the gun that hit her forehead.

The gun was pulled out of the man's pocket.

"Ah-" Zhang Shuyao yelled, but his mouth was blocked by the gun.

"Don't move, unless you want your head to bloom, I don't mind letting you taste it." The man laughed badly, and Murder had a killing in his eyes.

Zhang Shuyao could see that he was serious. He was so scared that his lips became white in a flash.

The people nearby were screaming at the sight.

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