Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1353: Mysterious Same Table (123)

In particular, the girls saw that the people inside were Yin Shaoyan, and they were so excited that they made screams of idiots.

"Shao Shao! Shao Shao is so handsome! If I could take a trip to his car, I would be willing to die!"

"Don't even think about it, you don't see who's sitting inside? That's Mu Xiaoxiao, Wu Shao's true goddess, Wu Shao for her, but she would rather give up the whole forest."

"Woo, why is Mu Xiaoxiao so lucky? It is envy, envy and hatred to be able to get the sincerity of Shao Shao!"

"Envy is useless, jealousy is useless, hate is even useless!"

"How can that be useful? I also want to have such a perfect boyfriend ..."


Bugatti parked in the parking lot, the door opened, Yin Shaojiu's long legs stepped out first, and he looked handsome and handsome in handsome casual clothes, like a beautiful scenery.

He got out of the car, walked around the co-pilot, pulled the door, and pulled out a delicate-faced girl.

"Little?" He called.

Mu Xiaoxiao took a moment to return to God, just looking into his eyes, "Ah?"

"Are you awake yet? I want you to rest more at home, you don't want to." Yin Shaoji asked, and her long fingers touched her delicate cheeks and froze.

She was eager to skip class, but today she offered to come.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "I'm awake, let's go."

She took his arm.

The two walked to the first high school building and wanted to separate. Yin Shaoji said to her, "Otherwise, you can go to the student union with me. You can do whatever you want in it, and you can sleep when you are tired."

"No, I'm a student, OK." Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help laughing.

Yin Shaojie pinched her cheek. "It's so rare, do you remember that you are a student?"

Mu Xiao nodded his head, and said with a smile, "I plan to do my best to fulfill the student's duties in the future, and be a good student, every day! I won't skip class anymore!"

Yin Shaojie looked at her a little unexpectedly, "Why are you so good?"

"Why, I was a good student, OK?" Mu Xiao looked at him angrily, pushed him and said, "Well, you go to the student union, I'm going to class, worship!"

Having said that, he jumped upstairs.

Entered the classroom.

Everyone looked at her in unison, and the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned a blind eye and went to his place to sit down.

After a while, Feng Tianqi also came. When she saw her, she complained, "Mu Xiaoxiao, where did you go yesterday? Is there anyone like you who is a student? You didn't come to class!"

He sat beside her with his butt, staring at her as if trying to interrogate the meaning.

Mu Xiaoxiao had to think of an excuse to perfuse him.

Suddenly, everyone in the classroom took a sharp breath, and then there was a noise.

"Oh my God! Why is he here?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was curious and looked at him with interest.

At the door, there was a stubborn, stubborn figure, carrying a schoolbag in his hand, and walking slowly in.

Mu Xiaoxiao is gone.


Why did he appear in Class S?

Jun Zeye also saw her, his eyes fell on her, and then slowly came towards her.

Mu Xiaoxiao was so aggressive that he blinked. Did he come to her?

I saw, Jun Zeye went to their seat, turned his eyes to Feng Tianqi's face, and said blankly, "This is my position."

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